Health Science Final Exam

If a cane is properly fitted, the top of the cane handle should be level with the top of the femur at the hip joint


Always check the scene and make sure it is safe to approach a victim


During a physical examination, a physician uses a stethoscope to auscultate sounds coming from within a patient's body


flagella are thick-walled capsules that form around bacteria when conditions for growth are poor


protozoa cause diseases such as ringworm and athletes foot

false, fungus cause those things, protozoa causes malaria

patients should be left with some hope when told of approaching death


while washing hands, use hot water to help kill pathogenic organisms

false, use warm water

a contracture is a lengthening of a muscle resulting in a permanent extension of a joint

false, a contracture is the shortening of a muscle

elderly individuals are more likely to have difficulty meeting physiological needs


It is essential to make sure patients are not exposed during any examination or procedure


Never force any joint beyond its ROM or cause pain while exercising a joint


if crutches apply pressure to the axillary area, nerves and blood vessels in the arm can be damaged


since biological death occurs either to ten minutes after clinical death, it is important to start CPR as soon as possible

false, biological death occurs before clinical death

give chest compressions at the rate of 80 per minute for an adult victim

false, 100-120

Erikson's theory states that if an individual is not able to resolve a conflict at the appropriate stage, the individual will struggle with the same conflict later in life


mental development increases rapidly during late childhood because much of the child's late life centers around school


a person who states "I'm going to kill myself" does not usually mean it

false, that is a warning sign

cells are microscopic structures that carry on all of the function of life


Alzheimer's disease is caused by a thickening and hardening in the walls of the arteries

false, that is called arterial sclerosis

if a victim is choking and coughing, give abdominal thrusts


palpate the carotid artery of an infant to see if the infant has a pulse

false, check their brachial artery

Hospice is a special type of hospital car that is provided for shin patients


the pressure point to stop bleeding in the arm is the brachial artery


any substance that causes a harmful reaction when applied or ingested can be called a poison


in some c adds, a health care worker is allowed to accept tips or gifts for care that has been provided


gloves must be worn while taking a rectal temperature


for a snakebite, wash the wound and immobilize the injured area, positioning it higher than the level of the heart if possible

false position it lower

a gene is the total mass of genetic instruction humans inherit from their parents


sex cells (gametes) divide by a process known as mitosis

false, it is meiosis

rod shaped bacteria are called spirilla


pulse is defined as the pressure of the blood pushing against the wall of a vein as the heart beats and rests


a sphygmomanometer cuff that is too wide or too narrow will give inaccurate blood pressure readings


fingertips should be pointed downward while washing hands


battery is a threat or attempt to injure another individual, while assault includes the unlawful touching of another person without consent

false, assault and battery should be switched

the equivalent weight in pounds for 40 kilograms is

88.2 lbs. (kilograms x 2.2=lbs)

the reflex that occurs when an infant reacts to a loud noise or sudden movement is the

moro or startle

when bandying person says "just let me live until my son graduated from college" the person is probably in the stage of dying known as


three considerations that you should remember pertaining to taking daily weights on a patient

-what they're wearing
-what time they ate
-if it's before or after they've eaten

chest circumference may be measure to determine the progression of diseases such as


how many centimeters are in 56 inches

134.36 cm (2.54 cm per inch)

give an example of mental development as relates to growth and development

doing math, reading, learning a new language

the position used for circulatory shock is


what should you do if a victim has contact with a poisonous plant?

wash with soap and water

what is the abbreviation that is used to indicate both eyes

O.U.- oculus unitis (both)
O.D.- oculus dextra (right)
O.S.- oculus sinusitis (left)

range-of-motion exercises performed by patients who are able to move each joint without assistance are called


how much space should there be between a person's armpit and the axillary bar of correctly fitted crutches

2 inches

what is the first fair taught to a patient who can bear weight on only one foot while walking with crutches

3-point or swing-to

what is the ratio of chest compressions to ventilations when one person is performing CPR to an adult victim?


what is the ratio of chest compressions to ventilations when two people are performing CPR to an adult victim?


