121- test 1 (eyes & ears, pre, intra, post)

What are two types of surgeries and which is more common?

Elective (more common) and emergency

Determination of the presence and extent of pathological condition. Example being lymph node biopsy, bronchoscopy) is known as ____ surgery


Elimination or repair of a pathological condition. Example being removal of ruptured appendix or benign ovarian cyst is known as ____ surgery


Alleviation of symptoms without cure. Example- cutting a nerve root to remove symptoms of pain, creating a colostomy me to bypass bowel obstruction is known as ____ surgery


_____ surgery is like removal of a more before it becomes malignant, and or removal of a colon in a patient with a family history of colon cancer


____ surgery Would be repairing a burn scar, breast reconstruction after mastectomy, cleft palate


surgical examination to determine the nature or extent of a disease like a laparotomy is ____ surgery


same-day admission surgery is known as ____ surgery


Ambulatory surgery is known as _____ surgery


_____ surgeries May be conducted in Endoscopy clinics, physicians office, freestanding surgical clinic's, and outpatient surgery unit in hospitals. Many patients go home with the caregiver within hours of surgery


The _____ nursing role is to assess knowledge of The disorder requiring surgery, the surgical procedure, diagnostic test/labs


The _____ nurse should assess patients stressors and help relax them


What population is a greater risk when receiving anesthesia ?


Obtain past medical history, determine patient expectations, provide/clarify information about procedure, assess stress level are all done in the pre-op ____ ____

Patient interview

Why do we want to reduce anxiety in patients in the pre-op?

High anxiety levels will cause cognitive, decision-making, coping abilities to be reduced

Lack of knowledge of procedure can cause ___ to arise


Pre-op: if you identify your patient is having any ____ a consult with the patients caregiver, a social worker, spiritual advisor, psychologist may be necessary


What are two types of medications that are usually held before surgery

Herbal and blood thinners

Pre-op when obtaining a history we always want to know family history of ____ or _____ diseases

Heart or endocrine

During the preop stage do you want to ask the patient about any previous .... (2)

Health problems and surgeries

Why do we want to know the liver function before Surgery?

Bc the liver produces clotting factors

Pre-op assessment make sure we know what 3 main things

Cardiac function (EKG), respiratory (Chest x-ray), sleep apnea if any

Pre-op evaluations of ____ functioning Includes assessing the patient's ability to respond to questions, follow commands, and maintain orderly thought patterns


For a patient going to have surgery we want to ask them about any recent or chronic ____ ____/ _____

Respiratory diseases or infection

A pt with ____ is especially at rest for adverse effects of anesthesia and surgery


If a pt has ____ we need to document all affected joints before surgery


Who marks surgical site?


What are 3 main labs drawn for surgery

CBC, HCG (pregnancy test), chemical panel for electrolytes

During the pre-op assessment we want to establish a baseline ____

Baseline vitals

In order for surgical informed consent to be adequate what are three things that the patient has to do

Adequate disclosure (understands risks), understanding/comprehension of information, Has to be voluntary

If a patient is on thyroid medication, and the thyroid function is too high what could happen to the pt (1)

Respiratory problems

In order for blood transfusion to happen pre-op what do we need first


Pre-op exam is done by a ____ and the role of the ____ is to ensure it's completed and on the chart

Physician; nurse

Pre-op exam should include reviewing results and make sure they are on the chart for ___/_____

Labs/ diagnostic test

If there is abnormal son labs or diagnostic test who should that be communicated to ?

Surgical team

Who requires that all patients admitted to the OR have a documented history and physical in the chart


If a patient is on a antiplatelet drugs what test is ordered for pre-op


If a patient is on a diuretic therapy what level when we look at in the pre-op


Pre-op teaching has limited time because of....

