Management in the Fire Service

Of the following, which should NOT be used as a resource in planning?

Hearsay conversations from a development department

What should provide the foundation for establishing and maintaining a competent and well-trained force?

personnel standards

When should community relations be practiced?


The key word "safety" should remind you of which guideline?

Fire and Life Safety Education Guideline

Which keyword is used for the Preincident Planning and Related Loss Reduction Functions Guideline?


When should leadership guidelines be considered?

every decision affecting stakeholders

Which of the following would NOT be of assistance on a hazardous materials call?

structural engineer

Which leadership guideline should always be considered along with the fire service-specific guideline for personnel management?


An efficient accounting system provides three functions for the department: keeping records of funds received and expended and:

providing data for analysis.

What role, regardless of the department's size, always has a direct line to the chief?


There are how many important aspects to a well-developed plan?


To begin making a habit of using the guidelines, what should be committed to memory?

The essence of the guidelines
is wrong
a key word from each guideline

The managerial technique where a fire fighter receives orders from only one officer is known as:

unity of command

Fire _________ is fundamental to good management because it identifies actions the fire department can take to lessen the number and severity of fires in the future.


The fire service guidelines can be accurately described as:


Usually, when making a fireground decision, how many guidelines will be considered?

Just a fraction of the guidelines will be considered.

What is an appropriate number of times to consult the guidelines when working toward a desired outcome?

As often as necessary to keep the guidelines in mind

Running a modern fire department, like any ongoing operation, involves three major areas: personnel management, leadership/supervision of staff, and:

fiscal management

Who should fire officers consider as their customers?

the public

How often, during an incident, should the guidelines be consulted?

as often as the situation demands

What term is used in this text to describe all fire officers who have supervisory responsibilities, as well as those charged with management functions?


There are how many leadership guidelines?


There are two important aspects to a good plan. The first is the plan; what is the second?

The process by which the plan is developed

What is vital to a fire department's ability to protect the public?

A positive public image

The operating budget is also known as the:

expense budget.

Trying to eliminate waste in the department would fall under which guideline?

Management of Physical Resources Guideline

Using the two sets of guidelines gives every decision the benefit of being viewed from:

another's perspective
is wrong
two perspectives?

Which of the following is NOT an example of a budget used by fire departments?

purchasing budget

Which leadership guideline should be considered for all fire service decisions?

is wrong

Why has the list of services fire services perform grown so much in recent years?

To meet the needs of the public

Which guideline deals with the work environment, providing all members of the department fair and equitable intangible and tangible rewards for their efforts?

Fire Service Personnel Management Guideline

Along with being able to quickly adapt to changing conditions at a fire scene, fire officers also have to be equally rapid in adapting to changes in the _________ environment.

is wrong

A benefit of memorizing just a key word is:

it can convey the essence of the guideline.

During size-up and attack, what fire service guideline should be used?

incident command guideline

The key word "prevention" should remind you of which guideline?

Fire Prevention and Code Enforcement Guideline

Non-firefighting functions and the reporting relationship of the fire department to other government bodies are specified by local, state, or provincial:


Should the guidelines be modified?

to better fit your situation and your personal leadership

Which NFPA standard gives guidance for incident reporting and fire protection data?

NFPA 901

How does NFPA 1201 refer to a modern fire department?


Which NFPA standard is titled Standard for Professional Qualifications for Public Fire and Life Safety Educator?

NFPA 1035
is wrong
1201? wrong
it's not 901

Which of the following is NOT a leadership guideline?


Comparing the key achievements of departments of similar size and quality of service in similar situations is known as what?


It is important to emphasize that the fire service-specific guidelines are _________-specific.

is wrong

An effective record-keeping system includes hardware, software, and:

reporting procedures

What is the key to sound planning?


In situation, how many guidelines would you consider?

those that are relevant

Who is responsible for the work climate within their area of responsibility?

everyone in the function?**

What effect will the use of the two-part system of guidelines have on fire officers' decisions?

They should make better decisions.

In good communications, not only should everyone get the information they need, but also:


What is the first step to incorporate the guidelines into your thinking?

Develop the habit of regularly thinking about them.

Goals and objectives should be realistic, challenging, and:


In emergency situations, the evaluation and selection of alternative strategies should be based on specific, _________ information.


What was the penalty Bay Colony leaders first imposed on settlers if they had a chimney fire?

a fine of 10 shillings

Where should the command post be established?