How far should a child's chest be compressed during cardiac compression

1.5-2 inches, half of their diameter

A wound caused by a sharp object such as a knife, scissors, or a razor is an


Tetanus is most likely to occur with a ________ wound


The correct term for cold applications to an injured area is


what are the signs or symptoms of shock

pale (palor), rapid weak heart beat, diaphoresis, nausea, shortness of breath, weak pulse, lower BP

type of burn characterized by a red or mottled color, a wet appearance, and a blister or vehicle is a ___ degree or ____

2nd, partial thickness

an electrocardiogram records what

electrical activity of the heart

The type of shock that occurs when vomiting or diarrhea causes dehydration and the disruption a normal acid-base balance of the body is

metabolic shock

if an adult victim was unconscious and has an obstructed airway what should you do


The study of the process of living in living organisms or why and how they work is called


The type of ROM that maintain joint function of movement and helps prevent deformities but does not drink the muscles is


if you were caring for a critical door accident victim and determines the victim is unconscious what should you do

call 911, get the AED

The body system that includes the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi is the


The body system that protects the body from injury, infection, and dehydration is the


bodices in the filters blood to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body is the

urinary system

cocci that occur in clusters or groups are


parasitic micro organism carried by fleas, lies, ticks, and mites are


in the chain of infection, and instrument contaminated with blood acts as a


describe anatomic position

laying on back, palms up, feet together

The horizontal plane that divides the body into a top half and a bottom half is the _____ plane

transverse or horizontal

The plane that divides the body into a right and left side is the

sagittal plane

The body cavity located in the chest is the

thoracic cavity

The cavity for the mouth is the

buccal, or oral cavity

accumulation of fluid in the interstitial tissues (such as when you sprain your ankle) is called


how do you treat a victim with clear or blood tinged fluid draining from the ear after a skull or brain injury

let it flow, don't stop it up, don't move them

The most common bandage wrap for a sprained ankle or wrist is the

figure - eight wrap

A pulse rate over 100 bpm, except in children, is called


under standard precautions, what personal protective equipment should be worn during the delivery of a baby? what should you wear

gloves, down, goggles, booties, hairnet

and I biotics are effective medications for pathogenic _____ type of micro organism?


difficult or labored respirations are


failure to give care that is normally expected of a person in a particular position, resulting in injury to another person is

neglect, negligence

if a healthcare worker sins information to an insurance company without the patient is written consent, this can be __________. (what is the legal term?)

breach of confidentiality

if a patient is physically restrained without proper authorization or justification, this can lead to a charge of

illegal restraint

a legal document that allows an individual to state which measures should or should not be taken to prolong life when a condition is terminal is an

advanced directive

The post sought use while taking a blood pressure is


What age group? progression from self-centeredness concept to recognition of others in the environment

late infancy

What age group? physical development is on the decline, and all body systems are usually affected

late adulthood

What age group? deals with independence, makes career choices, selects a marital partner, and start a family

early adulthood

secondary sexual characteristics about in both males and females

late childhood

Anatomical Directional Term? excessive straightening of a body part

hyper extension

Anatomical Directional Term? turning the head from side to side


Anatomical Directional Term? straightening the lower arm away from the upper arm


Anatomical Directional Term? turning the hand so the palm is up


Anatomical Directional Term? turning the foot inward

internal rotation, eversion, pronation

Proper Medical Term? turn of tissues to create a wound with jagged, irregular edges


Proper Medical Term? excessive loss of blood


Proper Medical Term? over stretching of a muscle


Proper Medical Term? excessive or perfuse perspiration without exerting energy


Proper Medical Term? sterile covering placed over a wound


Proper Medical Term? it's scraping type of wound prone to infection


Proper Medical Term? body part is cut off and separated from the body
