
Vitamin A Food Sources

Can make from beta-carotene in carrots and spinach. Pre-formed vitamin A in fish and milk

Vitamin A Role in Body

Eyesight and gene (DNA) expression

Vitamin D Food Sources

Sunlight, fish and milk

Vitamin D Role in Body

Works with calcium for one health

Vitamin E Food Source

OIls and food with high fat contet

Vitamin E Role in Body

Powerful Antioxidant

Vitamin K Food Source

Green vegetables: cabbage, spinach, kale, broccoli, etc.

Vitamin K Role in Body

Clots the body

Vitamin C Food Source

Fruits and vegetables, especially citrus and bell peppers

Vitamin C Role in Body

Makes collagen, is antioxidant and helps absorb iron

Thiamin Food Sources

Variety of Foods

Thiamin Role in Body

Nerve function

Niacin Food Sources

Variety of foods, can create from tryptophan (with help from B6)

Niacin Role in Body

Energy metabolism

Folate Food Sources

Healthy foods: legumes and vegetables; synthetic version added to grains

Folate Role in Body

Required to synthesize DNA - Part of every new cell created in body

Vitamin B12 Food Sources

Animal sources: but requires intrinsic factor and stomach acid for absorption

Vitamin B12 Role in Body

Nerve function

Vitamin B6 Food Sources

Variety of foods

Vitamin B6 Role in Body

Over 100 reactions, including converting tryptophan to niacin

Calcium Food Sources

Sardines, Milk, Tofu, leafy greens

Calcium Role in Body

Works with vitamin D in bone health; keeps our heart pumping - precise blood levels required

Magnesium Food Sources

Healthy foods: nuts, seeds, beans, greens

Magnesium Role in Body

Heart function, promotes muscle relaxation

Sodium Food Sources

Salted and processed foods

Sodium Role in Body

Fluid and electrolyte balance

Potassium Food Sources

Fresh, whole foods- destroyed in processing

Potassium Role in Body

Fluid and electrolyte balance, helps heart beat

Iron Food Sources

Heme-iron (better absorbed: meat
Non-heme iron (not as well absorbed): beans and leafy greens

Iron Role in Body

Carries and stores oxygen

Zinc Food Sources

Meat, enriched grains, nuts and seeds

Zinc Role in Body

Works with protein, part of immune system

Selenium Food Source

Meat and shellfish; levels in fruits/vegetables depend on selenium in soil

Selenium Role in Body

Powerful antioxidant