A quiet place outside the primary action area

The three primary strategic goals in fighting any fire are ensuring the safety and protection of both civilians and emergency response personnel at risk, preserving property, and:

considering community consequences.

At the turn of the 20th century, new multistory buildings of steel and concrete were referred to as what kind of buildings?

Class A buildings

How should any notations to forms be made?

In red pen or pencil

Which codes and ordinances hold the greatest interest for fire fighters and officers?


What is defined as "any fire service activity that decreases the incidence of uncontrolled fire"?

fire prevention

What helps operational forces to work together effectively and efficiently, regardless of how many people, agencies, or communities are involved?

Incident command system

Effective _________ are essential for smooth management of an emergency incident.

effective communications

Who is responsible for the direction and control of operations and, in more complex situations, for all elements of the incident?

the ic

Should officers adjust their decision-making practice?

Yes, as needed to meet the needs of the situation.

In general, the wise approach to resources is to do what?

Have what is needed, or might be needed, on hand.

Which of the following is NOT a part of ICS command structure?


Which of the following objectives for inspections is frequently overlooked?

Finding appropriate risk management for personnel safety

The generally accepted priorities for strategy are: life safety, incident stabilization, property conservation, and:

community considerations

From its studies of the San Francisco disaster and other major fires, the National Board of Fire Underwriters become convinced of a need for what?

More detailed, comprehensive standards and codes for the construction, design, and maintenance of buildings

What activity makes up the bulk of fire prevention activities?


The ICS was originally developed as a result of:

wildfires in southern California.

Who can best utilize 360-degree communications?


In implementing the National Incident Management System (NIMS), who can provide training to assist the various groups in meeting their needs?

The Department of Homeland Security

An important benefit of credentialing training is:

employee management becomes less complicated.
mutual aid compacts can be assured they will receive appropriately trained personnel in times of emergency.

Communications to everyone involved, up, down, and sideways, is called:

360-degree communications.

Strategy alternatives consider primarily the allocation and deployment of:


Various state, local, and fire district regulations delegate the responsibility and authority for fire prevention to whom?

the fire chief

A document, the main text of which contains only mandatory provisions, using the word "shall" to indicate requirements, is known as a:


Under the standardized ICS that NIMS requires, who is in charge of the initial game plan?

the first-arriving company officer

What is the first step in performing an inspection?

Receiving permission to conduct the inspection
it's going over the records or smthg like that

When is the proper time to take disciplinary steps?

post incident

Fire prevention assignments in the past were thought of as:

a "plum" assignment.
a waiting room for retirement?

What concept illustrates how an order or message can be made appropriate to the receiver's level of knowledge or skill?

ladder of abstractions

What addresses the basic plan for effectively dealing with the situation as it presents itself and as it changes?


What are the JPRs?

job performance requirements

What organizations are required to follow NIMS?

all emergency operations

Fire investigation is done to determine all of the following EXCEPT:

the person responsible for the fire.

What do you call the methods used to implement the objectives?


In many communities, who performs routine inspections on a regular basis?

fire suppression personnel

Attacking an emergency involves decisions regarding three areas: ________, tactical objectives, and tactics.

strategic goals

On what foundation are fire prevention programs and activities based?

standards and codes

Inspection, code enforcement, and fire safety education can all be classified as:

fire prevention activities

The three key skills of communicating are: listening, probing, and:


Inspections, violation identification, and penalties are referred to as:

code enforcement

What is the basic objective of the American Insurance Association?

To promote the economic, legislative, and public standing of its participating insurance companies

Which NFPA standard provides complete details about fire inspector qualifications?

NFPA 1031

What is the first step in commanding a response to an emergency situation?

Defining the problem

What is a standard that contains extensive provisions covering broad subject matter or that is suitable for adoption into law?


In Canada, what organization is responsible at the national level for fire safety enforcement in all nonmilitary government properties and for gathering national fire statistics?

Human Resources Development Canada

Fire inspection information can be best used for what purpose?

Preincident planning

How is the amount time allowed for an owner to correct a violation determined?

The technical inspector or company officer determines the time frame.

The planning process in fire departments:

is as diverse as the number of fire departments.

The NFPA was organized by 18 men drawn primarily from what industry?


Who issued the National Fire Codes?


What fire service function goes beyond making people aware of fire department activities and arms them with ways to prevent fires, save lives, and minimize damage?