Pt arriving only hours before surgery

With pre-op patient teaching the _____ information, The patient find out what they will see, hear, smell, field during the surgery. For example you may tell them that the OR will be cold but they can ask for a warm blanket


____ information giving in the pre-op would include The patients transferred to holding area, visits by the nurse and the ACP before transferred to the OR, waking up in the PACU


_____ informations is more specific explanation of what the physician will do before/during surgery


Document teaching and patient understanding of teaching in the pre-op is the responsibility of the ____


Why do we make pts NPO for surgery (2)

Post-op nausea/vomiting and aspiration

All patients should receive instructions on deep breathing, coughing, early ambulation post operatively unless they had what kind of two surgeries

Craniotomy or tonsillectomy

What is the major teaching that needs to be performed pre-op

Deep breathing/coughing or incentive spirometer (pts need to know before surgery otherwise may not want to post-op)

Deep breathing/coughing and or incentive spirometer promotes ____ ____ and prevents ____

Lung expansion; pneumonia

In pre-op we always want to inform patients/caregivers on ___ or ____ they will wake up with

Tubes or equipment

What are 3 things we need to inform the patient pre-hospital

Arrival time/place, food/fluid restrictions with when to begin, need for any home prep like an enema

Final preoperative teaching, assessment, verification of signed consent, labs, history and physical examination, baseline vitals, consultation records, nurses notes, surgical site marked by surgeon are all things done on the ____ ___ ___

Day of surgery

Why isn't a patient allowed to wear any cosmetics on the face for surgery

Need to observe skin color

Patients should not wear any cosmetics including ___


____ before surgery is important bc an empty bladder prevents involuntary elimination under anesthesia and reduces the risk of urinary retention during postoperative


Hospitals often require that a patient wearing a hospital gown with no ____


______ are usually medications are given for their sedation and amnesic properties


Valium and Ativan are examples of ____


When giving benzodiazepines what do you monitor


_____ Are sometimes given to reduce secretions in preop


Atropine is an example of a _____ med


What is the antidote for benzodiazepines (Ativan/Valium)


What is the antidote to opioids


Decreased respiratory rate, hypotension, constipation are all symptoms of ____ meds


_____ medication are given for decreasing nausea and vomiting


_____ medication Maybe given to decrease pain and intraoperative anesthetic requirements


_____ are given 30-60 minutes IV before surgical incision and get 2 doses after surgery


2 things that are recorded durning the transport to the OR

method of transportation and the person who transports the patient to the OR

What is the "handoff" communication

SBAR from transport team to nurse

What are two reasons the PACU is located adjacent to the OR

Limits transportation a patient after surgery and provides immediate access to anesthesia and OR staff

PACU is considered ______ area


The main goals of ____ care are toMaintain patient safety during recovery from anesthesia, identify actual and potential patient problems that may occur as a result of anesthesia/surgery, and to intervene appropriately


ABC (airway, breathing, circulation) are used in ____ monitoring


What is the number 1 nursing care focus in PACU


During phase ____ post-op weakness of the chest muscles due to medication can occur, should be assessed

Phase 1

Phase ____ is considered initial recovery period in PACU


What do you use To manage her early signs of hypoxemia

Pulse ox

During phase _____ post-op, constant Vigilance is required and intense monitoring required

Phase 1

If a patient has a history of smoking the PACU nurse should do what first and then what

First listen to lung sounds then nicotine patch

Level of consciousness, orientation, sensory and motor status, size/equality/reactivity of pupils are all focused in the initial assessment of neuro in ____

Phase 1

Patient name/age, surgeon, surgical procedure, presence of tubes, drains, catheters, IV lines, type of anesthesia, use of any reversal agents, airway status, pain management interventions, and NPO are all stated in general information in the PACU ______

Hand-off report

Indication for surgery, medical history, preoperative or baseline vitals, level of consciousness, specific patient characteristics are all stated in the PACU hand off report of ____ ____

Patient history

Anesthetic agents, other drugs received preoperatively or during surgery, last dose of opioid administration, total fluid replacements including blood transfusions, urine output are all discussed during the PACU hand-off report explaining _____ ____

Intropertaive management

Unexpected anesthetic events or reactions, unexpected surgical events, most recent vital signs and monitoring trends, results of intraoperative lab test/x-rays are all discussed in the PACU handoff report explaining ____ ____

Intraoperative course

If a patient comes out of postop and has a low-grade fever what should we encourage the patient to do (1)


Airway obstruction is commonly caused by blockage of the airway by the ____ ____ during post-op

Patients tongue

Patients who have had General anesthesia, are older than 55 of age, have a history of tobacco use, had pre-existing lung disease or sleep disorders, obese, go under airway/thoracic/abdominal surgery are at higher risk for ____


____ May be the result of bronchial obstruction caused by retain secretions, decreased respiratory excursion, or general anesthesia


