Fire Service Instructor 1

Roles of an instructor

Administrator, Counselor/Adviser, Disciplinarian/Coach, Evaluator, Facilitator, Mentor, Presenter, Representative/Ambassador, Role Model, Supervisor

What are the different types of feedback?

Positive, Constructive, Corrective, Feedback

How do you deal with a difficult student?

LEAST- Leave alone, Eye contact, Action steps, Stops the class, Terminate

How to deliver discipline in the classroom?

Reminder, verbal reprimand, counseling session, removal of privileges, written warning, suspension, and removal

Qualities of a good instructor

Well prepared, enthusiastic, cares, positive feedback, talks with students not to or above them

Good behavior begins with?

Strict (fair rules) and regulations

Illegal activity or threatening others requires?

Immediate removal

Define andragogy

Process of learning focused on adults, how to teach them, the structure of the learning experience, etc.

Characteristics of an adult learner

Self-directed leaners, learns to achieve goal

Body language conveys between what percentages of the message?


Describe how to conduct a facilitated class.

Ensure that students groups are staying on track. Maintain focus on topic

Four teaching modes

Expository, inquiry, demonstration, activity

Expository teaching mode?

Lecture, videos, explanation

Inquiry teaching mode?

Asking questions, discussion

Demonstration teaching mode?

Experiments, exhibits, games

Activity teaching mode?

Role playing, projects

10% of learning?


20% of learning?


30% of learning?


40% of learning?

See and hear

70% of learning?


90% of learning?

Say and do

Millenium, Gen Y'er

0-20, independence, global concern, health conscious, cyber literate. Continuous learning is a way of life

Gen X'er

20-40, tech savvy, diverse, independent, skeptical, entrepreneurial. The more they learn, the more they stay

Baby Boomer

40-50, idealistic, competitive, question authority, "ME" generation. Train'em too much, and they leave.


60-70, patriotic, loyal, fiscally conservative, faith. "I learned it the hard way, you can too.

Learning should..

Create a lasting change in behavior. Result from practice or experience.

Edward Thorndike (S-R: stimulus-response)

Learning is the result of the individual forming an association between stimuli and responses.

Thorndikes 3 primary laws

Law of effect, readiness, & exercise

What type of "setup" of a training facility is the first impression that participants will have as they begin their session?

Physical setup

When greeting participants, how many minutes prior to the start of the program should be utilized?

15 minutes

What is one of the first steps in gaining leadership of the group?

Group norms

It is important to let students know what before starting their training?

Course outline, schedule, restroom location, & what's expected in the activities?

A potential solution to a participant who monopolizes discussions would be to do what?

Small groups, summarizing the student viewpoint, ask others for their input and ask student to wait until the break to ask questions

What is one way to minimize private conversations?

Ask the talking student a question.

One way of managing a disagreeable students is to summarize their viewpoint and?

Ask others for their viewpoints and opinions.

If the problematic behavior is repetitive or affects the entire training program, an instructor should what?


To effectively gain leadership of the training group, it's important to keep in mind what 2 keys to establishing and maintaining control?

Prevention and intervention.

When should you aim your immediate concerns of the listeners?

Your initial remarks

Research shows what percentage of what you SAY impacts your presentation?


What percentage of your presentation stems from how you present yourself vocally, facially, and postural?


One way to handle a question that you don't know the answer to is?

Present the question to the group to find the answer.

How long does it take during your training for participants to decide how they perceive you and what role they expect to play during class?

30 minutes

One way to lose grip on your leadership (control of the group) is to lose control of what?


An effective way to reach a participant who is hostile or withdrawn is to?

Connect on a personal level.

Setting positive group norms through what can go a long way towards preventing negative situations from arising within your training program?

Opening exercise

What is the key to handling problematic behavior?

Not to take it personally.

What is the 6-6 rule?

No more than 6 lines per slide and 6 words per line.

How can you alleviate instructor boredom?

Have flexible lesson plans, focus on participants, observe other instructors in the same course and not maintaining same locations.

What are the 3 evaluation types at the learning level?

Oral, written, and skills.

Formative evaluations includes what?

Ongoing.. conducted throughout the course and to change or adapt program accordingly.

Good behavior begins with what?

Strict rules and regulations.

It is best for chairs/tables to not be in what manner in order for them to be rearranged if necessary?

Not to be locked down.

KilPatricks' 4 levels in evaluations are?

Reaction, learning, transfer, and results.

Media is a good way to smoothly do what?

Transition to next topic.

Myers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI) is used for what?

Assess and categorize learning style.

When using media, make sure you provide what?

Proper lighting for note taking.

What is the best way to avoid behavior issues in the classroom?

Anticipating the behavior and preventing it.

What does it mean to facilitate?

Make easier.

Visual aids are used to?

Emphasize, organize, and clarify.

What are some examples of visual learners?

Videos, slides, & models.

What is a trait of a good instructor?

Genuinely caring about the student.

What is not part of the physical to facilitate a classroom?

Qualified instructor

What not to worry about while using PowerPoint?

60/40 words to blank space method

Where should you address a problematic student?

In private

What should you do when giving corrective feedback?

Be descriptive

When differences of opinions surface, it is your job as an instructor to do what?


What is key when speaking to the class?

Maintain eye contact

What is NFPA 1041?

Fire Instructor Professional Qualifications

What KirkPatricks' level is employed at work?


What KirkPatricks' level is the hardest?

Results (ROI?)

What KirkPatricks' level is first?


Which KirkPatricks' level is most used?


Which KirkPatricks' level is seen at work?


What are the 4 elements that needs to be proven in order to be considered negligent?

Duty to act, Breach of duty, Injury, and cause (causation)

Probably the most common seating arrangement in the world is?


Which of the following is not a step to increasing receptivity to your leadership?

Encourage agreement

Although the actual design of your presentation may vary widely from one course to the next, what principles apply to all presentations regardless of content or structure?


A presenter must avoid what type of terms that might confuse people or prevent your overall message from being understood?


Mixing groups of students will allow what?

Allow for a broad range of opinions

When promoting team learning, the first consideration is what?

Size and composition

Which one of the following is not one of the four tips for making sure that the group understands your directions?

List important terms

When a program is about to conclude, participants are often reluctant to ask questions or express concerns because they may appear to be what?

Delaying the program's conclusion

What type of information should be provided prior to an explanation?


You should pause during your presentation partly because most people only take notes at a speed of what?

20 words per minute

Most trainers speak at about how many words per minute?

100 to 200

Students retain what percentage of what is said to them in the first 10 minutes?


Participants should be given a chance every how many minutes to internalize what they have been hearing?

8 minutes

Kinesthetic learners learn mainly by what involvement in activity?


Active training is not a bunch of what?

Fun and games


Opinionated and likes to dominate class discussions

Voice of Experience

Displays knowledge to everyone by using big words, lots of statistics, even occasional name dropping.

How many categories of problematic students?


Mnemonic to deal with problematic students

LEAST- Leave it alone, eye contact, action steps, stop the class, terminate

When giving corrective feedback...

Be descriptive, be specific, be private

Teaching is what?

Both an art and science

First step to introduce the subject matter?

Your credentials, experience, knowledge

Body language conveys more than what percent of communication?


Auditory learners

Learn best by hearing information, via discussion, listening and verbalizing

Visual learners

Learn best by seeing information

Transfer (KirkPatrick)

Assesses how much of the material the student retains and actually uses in the work environment, 6 weeks to 6 months


The most difficult to measure

Formative evaluation

Ongoing evaluation of the students and in the end (summative)