Public fire and life safety education

Which budget would be used for the planned expenditures for acquisition or renovation of facilities and equipment?

capital budget

Which president issued the directives to create a standardized incident management system?

George Bush

Which phrase best describes the economic activities involved in the operation of a fire department?

fiscal management

Which of the following is NOT a safeguard to help avoid misunderstood communications?

Use fire-specific terminology.

Which leadership guideline is concerned with every stakeholder achieving and/or maintaining a highly satisfying work climate?


What distinguishes an effective team from a work group that depends on detailed instructions from its leader?


In the United States, the federal government advances understanding of fire by:

conducting a majority of the training for fire fighters.

What is the name for a formal process for providing advice and guidance?


Emergency situations involving _________ are traditionally the most important of all the responsibilities of a fire department.


Information compiled when local fire problems were identified can be used as ____________ to evaluate the effectiveness of the fire and life safety education program.

baseline data

Who is responsible for correcting any water supply problems that are found?

water utility company

What is the most common prescribed length for pilot tests?

There is no recommended length of time for pilot tests.

Which of the following is NOT a basic reason for investigating fires?

To determine who is responsible for causing the fire

NFPA Standard 170 provides guidance on:

fire safety symbols

In creating a preincident plan, which is the most important aspect to consider?

The site's size, complexity, and special hazards are equally important in developing a detailed plan.

Why are many well-intentioned programs unsuccessful?

The message and the medium are not appropriate for the target audience.

What has been the government's direct action regarding fire and life safety?

Issuing requirements

Who developed and implemented the Community Emergency Response Team program?

FEMA wrong
Los Angeles Fire Department

Who should be involved in preincident planning?

All first-due companies and special hazard teams

According to the NFPA, there are how many different levels of fire and life safety educators?


Fire and life safety education is designed to (1) increase awareness of human actions that can lead to fire-related injuries or fatalities, (2) lead to the development of the skills and knowledge needed to prevent fires, and, in some places:

prepare for natural disasters.

The media can play two distinct roles in support of local fire safety education. They can deliver public fire safety education messages, and:

provide publicity to keep the fire department's mission in the public eye.

A standard symbol of a square with the letters FP inside it would indicate what on a building layout?

fire pump room

Which of the following is NOT a fact that must be established for an arson case?

The suspect, or an agent of the suspect, had the desire to cause the fire.
The fire caused actual charring or destruction.

What is the best description of what is included in a preincident plan?

Key matters that would influence a potential attack

For public fire safety education messages to be most effective, how should the material be disseminated?

In a steady flow over a period of time

Computers mounted on the firefighting apparatus ready for immediate use are called:

onboard computers

Who developed the program Fire Is Everyone's Fight�?


When should the size-up start?

En route with the facts already known from the preincident plans

How does the investigation of a suspicious fire usually begin?

With a search for evidence of the way the fire started

Although many states offer fire safety education programs, these programs are unlikely to be used without:

leadership from local fire departments.

Which of the following has ALWAYS been a part of preincident plans?

Evacuation routes
hydrant locations

Fire departments' interest in fire and life safety education increased in:


What type of organizations may require or encourage community service, so fire prevention coordinators may be able to use them as assistants in the program?

boy scouts and girl scouts

The Risk Watch program was directed toward what demographic?

Children in preschool through grade 8

Who should participate in the survey process?

Preincident planners
fire inspectors

In 1994, what did the Federal Emergency Management Agency begin promoting?

Community Emergency Response Team

Why is it important that as long as fire fighters are at the scene, the fire department retains control of the property?

Chain of custody claims can be dismissed.
They can work without interruption.

In the National Commission on Fire Prevention and Control survey of fire service personnel in the early 1970s, what percentage thought there was a need for greater education of the public in fire and life safety?


A fire department or company that is formulating a preincident planning program should probably begin with:

prioritizing the sites that need to have a preincident plan.

Fire service officers must have a thorough knowledge of water supplies and systems, as detailed in __________, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications.

NFPA 1021

What is the concern about having the plan containing too much information?

It becomes overly complicated and harder to use.

What is one of the most powerful tools a fire department has for a complex incident?

A preincident plan

A preincident plan usually consists of a building layout and:

a data sheet or building survey form.

How can the effectiveness of a program be monitored?

Comparing the number of people who live in the community to the number of people who participate in the program
Watching incident trends in the community being served

What organization maintains the National Fire Incident Reporting System?

