Fluid and Electrolyte SAC Mobility

A 64-year-old client is brought in to the clinic feeling thirsty with dry, sticky mucous membranes; decreased urine output; fever; a rough tongue; and is lethargic. Serum sodium level is above 140 mEq/l. Should the nurse start salt tablets when caring for

No, start with the sodium chloride IV

The nurse is caring for four clients on a medical unit. The nurse is most correct to review which client's laboratory reports first for an electrolyte imbalance?

A 52-year-old with diarrhea

The nurse is caring for a patient in the intensive care unit (ICU) following a saltwater near-drowning event. The client is restless, lethargic, and demonstrating tremors. Additional assessment findings include swollen dry tongue, flushed skin, and periph

155 mEq/L

Which of the following is the most common cause of symptomatic hypomagnesemia?


A patient is being treated with loop diuretics; gastric suctioning has been initiated. The nurse understands the patient is at risk for developing which of the following electrolyte imbalances?


Translocation is a term used to describe the general movement of fluid and chemicals within body fluids. In every client's body, fluid and electrolyte balance is maintained through the process of translocation. What specific process allows water to pass t


A 73-year-old male client was admitted to your hospital unit after 2days of vomiting and diarrhea. His wife became alarmed when he demonstrated confusion and elevated temperature and reported "dry mouth."You suspect the client is experiencing which of the


A nurse is directed to administer a hypotonic intravenous solution. Which solution should be chosen?

0.45% sodium chloride

To supplement a diet with foods high in potassium, the nurse should recommend the addition of which of the following?

Fruits such as banana and melon

The nurse is correct to state that a client's body needs to have adequate nutrition to maintain energy. Which type of transport of dissolved substances requires adenosine triphosphate (ATP)?

Active transport