Airway obstruction caused by patient's tongue blocking your way what is the maneuver used to treat this

Jaw thrust maneuver

To prevent respiratory complications post surgery what is the proper patient positioning bc it keeps airway open and prevents aspiration if vomit

Lateral "recovery" position

Once the patient is conscious what is the position the patient can now lay in that maximizes chest expansion


Oxygen therapy, cough/deep breathing, change patient positions every 1 to 2 hours, early mobilization, adequate hydration, chest physical therapy, pain management or all interventions to prevent ____ ____

Respiratory complications

For respiratory complications we want to ______ Before ambulation or taking deep breath's/coughing


Changing the patients position every 1 to 2 hours post surgery to allow full ____ ___ and increase ____

Chest expansion; perfusion

Extreme hypotension = decreases ____


This orientated and decreased urine output can be a sign of ____ which could be caused by blood/fluid loss


Airway obstruction, hyperventilation, aspiration, atelectasis, pneumonia, hypoxemia, pulmonary embolism, bronchospasms are all complications post surgery of the _____


Dysrhythmias, hemorrhaging, hypertension, hypertension, superficial thrombophlebitis, Venus thromboembolism are all complications post surgery of the ____


Post surgery frequent vital signs are monitored every ___ - ____ minutes


During post surgery there is a continuous ____ monitor running to prevent/Recognize cardiovascular complications


Adequate fluid replacement, assess surgical site for bleeding, early ambulation, VTE prophylaxis, my tour for orthostatic blood pressure, slow changes in body position all help prevent post-op _____ complications


VTE prophylaxis includes what three things

Ambulation, stockings, anticoagulants

.If a pulse rate is less than 60 or over 120 in postop what should you do

Call surgeon

Blood loss and hemorrhaging can cause ___ ____ in post-op

Fluid deficit

Fluid overload, fluid deficit, electrolyte imbalance, acid-based disorders are all complications postoperatively concerning _____

Fluid and Electrolytes

_____ Urine output in the first 24 hours after surgery may be expected, regardless of fluid intake. This is caused by increased aldosterone and ETH the Grecian resulting from stress of surgery


What are three lab values that need to be monitored for fluid and Electrolytes postoperatively

Potassium, BUN/creatinine, magnesium, h&h

If a patient has an increased BUN/creatinine what does that mean


Low ____ causes Dysrhythmias and confusion


What medication do we give to patients to prevent seizures postoperatively


Pain, fever, delirium, hypothermia, post operative cognitive dysfunction are all complications related to ____ in post-op


Monitor her oxygen levels with pulse ox, oxygen therapy, pain management, reversal agents, assess for anxiety/depression, alcohol withdrawal protocol, fluid and electrolyte balance, adequate nutrition are all nursing interventions to prevent ____ complica


What are three nursing interventions to prevent pain and discomfort postoperatively

Analgesics, epidural catheter, PCA pump

passive warming examples (2)

Warm blankets and socks

active warming measures (2)

Bear-hugger warmer and warm IV fluids

Shivering will decrease ___ levels

O2 levels

Temporary impairment of gastric in power motility after surgery, resulting from the handling or reconstruction of the intestines during surgery and limited dietary intake before and after surgery. Normal in abdominal surgery

Post operative ileus

Nausea/vomiting, distention and flatulence, post operative ileus, hiccups, delayed gastric emptying oral complications post operative of the ____ sustem


example of antiemetics - for nausea (1)


One example of prokinetics meds (increase GI motility)


Nausea and vomiting post-op you can use ____ as ordered


Adequate hydration, assessing bowel function, early mobilization are all nursing interventions to prevent ____ Complications


A patient is NPO until ____ ___ returns

Gag reflex

What are the two main complications post operatively of the urinary system

Retention and infection

Monitor urine output, adequate hydration, remove urinary catheter with no longer indicated, normal positioning for elimination, bladder scan/straight Kath per orders are all nursing interventions to prevent ____ complications post operatively


Infection, hematoma, dehiscent's are all complications postoperatively involving the ____


What two types of people are more common to have dehiscence at the incision

Thin and obese

When assessing the wound postoperatively you want to note the drainage ___, ___, ___