U.S. Fire Administration

Between 2010 and 2012, what percentage of fire deaths was in residential fires?


What is the most common fire extinguishing agent?


What acronym can be used to categorize the features of any property?


How often should every hydrant be checked?

once a year

Preincident plans for single- and two-family dwellings and other small occupancies usually consist of just route information and:

locations of the nearest hydrants.

What is the purpose of a preincident plan?

To enable fire department personnel to carry out their roles in all situations

Which demographic would be the target for a program titled Remembering When: A Falls and Fire Prevention Program?

older adults

If, during a preincident planning visit, the fire officer notices a fire safety code violation, what should he or she do?

Notify the fire prevention staff.

______________ is a fire protection duty as important as the comprehensive investigation.

The accurate reporting of the investigation

Historically, when did people become conscious of the need for fire safety?

Whenever a spectacular fire grabbed the headlines

What is the maximum size a group should be for setting goals and objectives before setting up subgroups or committees?

6 or 7

Which is a suggested strategy to reach home-schooled children?

Advertise and hold special sessions at the fire station.

Which audience does Campus Firewatch� target?

college students

In a line-item budget, one benefit is:

being able to see where the line-item money is being sourced from.
target expenses

Except in the case of a fire district or an independent fire company, the fire department budget is a portion of what?

the municipal budget

Officers must be aware of maintenance procedures for:

all equipment

Three issues need to be considered if relocation or construction of a new fire station is necessary: location, _________, and funding.


Excessive spending and even significant underspending are signs of:

shortcomings in a department's administrative competence.

The type of apparatus that is most appropriate for a district is determined by size and type of district and:

the hazards in the district.

Equipment requirements are dictated by:

the NFPA.
the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule.

Which type of budget has the advantage of providing management with a control tool that allows adjustments to be made when they are desirable or necessary to achieve departmental goals?

operational budget

A good budget should make what easier?


What is considered the most effective means of funding government operations?

A broad-based system of taxation

________is the time that elapses between detection of the fire and transmission of the alarm to the fire station.

alarm time

The list of equipment specified in NFPA 1901 and NFPA 1906 should be considered:

a standard
a list of what should be on truck

What is needed to get the most value from each physical resource?

preventative maintenance

There are two aspects to justifying the expense of an item: showing the need for the item and:

showing why the requested funds are the best way to satisfy the need.

Grants through the Assistance to Firefighters Grant usually require what?

A matching percentage of funds

______require competitive bidding to assure that the lowest possible price is received.

bid law

What is the proper name for the facilities, apparatus, equipment, and expendable supplies needed to conduct operations?

physical resources

__________ allow for the information from emergencies to be received and transmitted more quickly to fire units in stations.

Computer-aided dispatching programs

Soliciting ideas and opinions from various groups within the department will help to ensure that the budget:

will be widely supported in the department.
remains focused on the priority of fire protection in the community.

Variances in budgets can be expected to happen how often?


Additional funding for firefighting operations in rural areas is available through what group?

dept of ag

What does RFP stand for?

Requests for proposals

Which of the following is NOT an example of special-equipment vehicles?

Trucks that carry extra hose and nozzles
ladder trucks

The yearly period that a budget reflects is called:

fiscal year

How are most fire department resources purchased?

public funds

The Fire Suppression Rating Schedule considers three basic elements: receiving and handling alarms, the fire department, and __________.

the water supply

What can keep the radio frequencies free for necessary fireground communications?

Mobile data terminals

Who is responsible for requesting funding for a fire department?

The chief fire officer

What kind of analysis compares the quantity of the various equipment items with what is perceived to be needed but also evaluate their age and operational effectiveness?

Fire risk and community fire defense analyses

What is the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule also known as?

Both the Grading Schedule and the Rating Schedule

Where should central communications equipment be located?

In the operations room

What administrative tool can also be a communications link, joining the department with the public and officials?

Posted minutes of meetings

The operating budget is sometimes called the:

expense budget.

Which type of budget allocates funds to functions?


A ________ lists planned expenditures for items that have a useful life of more than one year.

capital budget

A benefit of government bonds to the purchaser is:

they have some level of tax-free status.

For built-up areas, where should an engine company be located?

Within one and a half miles

Why would departments compare budget allotments, from year to year, with actual expenditures and resources?

As a step in controlling expenses

The most important question to ask about apparatus management is:

Is it possible that a life might be lost without a new piece of apparatus?

