Ch 36


maintain fluid and electrolyte balance through removal of waste from the blood to form urine, affect calcium and phosphate regulation


reservoir for urine until the urge to urinate develops


transport urine from the kidneys to the bladder


urine travels from the bladder and exits through the urethral meatus

urinary system organs

adrenal gland, right kidney, ureters, orifices of ureters, urethra, left kidney, bladder, trigone

renal nephron

glomerulus, afferent renal artery, bowman's capsule, loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubules, collecting duct


essential to maintain normal RBC volume; stimulates bone marrow to produce RBC's and prolong life of RBC's

affects blood pressure

production of renin, prostaglandin E2 and prostacyclin


starts a chain of events that cause water retention, thereby increasing blood volume

aid in vasodilation

Prostaglandin E2 and prostacyclin


bladder constriction+urethral sphincter and pelvic floor muscle reaction

factors that influence urination

Age, pregnancy diet, muscle tone, acute and chronic disorders, spinal cord injury, immobility, pain, surgery, medications and medical procedures, socioeconomic factors, psychological factors, fluid balance

urinary retention

an accumulation of urine due to the inability of the bladder to empty

urinary tract infection

an infection that may be caused by catheter insertion

urinary diversion

diversion of urine to external source