Color, consistency, and amount

Assess affects of ___ ____ on wound/drain tube drainage

Position changes

Redness, warmth, discharge, fever are all signs of ___


If a patient is hyperglycemic they are at higher risk for ____


What is rapid PACU progression

Rapid progression through phase 1 to phase 2

___ ___ Is known as admitting patients directly to phase 2 postoperatively

Fast tracking

Aldrete score system - a score of __ -____ Indicates readiness to transfer or discharge to the next phase of recovery after surgery


_____ score system is used during the discontinuation of anesthesia to return of protective reflexes in motor function


____ score system is used to assess Transition from phase 1 to phase 2


What four criteria does the Aldred scoring system go off of

Level of consciousness, activity, respirations, circulation

Patent airway, patient awake, stability of blood pressure/heart rate, no respiratory depression, oxygen saturation greater than 90%, pain management, no excessive bleeding at surgical site, report given are all in the ____ ____ discharge

Phase 1

PACU phase 2 occurs in ... (2)

Inpatient setting or intensive care area

Phase ____ post-op Nursing care focuses on preparation for care in the home and extended observation

Phase 2

Stable blood pressure/heart rate, pain and comfort management, condition of surgical site, fluid/hydration status, voided, mobility status, emotional status, patient safety needs, significant others interactions are all used in the discharge criteria for


____ ____ Occurs in area for patient to receive continued observation and care (if patient isn't quit ready to leave phase2)

Extended observation

The nursing care for extended observation focuses on preparing the patient for ...

Self-care at home

____ Surgery involves patient receiving phase 2 and extensive observation post operative care

Ambulatory (same-day)

Must be mobile and alert, cannot drive, no IV opioids in the past 30 minutes, minimal nausea/vomiting, must be post anesthesia scoring system to determine readiness, void if appropriate for surgery, written discharge instructions given and understood is t

Ambulatory (same day)

For ambulatory surgery, same-day surgery, provide discharge education to both ____ and ____

Patient and caregiver

For ambulatory surgery, same day surgery, care of ___/____ is included in discharge


Discharge teaching for ____ surgery: Side effects of medication, activity allowed/prohibited, dietary restrictions, symptoms that should be reported, went to return for follow-up

Ambulatory surgery

Unrelieved pain, questions about medication, wound drainage and or bleeding, increased drainage from a drainage device, fever over 100 are al reasons to seek ...

Help after ambulatory surgery

Decreased respiratory function, altered vascular function, drug toxicity, mental status changes, pain control or all considerations of postoperative's ____ patients


Patient becomes restless and agitated in the PACU as he begins to regain consciousness. The first action the nurse should take is to

Check the patient's oxygen saturation with the pulse oximetry

What is the number one sign of hypoxemia


Well in the PICU, the patient's blood pressure drops from and then mission to pressure of 126/82 to 106/78 with a pulse change of 70 to 94. The nurse administers oxygen and then

Increases the rate of IV fluids (hypotension equals hypovolemia)

The nurse is preparing to discharge the patient from the ambulatory surgery center following an inguinal hernia repair. The nurse delays the release of the patient upon discovering that the patient ...

Has not voided since before surgery

Three outpatient facilities

Hospitals may have a surgical area, surgical centers, physician offices

_____ area is where people in street clothes can interact with those in surgical attire. These areas typically include the points of entry for patients like holding area, locker rooms, nurses stations or control desk. Family members allowed


____ area includes support areas and corridors. Only authorized staff, no family. Surgical attire must be worn and cover head and facial hair.


____ area is operating rooms, clean core, scrub sinks, surgical attired required


____ area reduces traffic in the Intra-op


Controlled environment, no windows, no extra chairs, designed to minimize Spread of infection, allow a smooth flow of patients/personal/equipment is known as the ____ ____

Surgical suite

Holding area is also known as ____


In the ____ ___ You will identify and assess the patient before transferring them to OR

holding area (pre-op)

Is the circulating nurse considered sterile


Does a patient before surgery have to sign that form for anesthesia


Preoperative medical history and physical assessment, patient safety and management in the OR, post operative management of the patient is the role of the ____


Pain control, airway management, vital signs, is that the head of the bed, and keeps the patient sedated is the role of the

Anesthesia care provider (ACP)

Does documentation of Assessment and watch a sterile technique of others in operating room is the role of

The circulating nurse

Stays next to sterile field and helps with procedure equipment is the role of the

Scrub nurse

What are two things that are done by the nurse before surgery

Perform a thorough physical assessment and make sure the chart is reviewed

When admitting the patient it is continued with a _____ or the patient and allowing time for ___

Reassessment ; questions

Before transferring the patient to the OR, prepare the room to ensure____,____,_____

Privacy, prevention of infection, and safety

What are two things that need to be confirmed before transferring a patient

identification and that the wheels have been locked on the stretcher

Scrubbing, Gowning and gloving- starts with ....