Prior to seeking funding for a major expense, what might a department do?

Talk to the municipal administration.

How many basic elements does the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule include?


How do departments decide what should be in an expense budget or a capital budget?

By acquisition schedule
dollar amount

What is the primary consideration of the location of a fire station?

Response time

The most valuable resources in any fire department are its _________ and its people.


When higher tax rates become inadvisable, how can budgets be met?

Scale back capital budgets.
Make smaller budgets.

The ISO schedule provides _________ on the number of apparatus needed.


What does the term auxiliary equipment refer to?

Additional equipment that is used in the station and carried on the apparatus

Ensuring the adequacy of a department's physical resources is primarily the responsibility of:

the department's top management.

During which phase of budgeting would fire department managers review past budgets to see how well the estimated outlays compared to the actual expenditures?


In the past, fire departments struggled to fill leadership positions with properly trained professionals, leading to:

a high rate of turnover.

The speed with which personnel�paid, off-duty, and volunteer�can report for duty is called:


Fire and life safety education is likely to be part of a fire department's traditional fire prevention effort:

in many communities.

One of the most critical elements of the taxation system is:

a focus on the taxpayers' point of view.

During hospital, nursing home, and group home inspections, it is a good time to deliver what to the management and staff?

Fire and life safety messages

Information compiled when local fire problems were identified can be used as ____________ to evaluate the effectiveness of the fire and life safety education program.

baseline data

Nothing is more important to the success of educational efforts than:

competent and dedicated instructors.

Today's fire service has taken on a new identity, that of a:


The time it takes for the apparatus and on-duty personnel to travel from the station to the fire is the:

response time

Personnel costs, including direct compensation and benefits, commonly are what percentage of the total expenditures of a full-time paid fire department?


What kind of fire officer will conduct research to stay abreast of the latest technological developments?

Competent fire officers

Who should be targeted with a comprehensive fire and life safety education program?

All members of the community

Senior citizens are a good audience for fire and life safety educational programs because:


Information in a diamond shape on a preincident plan shows:

water flow control valves and water savers.

Grading reports obtained under the ISO grading schedule are used to:

establish fire insurance base rates for the properties under the fire department's protection.

In the past, many employers made workers sign a pledge stating that they would not join a union as long as they were employed by the company called:

yellow-dog contract

A number of departments are moving away from multiple-choice written examinations as the sole criterion for promotion and are instead moving toward:

assessment centers.

How should administrative practices and procedures relating to salary administration be communicated?

in writing

Which NFPA standard contains requirements for the selection, employment, and promotion of fire service personnel?


Before 1932, how were labor relations problems resolved?

in the courts

The key to avoiding problems concerning social media is:

maintaining an aware and informed user population among fire department members.

During an interview, why should some questions be the same for all the candidates?

To assess skills according to comparable criteria

For effective operation, hiring, promotion, and training, one must consider all aspects of:

career development.

What federal program can assist volunteer fire departments with recruiting?

Fire Corps

How would a department that is subject to civil service regulations recruit new candidates?

civil service roster

Which of the following is NOT one of the three general areas of personnel management?

financial activities

The FLSA sets the average workweek at _____ hours per week for fire fighters working 24-hour shifts.


In the final contract from a negotiation, _________ clauses reserve management's right to make decisions in any area not specifically covered by the agreement and stipulate in detail those areas that are solely the rights of management.

management right's

When new employees do not have to join the union to gain employment, however, any employees who voluntarily join the union must maintain their membership for the duration of the contract, this is an example of which provision?

maintenance of membership

Which of the following questions would NOT be considered discriminatory?

Can you perform all job duties

What term generally pertains to the policies that an employer establishes, often in consultation with employees, to retain employees and provide a satisfying work environment?

human relations

It is said that "effective discipline comes from good _________.


Which act gave unions the right to gain recognition through striking, picketing, and boycotting, without interference from the courts?


What type of pay increase compensates employees on the basis of individual performance and output and allows an employee to receive an increase that is related directly to performance?

merit basis

Who is responsible for ensuring detailed communications on performance evaluation to satisfy the important principle of fairness?

Designated personnel officers
company officers

The clauses in the contract that define the bargaining unit and recognize the union as the agent (third party) that represents the employees in that unit are known as:

union security clauses

What would determine if existing volunteer members of the fire department could get extra credit during the entrance examination process?

state law

The fire service is experiencing a growth in the number of what type of fire departments?


