Surgical care section exam 2

Inability to metabolize drugs
Increases risk of bleeding

Liver damage can alter surgical outcomes because of (2) things

Anesthesia less effective
Require more meds

Surgical outcomes for patients with drug abuse (2)

Pre-admission testing
Past medical history
Drug allergies

In the preoperative phase, 3 things should be done for assessment

reduce anxiety

*Interventions should be in place in the preoperative phase to

Notify the doc

*Patient teaching in the preoperative phase you should asses level of knowledge concerning procedure, if they dont understand..


*RN/LPNs sign the consent form to

Analgesics/anti-anxiety (sedation and anxiety)
Antiemetic (N/V)
Anticholinergic (dry secretions)

*4 As pre op meds

Local anesthetic

*type of anesthetic where the patient does not lose consciousness


In the preoperative phase to prep for surgery, you might need to shower, scrub, shave, douche or give

Vomiting and aspiration

before surgery patient is to be placed on NPO to prevent

The procedure
Alternative treatment

In the preoperative phase the MD must inform the patient of (4) things before meds are given and before consent is signed

Intraoperative phase

What phase is preformed during surgery

Circulating nurse (RN)

What kind of nurse manages the surgery case, oversees aseptic technique and ensures the room is set up and supplies are ready

Motor function returns before sensory

*When anesthesia wears off...

Malignant Hyperthermia

*severe reaction that occurs to particular medications used during general anesthesia

Increased Temp, Pulse and metabolic rate
Decreased BP
Muscle rigidity

s/s for Malignant hyperthermia (6)

Cool temp with ice packs or iced saline IV
100% O2

2 nursing interventions for Malignant hyperthermia besides meds

Shock (monitor for symptoms)

Post operative complication that could be caused by drugs or hypovolemia


Post operative phase because of drugs and anesthesia, monitor patient for depression of respirations, which can lead to


Respiratory complication after surgery where there is a partial or complete collapse of a lung

gas exchange

Atelectasis impairs what?
and can lead to what?


*Post op wound complication where margins separate


*Post op wound complication where organs protrude thru an open wound

Cover with NS dressing and then apply dry dressing
Notify surgeon right away

2 things to do when there is an evisceration

decreased peristalsis

In the post op phase, pain meds, anesthesia or eating too soon can cause GI disturbances like

Abdominal distension
Absent bowel sounds

S/S of decreased peristalsis

Early and frequent ambulation

Treatment for decreased peristalsis

Paralytic ileus

*Absence of peristalsis leads to server abdominal distension causing respiratory issues. This could cause incisional strain.

N/G tube to suction

Treatment for paralytic ileus

Urinary retention (along with drugs making it difficult to void)

Dehydration & blood loss can cause


Immobility after surgery can lead to

PE (if clot dislodges)

Thrombolphlebitis can lead to

Leg exercises
Ankle rotation, pointing/flexing

3 interventions to prevent thrombolphlebitis besides ted hose

15 mins

In the PACU (post-anesthesia care unit) vitals should be done every


In the PACU nurse should assess neuro function by checking

Adequate nutrition

In the PACU nurse should assess skin color, temp and moisture for (2)

Bowel sounds

In the PACU nurse should assess abdomen for (2)

color (circulation)
Homans sign (DVT)

In the PACU nurse should assess extremities for (3)


Remove diseased tissue or correct defects

Constructive procedure

Restores function lost d/t congenital defect (Cleft lip)

Liver and kidney function

Elderly respond differently to drugs due to age related changes in (2)

poor wound healing and
greater chance of infection

Surgery outcome on patients that are underweight or malnourished have (2)

Longer surgery
Respiratory problems
Slower wound healing
Takes longer to wake up from anesthesia (because it remains in adipose tissue longer)

Surgical outcomes for obese patient (4)

Blood volume and urine output

Fluid and electrolyte balance is needed for surgery for (2)

Ginkgo and Ginseng

*Drugs held 7-10 days prior to OR

Cardiac arrhythmias

Fluid and electrolyte imbalances could cause

liver damage

Alcohol abuse cab alter surgical outcomes because of

When vital signs are stable (off admission baseline)

When can post op patient discharge from PACU

decrease metabolism by the liver

Elderly require lower doses of pain medication d/t

penrose and T tube

Wound care- Passive movement of fluids from wound to dressing (2)

JP and Hemovac

Wound care- Suction with negative pressure (active) (2)


bright red drainage


pinkish drainage


straw colored and clear

Vitamin C
Increase protein

*Nutritional support after surgery (3)

Gag reflex
bowel sounds

Post op asses two things

Incentive spirometry

*After surgery, to prevent respiratory complications, and peristalsis

30 cc

Post op check for bladder distention. How much should pt void an hour?

6-8 hours after removed

After post op cath is removed, pt should void within what time