Hands then to elbows

Scrubbing surgical hand Anti-septic is required for all ____ ___

Sterile members

What do you need to do if you're scrubbing in and are using an alcohol based product

Wash hands first, dry, put on alcohol-based

While you check the OR to complete the final preparations, the ACP prepares the patient for

Administration of anesthesia

Provide correct muscular skeletal alignment, prevent undue pressure on nerves, skin on bony prominences come at your lobes, eyes, provide for Adequate thoracic excursion are all considered when

When positioning the patient on the operating table

With ____ Can cause delayed won't healing and altered drug metabolism


What is the Purpose of skin preparation for surgery

To reduce the number of micro organisms available to migrate to the incisional wound

What are two people that bring the patient after surgery to the PACU and give report

ACP and perioperative team members

When preparing a surgical site what is the motion done on the site

Circular motions from the inside - out

What is the handoff procedure known as any interoperative process


Who counts every piece of equipment used during surgery

Scrub nurse/scrub Tech

What kind of sedation is dues for procedures performed outside of the OR that does not require a anesthesiologist

Moderate to deep sedation

Anesthetic technique and agents are selected by the ____


ASA Scale physical status is defined by patient's status immediately ...

Before surgery

ASA Scale (1-6)

1=healthy ; 6= brain dead

What type of anesthesia care is use for diagnostic or therapeutic procedures performed in or outside the OR

Monitoring anesthesia care

If you were doing moderate sedation what are two things you need

Only IV drip and advanced airway

There are two types of General Anesthesia

IV or gas

All routine general anesthetics begin with an ____ ____ agent, Whether it is a hipnotic or disassociation agent which will induce rapid sleep

IV induction

_____ used as a induction agent in general Anesthesia had fast onset's but low symptoms


A ____ ____ using adjunctive Drugs to complement the induction, the most common approach used for general anesthesia aka rarely only using 1 agent

Balanced technique

Before using a neuromuscular blocker for surgery what do you have to do first


Opioids, benzodiazepines, neuromuscular blockers, antiemetics are examples of ____ used with general Anesthesia


Example of dissociation anesthesia


What is a side effect or ketamine and who is it normally given to

Kids; patient is angry- low stimulation to help this

_____ ____ Can be a topical, opthamalic, nebulized, or injectable

Local anesthetic

Two examples of regional anesthesia

Spinal and epidural block

_____ Is a regional anesthesia that is placed into the cerebrospinal fluid and has a faster Onest.


spinal block side effects (1)


Anesthetic drug should be carefully titrated, assess for poor communication (heading/vision), Risk for tape, electrodes, and warming/cooling blanket is tearing or burning the skin, osteoporosis, hypothermic are all consideration of Anesthesia for ____


What are three signs and symptoms of a regional anesthesia

Hypotension, bradycardia, nausea/vomiting

After having any kind of anesthesia what is a risk for all patients

Risk for falls

The initial clinical manifestations of anaphylaxis may be masked by ____


Two most common anaphylactic reactions to surgery

Latex and anabiotic's

Hypertension, tachycardia, bronchospasms, and possibly pulmonary Adema or all symptoms of ____ ____

Anaphylactic reaction

____ ___ is a rare disorder characterized by hyperthermia with the rigidity of skeletal muscles that can result in death

Malignant hyperthermia

Does malignant hyperthermia run in family genes


What is the first sign of malignant hyperthermia

Tachycardia over 150

Increase temperature, tachycardia, tachypnea, shaking are all signs and symptoms of

Malignant hyperthermia

Malignant hyperthermia is caused by certain ____


____ block doesn't enter the CSF


During admission of the patient to the holding area or operating room before surgery, the perioperative nurse must

Ensure the patient identification with a formal identification process

During the admission of any regional anesthetic, it is most important that the nurse

Ensure that airway equipment, emergency drugs, and monitors are Immediately available


both eyes


left eye (lefts)


right eye

Patient reads from Snellen chart at 20 feet distance. Or jaeger chart at 14 ft, Examiner note smallest print patient can read on each chart this is known as

Visual acuity test

Antihistamine side effects on eyes (1)

Causes dryness

Past health history, head/eye trauma, health problems like diabetes, surgery or procedures, patient's perception of the problem, nutritional patterns are all assessment findings you would want to ask for _____

Visual system (eyes)

Vitamin C/E and beta-carotene are good for what?