Which laws guarantee that workers cannot be compelled, as a condition of employment, to join or not join, or to pay dues to, a labor union?


Which contract term also concerns the extent to which officers can help satisfy employees' tangible and psychological needs?

working conditions

If there is a dispute between management and the union concerning the bargaining unit, who would settle it?

the courts

There are two segments to many volunteer organizations: the administrative segment and the __________ segment.


Even though many aspects of training are personnel functions, in most fire departments, basic job training is the responsibility of:

line officer

Which president signed the executive order that allowed government employees to unionize?


What is the first step in recruiting, selecting, and hiring a new employee?

identifying applicants

A series of beliefs, acts, and activities that sets the tone and direction for an ethical life and career is known as:

a moral compass

How often are company officers asked to interview candidates?


To obtain as much information about the candidate as possible, the interviewer should:

ask leading questions

What is the term for any repeated, intentional behavior directed at an employee that is intended to degrade, humiliate, embarrass, or otherwise undermine his or her performance?


The __________ Act defined unfair labor practices and gave the NLRB the power to hold hearings, investigate unfair practices, and issue decisions.


When employers must deduct dues from the wages of employees and remit them to the union, this an example of which provision?

the check-off

Which job evaluation method defines factors that are present in all jobs, with different degrees of each factor identified, and point values assigned to each degree in order of relative importance?

point system

Which procedure is so important to contracts that any agreement with a federal agency that does not contain such a clause is in violation of President Nixon's order?


Why is handling of a complaint at the earliest possible time the best strategy?

It prevents dissatisfaction from building.

The latest OSHA regulations state that any fire department that fully complies with _________ is OSHA compliant.

NFPA 1500

How often is NFPA 1500, Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program, updated?

5 years

Who administers the Family and Medical Leave Act for most federal employees?

dept of labor

____________ are used to record the facts and information obtained during the job analysis process.

Job evaluations
job descriptions

New fire fighters are usually subject to a _________ period.


The federal Family and Medical Leave Act applies to all public agencies, all public and private elementary and secondary schools, and companies with ______ or more employees.


Which of the following acts was struck down by the Supreme Court?

National Industrial Recovery Act

In what year did the International Association of Fire Fighters drop its 50-year-old rule prohibiting strikes?


An affirmative action plan contains reasonable self-analysis, reasonable basis, and reasonable _______.


Labor relations involve a bilateral, formal decision-making process in all matters affecting employees called:

collective bargaining.

In unionized organizations, what is the result of bargaining known as?

Collaborative agreement
collective bargaining agreement

How often do state EMS program require technicians to be recertified?

2 years
varies by state

What is another way to describe the combination of knowledge and skills required by a position?


What can fire officers do to assess a community's current and future needs for specialized services?

Review the community's records and determine what has occurred in the past.

How much time do good fire departments devote to drills and training work?

part of every day

What is the purpose of emergency medical services?

To save lives and reduce human suffering

Because they easily follow the presentation, the learners assume that they fully understand what is being presented. This is known as:

the paradox of clear explanations

Specific response planning is:

essential to a successful conclusion to an incident.
recommended to meet NFPA standards.

What defines the goals, objectives, and respective responsibilities of both the learner and the instructor?

the training dynamic
a learning contract

Which members of the fire service organization are affected by training?


Who issues regulations for personnel protection for incidents involving hazardous materials and hazardous waste?


Which NFPA standard gives guidance on the professional competence of responders to hazardous materials/weapons of mass destruction incidents?


To be as prepared as possible for the unexpected, fire departments should establish and maintain contact with all relevant groups:

every few months

Which of the following is NOT a reason the fire department receives calls for non-fire emergencies?

Many departments advertise their availability to respond.

The modern model for EMS systems has been evolving since the:

mid 1960s

For new knowledge to be meaningful, instructors must present it in terms that are _________ to the learner.


How do small departments that lack budgets for full-time training staffs train their new fire fighters?

By sending their new fire fighters to state or regional fire fighter training programs

Practice is more valuable if it is delivered:

over several periods of time

Is the order of presenting materials important?

Yes, to build a learning foundation

Once instructors have an instructional technique that works for them, what should they do?

expand it
continue to perfect it

What is the last, and some might say the most important, phase of the learning experience?


For more than 200 years, fire departments considered themselves to be _________ organizations.


