Herbs 3 Tonify Qi

Tonify Qi Herb Functions

1. middle jiao Qi Xu
-poor appetite, fatigue, diarrhea, loose stool, pale swollen tongue with tooth marks, weak pulse
2. LU Qi Xu
-SOB, low weak voice, spontaneous sweating, getting sick often and easily
3. HT Qi Xu
-palpitation, irregular heartbeat

Ren Shen Latin

Ginseng Radix

Ren Shen Functions

1. Tonify Qi
-rescues original Qi
2. Tonifies/generates body fluids (Yin)

which Tonify Qi herb rescues original Qi?

Ren Shen

Ren Shen ID

which Tonify Qi herb is the strongest at tonifying Qi?

Ren Shen

Ren Shen Tastes & Properties

slightly bitter
slightly warm

Xi Yang Shen Latin

Panacis quinquefolii Radix

Xi Yang Shen ID

Xi Yang Shen Functions

1. Tonify Qi (weaker than Ren Shen)
2. Tonifies/generates body fluids (stronger than Ren Shen)

Xi Yang Shen Tastes & Properties

slightly bitter
slightly cold

which Tonify Qi herb is stronger than Ren Shen at tonifying/generating body fluids?

Xi Yang Shen

Dang Shen Latin

Codonopsis Radix

Dang Shen ID

Dang Shen Functions

1. Tonify Qi
-primarily middle jiao and LU Qi
-slightly tonifies body fluid

Dang Shen dosage


Dang Shen Tastes & Properties


Bai Zhu Latin

Atractylodis macrocephalae Rhizoma

Bai Zhu ID

Bai Zhu Tastes & Properties


Bai Zhu Functions

1. tonifies Qi
-general Qi, middle jiao, LU
specialty: tonifies Wei Qi
2. promotes urination
-useful for water retention edema due to SP Qi Xu
3. calms fetus movements
-prevents potential miscarriage

which Tonify Qi herbs tonify Wei Qi?

Bai Zhu
Huang Qi

which Tonify Qi herb is good for water retention edema due to SP Qi Xu?

Bai Zhu

how can you cook Bai Zhu to increase its function of tonifying middle jiao Qi?

stir frying

which tonify Qi herb calms fetus movements?

Bai Zhu

which Tonify Qi herbs promote urination?

Bai Zhu
Huang Qi

Gan Cao Latin

Glycyrrhizae Radix

Gan Cao ID

Gan Cao Tastes & Properties

neutral (unprepared)
warm (dry-fried)

Gan Cao Function

1. tonifies Qi
- LU, middle jiao,
2. harmonizing
-because sweet, #1 herb to harmonize other herb functions
3. clears heat toxicity
-skin issues
-sore throat

Gan Cao Incompatible Herbs

Hai Zao
Da Ji
Gan Sui
Yuan Hua

which Tonify Qi herb clears heat toxicity?

Gan Cao

which Tonify Qi herb tonifies HT Qi?

Gan Cao

which Tonify Qi herb is used to harmonize the functions of other herbs?

Gan Cao

Gan Cao dosage

1.5-3 for harmonizing
3-10 for tonify Qi or clear heat toxicity

Tai Zi Shen Latin

Pseudostellariae Radix

Tai Zi Shen ID

Tai Zi Shen Tastes & Properties

slightly bitter
neutral (slightly cold)

Tai Zi Shen Dosage

10-30g (bigger bc weaker)

Tai Zi Shen Functions

1. tonify Qi
-middle jiao + LU
2. Generates body fluids
similar to but weaker than Ren Shen

Huang Qi Latin

Astragali Radix

Huang Qi ID

Huang Qi Tastes & Properties

slightly warm

Huang Qi preparations

prepare with honey to make neutral and reduce any side effects; called 'Zhi Huang Qi'

Huang Qi Functions

1. Tonify Qi
specialty: tonifies Wei Qi
(good for sealing pores)
-middle jiao Qi
-reliably goes upward; treats Qi Xu related Yang sinking (thin watery diarrhea w/ undigested food, prolapse, incontinence, leucorrhea, frequent miscarriages)
2. Promotes

which Tonify Qi herb is used for long standing, chronic, Yin type skin conditions?

Huang Qi

which Tonify Qi herb reliably goes upward to treat Yang sinking?

Huang Qi

Shan Yao Latin

Dioscoreae Rhizoma

Shan Yao ID

Shan Yao Tastes & Properties


Shan Yao Dosage

more in food therapy; very safe

Shan Yao Function

1. Tonify Qi
-LU, middle jiao
-commonly used in food therapy
2. Generates body fluids/tonifies Yin
-for body fluid Xu
-wasting + thirsting disorder (LU+ST Yin Xu)
3. Stabilizes KD Essence
-similar to inducting astringency

which Tonify Qi herbs generate body fluids?

Ren Shen
Xi Yang
Tai Zi
Shan Yao
Huang Jing

which Tonify Qi herb stabilizes KD Essence?

Shan Yao

which Tonify Qi herb treats Wasting+Thirsting Disorder?

Shan Yao

Da Zao Latin

Jujubae Fructus

Da Zao ID

Da Zao Tastes & Properties

slightly warm/neutral

Da Zao Dosage

(3-12 Dates)

Da Zao Functions

1. Tonify Qi (use Black 'Hei Zao')
- LU, middle jiao
-used in food therapy
2. Tonify Blood (use Red 'Hong Zao')
-treating Shen problems due to Blood Xu
-must show Shen signs
can substitute for Gan Cao in formulas where incompatible

which Tonify Qi herb also tonifies Blood?

Da Zao

which Tonify Qi herb treats Zang Zao Syndrome (hysteria due to Blood Xu)?

Da Zao

Bai Bian Dou Latin

Lablab Semen album

Bai Bian Dou ID

Bai Bian Dou Tastes & Properties

(slightly warm)

Bai Bian Dou Dosage


Bai Bian Dou Functions

1. Tonify Qi
middle jiao Qi
-used in food therapy (stir-fried)
2. Transforms middle jiao dampness
-nausea, vomiting, cramps, bloating, decreased appetite, loose stool
-not just summerheat dampness

which Tonify Qi herb transforms middle jiao dampness?

Bai Bian Dou

which Tonify Qi herb only tonifies middle jiao Qi?

Bai Bian Dou

Huang Jing Latin

Polygonati Rhizoma

Huang Jing ID

Huang Jing Tastes & Properties

perfect neutral

Huang Jing Dosage


Huang Jing Functions

1. Tonify Qi
-LU Qi
-middle jiao
2. Tonify Yin/Generate Body Fluids
-LU Yin (stronger)
-KD Yin

Yi Tang Latin


Yi Tang ID

Yi Tang Tastes & Properties

slightly warm

Yi Tang Functions

1. Tonify Qi
-middle jiao to alleviate pain due to SP Qi Xu
2. Moistens LU to stop cough

which Tonify Qi herb moistens the Lung to stop cough?

Yi Tang