The eyes

Straining to defecate a.k.a. the Valsalva maneuver can raise the ____ ____

Intraocular pressure

Lack of sleep and may cause _____ ____

Ocular irritation

A patient with severe vision loss may develop such a poor self image that the ability to be ____ is lost


Observe the corneal light reflex to evaluate for ____ and ____ of Extraocular muscles

Weakness and imbalance

How do you test the extra ocular muscles

Pulled a finger/object within 10 to 12 inches in front of the patient's nose and or shining penlight directly into the cornea

Assessment of visual system always is based on what is appropriate for ____ ____

Specific patient

The purpose of a _____ ___ test determines distance and near visual acuity

Visual acuity

Patient faces examiner, covers one eye, fixate on examiners fees, and Council number of fingers that the examiner brings into patient's field of vision. It's called ____ ____ ____ test

Confrontation visual field test

Determines if patient has a full field of vision is the purpose of ____ ____ ____ test

Confrontation visual field test

Examiner shines light into patients people and observes people every response. Each people is examined independently, examiner also checks for consensual and accommodation this test is called ____ ____

Pupil function test

Determines a patient has normal people Larry response is the purpose of a ____ ____ year

Pupil function test

Cover and a probe is gently touch several times to anesthetized Corneal service. Examine her records several readings to obtain a mean inter-ocular pressure this test is called ____ ____ ____/ ____

Intraocular pressure testing/ tonometry

In this test a patient identifies numbers or pass form by pattern of dots in a series of color plates, this test is known as ____ ____ testing

Color vision

____ is used for judging distance/binocular vision


_____ vision allows a patient to see objects in 3D


_____ is the measurement of intraocular pressure


for the eye a normal cornea is ____ and the iris is ____

clear; flat

____ exam is looking for retina and optic nerve detachment


during the pupil function test, when you bring the object close to the pts eyes the pupils should ____


anisocoria is unequal ___ ____

unequal pupil size

____ measures the refractive error. patient sits and looks at a snellen chart and chooses the line that is the sharpest.


____ ___ injected IV peripheral vein followed by several photographs of retina

fluorescein angiography

___ ____ Test detects early macular degeneration

amsler grid test

____ patients are at risk for falls due to depth perception problems


for ____ staining it may cause it to appear yellow


____ ____ test is used by looking at a card with one eye at a time

amsler grid test

___ ____ will dilate the pupils for 12 hours

fluorescein angiograhy

fluorescein angiography, make sure the pt has no ____ allergies


fluroescein angiography the skin can turn which color


two ways to correct ____ ___ is glasses/contacts and surgical correction like LASIK

refraction error (vision loss)

vision limited to close objects is called ___ vision

low vision

legal blindness is considered ____/____


____ ____ causes blurred vision and headaches

refraction errors

____ ____ ____ is the inability to read newsprint even with glasses

severe visual impairment

how do you cleanse the eye (4)

baby shampoo, gentle scrub, thorough rinse, inner to outer

routine exam with eye doctor to help catch/treat ____ early


_____ can cause retinopathy


saftey considerations for the eyes is to always wear _____

eye protection

2 sun protection measures for the eyes

sunglasses and hats

Sighted guide technique

guiding a visual impairment pt by the arm. "here is a few steps

extent of vision loss ("how long?"), pt perception of vision loss effects ("how bad?") are things to ask a pt on vision loss during the ____


braille/audio books, magnifiers, computer based programs, and large text are all _____ for vision loss patients