What is the term used in Canada to describe the substances called hazardous materials in the United States?

dangerous goods

What is the best way to generate fire department function guidelines?

By replicating best practices in the service
With appropriate participation from relevant stakeholders

If the learning process is to proceed without interruption, instructors should adjust the _________ of the presentation and program to match the learner's ability to absorb new concepts.


Who is responsible for setting the basic standards of fire training?

state govts

A team needs more than skilled individuals to be successful; it needs:


What is the primary reason for providing airport rescue and firefighting services?

saving lives

Generally, the first responder's role can be divided into three levels of service: basic medical care and rescue and extrication, basic life support (BLS), and:

advanced life support (ALS).

What is an appropriate atmosphere for learning?


Fire fighters much more readily accept routine drills when:

they are performed as a part of an interesting learning experience.

Which instructional technique has learners acting out specific roles that are assigned to them?


Department personnel should be familiar with NFPA _______ in order to properly conduct training operations.


_________ influence the way a task is seen and the attitude with which it is approached.


In general, who certifies fire personnel as either EMTs or paramedics?

state authorities

Who establishes the policies and procedures within which paramedic services are obliged to operate?

The services' medical director

What is the second phase in the learning experience?


What national agency created the mandatory national training program?

there is no mandatory national program

In an aircraft emergency, where are the opportunities for saving lives usually greatest?

When the emergency occurs at or near an airport

In the United States, when did some fire departments begin providing first aid and medical rescue services to the public?

in the 1920s

What was the first law to protect the environment in the United States?

The Federal Water Pollution Control Act

How long have fire departments provided rescue services?


Lapses can be avoided only by:

continuous training and repeated drill.

Which NFPA standard addresses technical search and rescue incidents?


_______ are basically descriptions of real or imaginary situations that vary from single paragraphs or brief verbal statements to detailed books.

case studies

What accounts for the growth in the numbers and importance of rescuing people trapped in motor vehicles?

The volume of automobile traffic is rising.

How do today's fire departments perceive their community's citizens?

as customers

Who provides tailored training to enhance the capacity of states and local jurisdictions to safely and effectively prevent, deter, and respond to incidents involving terrorism and weapons of mass destruction?

The Federal Emergency Management Agency

Which of the following is NOT a concept of learning?

The ladder of familiarity

One major disadvantage of conferences is:

that they require a highly skilled instructor.

What are the least expensive and most readily available instructional techniques?

lectures and explanations

Every department should have an office of personnel staffed by how many people?

Not only are there no minimum staffing levels, there is no need to for every department to have a dedicated, full-time personnel staff.

What is the term for any substance that poses a threat to waterways and the environment when it is released into the atmosphere or into a body of water?

hazardous substance

By its very nature, the fire service is a(n) _________ organization.


What is often one of the most neglected aspects of a hazardous material response?

Ensuring that fire fighters exposed to the hazardous materials undergo a complete medical evaluation

What usually initiates new contract negotiations?

The expiration of the current contract

What is the NFPA standard on live fire training evolutions?


In a union, who occupies the same position as a fire officer, relative to his or her department?

the steward

What kinds of efforts have long been a part of the fire department's role in preventing exposure to toxic substances and fire incidents involving hazardous materials?

code enforcement

Who formally investigates allegations of harassment?

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Every member of the fire service must complete what course to operate within the National Incident Management System program?

is 700

The respective rights of unions and management are codified in a contract. How are the relations in nonunion organizations usually spelled out?

In an employee handbook

Candidates for volunteer positions are screened:

for a position, just like in a career department.

The main reason for difference in the manner in which training is delivered to career and volunteer fire departments is that:

volunteer staff needs to set aside specific times in the evenings or weekends for training.

Which document should spell out each agency's roles and responsibilities during a disaster?

The disaster plan

In many volunteer fire departments, who assists the department in reviewing and developing rules and regulations?

The municipal leadership

After the knowledge and skills a person or team needs have been identified, what is the next step in the training process?

setting goals

__________ is the best way to eliminate harassment in the workplace.


Tasks involving making policy recommendations, playing a role in handling employee grievances (particularly in nonunion organizations), and consulting with line managers on disciplinary actions are all examples of which general area of personnel administr

advisory activities

Fire officers can gain valuable assistance with problems related to marine pollutants by contacting whom?

coast guard

What does the term "closed shop" refer to?

An operation where everyone must belong to a union

Which law mandated not just a response plan, but also a safety officer?

Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Operations Regulation