___ is nearsightedness which is an inability to accomodate for objects at a distance


___ is farsightedness is an inability to accomodate to near objects


____ is the loss of accomodation associated with age. ( around age 40)


____ is caused by an irregular corneal curvature causing incoming light rays to be bent unequally.


if there is an object in the eye what should you do

stabalize it, do not remove it

_____ is called blood in the eye


____ is bruising of the eye- black eye is common with this


____ is inflammation of the eyelid usually caused by bacteria causing itching and burning


infection of the sabeous gland on lid is called ____


what is the tx for a sty

warm compresses

___ is inflammation of the cornea that can be bacterial, fungal, etc


____ is known as eye popping out of socket


pain, photophobia, redness/swelling, ecchymosis, discharge are all things that should be ____


you can flush the eye with normal saline only if ....

nothing is penetrating it

when a eye has trauma do not apply ____


if a pt has eye trauma, teach the pt to not ___ ___

blow nose

how do we want to postion a pt with eye trauma

elevate the head

Morgan lens is

Equipment used for eye irrigation

what 3 types of medication are used for eye infections

antibiotics, lubricants, analgesics

for eye infections what do we want to monitor for

corneal ulceration

____ is opacity within the lens, which may occur in 1 or both eyes


blurred vision and light sensitivity are s/s of ___


cataracts post-op surgery what do we not want the pt to do

sneeze/cough - increases pressure

age, trauma, congenital factors (maternal rubella), radiation/UV light, ocular inflammation are all risk factors for _____


Long term corticosteroid use can cause what to happen to the eyes


decreased vision, abnormal color perception, glaring of vision is s/s of ___


___ ___ of the eye is an emergency

retinal detachment

photopsia ( bright flashes of light), floaters, cobweb/hairnet vision/curtain sensation, painless, vision loss are all s/s of

retinal detachment

surgical repair, scleral buckling, virectomy are all tx for

retinal detachment

for a pt that has just has surgical repair for retinal detachment what is the nursing consideration for the pt care (2)

bed rest and head position

post-op care for ___ is to wear sunglasses, avoid radiation, ensure adequate antioxidant vitamins, ensuring good nutrtion


after ____ surgery no bed rest is necessary


if a pt has a patch from post-op cataract surgery we need to inform them that they will no longer have ___ ___

depth perception

surgery is the only true cure for ____


nonsurgical therapy for cataracts involves ___ ____

visual aids

cataract post-op eye drops are ____ anti-inflammatory

nonsterodial anti-inflammatory

drainage, redness, long term pain after any eye surgery, the pt should....

notify surgeon

cataract surgery is usually an ____ surgery unless there is complications


remove rugs and preparing frozen meals in the house for a pt after _____ surgery


expected outcomes of ___ surgery is to have improved vision, ability to care for self, minimal to no pain


If a patient is Receiving two different kinds of eyedrops how far do you space them apart

Five minutes

____ is a group of disorders characterized by increased intraocular pressure And consequences of elevated pressure, optic nerve atrophy, peripheral vision field loss


_____ is an eye disease that creates a tunnel vision


____ Is the second leading cause of permanent blindness in the United States, especially in African Americans


____ pressure in the eyes is 10-21


_____ glaucoma pressure in the eyes is 22-32


Acute _______ glaucoma pressure in the eyes is 50+


slit lamp test (under microscope), IOP pressure monitor (pen on eye), confrontation test, ophthalmoscopy are all used to diagnose ____


When looking for the progression of Glaucoma, using ophthalmoscopy the ____ ____ will look wider, deeper, and paler

Optic disc

What is the most common type of Glaucoma

Open angle

_____ Glaucoma is caused by The drainage channel is becoming clogged which damages the optic nerve. No symptoms and develop slowly. Unnoticed until proof real vision is severely compromised


_____ glaucoma is usually caused by the lens bulging forward. Caused by old age, pupil dilation, possibly drug induced. Has a very sudden onset


Expected outcomes of glaucoma treatment would be no further ______ ____

Vision loss

B-blockers, A-andrenergic blockers, miotics/cholinergic, CAI diuretics are all tx for ____

Open-angle Glaucoma

____ ____ ____ is a noninvasive laser that stimulate scarring and contraction of the tubular mesh work which helps drain the eye used to treat Glaucoma

Argon laser trabeculoplasty

___ Is a medication used to treat glaucoma that constricts the pupils and decreases visual acuity in dim lighting


Two types Of macular degeneration and which one is more severe

Wet and dry; wet is more severe

Older (60+), White, Family history, smoking, hypertension are all risk factors for ____ ____

Macular degeneration

Vitamin c, e, zinc help prevent ___ ____ in eyes

Macular degeneration

There is limited tx for ____ _____

Macular degeneration

Biological Injected directly into the eyes, every 4 to 6 week schedule is the treatment for ___ ____

Macular degeneration

After tx of ____ ____ where you inject biologics into the eye we need to watch for Irritation, pain, photosensitivity, blurred vision

Macular degeneration

Another tx for ____ ___ is photodynamic therapy Which the eyes must be covered for at least five days after treatment

Macular degeneration

____ is central vision loss


Amsler Grid Test helps test for ____ ____

Macular degeneration

___ Is it a medication that dilates the people


Aspirin, NSAID, chemo, Vancomyocin are all ____ meds


Vertigo, dizziness, nystagmus, Past history of child illness, problems of organs adjacent to the ear, any surgical treatment of the ear are all things we want to know during the ____ for the war


What are three examples of behavioral adjustment indicating hearing difficulties

Turning head to hear, reading lips, asking to repeat

When assessing the external ear we want to make sure that it is ____ not _____

Symmetrical and not deformed

When looking at the auditory canal of an adult how do we pull the ear. Child?

Adults pull back and up. For children pull down

_____ is an effective screening tool used Tones to establish hearing threshold


Weber test, rhinne test use tuning forks to test what


What are two types of hearing loss?

conductive and sensorineural

____ hearing loss is Sound transmission to the inner ear impaired, patient often speaks softly, suggest hearing aids, reversible


____ hearing loss is results in the inability to hear sounds in inability to understand,There is multiple causes, hearing aids make sound louder but not clear, damage to the nerve


Can you have both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss


Central and functioning hearing loss is due to ____ problems


____ Is hearing loss associated with aging


_____ Is perception of noise without any actual source of sound. Ringing of the ears. First symptom of hearing loss


___ is the hardening of the middle ear, tympanum takes on a reddish blush, poor air conduction. Treated with medications that slow bone reabsorption/hearing aids


Cerium impaction, The nurse will assist with ___ and ____ from ear

Softening and irrigating

acoustic neuroma is a tumor on the ____ ___

Acoustic nerve

What is the most preventable cause of hearing loss

Environmental noise control

Hearing loss caused by noises __ ____

Not reversible

______ should be scheduled regularly for child and adults to help prevent hearing loss


When do you remove hearing aids and how often do you change the

Remove in shower and at night, change battery once a week

Speech reading, sign language, implantable hearing devices, cochlear implant's are all assisted devices for

Hearing loss

____ ___ Are use for severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss in one or both ears

Cochlear implant's

____ ____ Are ideal for people who have become deaf after acquiring speech and language

Cochlear implants

If a patient has cochlear implant's what is one type of therapy they are going to need


Tympanic Rupture is a ____ in the ____

tear in the eardrum

Stool softener, H202 solution, give meds before irrigation attempt in only use these if the temp panic membrane is not ruptured are tx for ____ ____ ____ of the ear

Foreign body removal

When irrigating the year what are two considerations for this

Warm water and low pressure

____ is inflammation of the mastoid bone (behind the ear)


____ _____ is known as swimmers ear, and it's the inflammation of the external ear

Otitis externa

otitis media is inflammation of the ____ ____

inflammation of the middle ear

labyrinthitis is inflammation of the ____ ____ known as ear infection

Inner ear

Dizzy, pain , ringing, popping are all symptoms of ___ ____

Ear infections

Anabiotic's, analgesics, anti-histamine's, anti-vertigo, warm/cold compress are all nursing care for ____ ____

Ear infections

If ear affections are Recurrent there may be a need for surgery known as ___


____ disease is episodic vertigo known as "drop attacks

M�ni�re's disease

Restrictions of sodium/caffeine/nicotine/alcohol/MSG, medication/surgery if it's severe are all treatment options for ____ ____ of the ear

M�ni�re's disease

BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) is caused by ____ ____ in semicircular canal

Debris floating

______ is caused by debris floating in Canal, which will cause vertigo with specific head movements, no hearing loss

BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo)

Epley maneuver is where you turn your head to move debris around which is tx for

BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo)