NSG 240 final exam

Which of the following drug therapies for hematopoietic disorders focuses on raising the hemoglobin level of your patient:


Which of the following drug therapies for hematopoietic disorders focuses on preventing infections (neutropenia) in your patient:

Neupogen (Colony-Stimulating Factors)

The brilliant Midway Student Nurse knows that administering epoetin alfa (medication) is not effective unless what is present:


Mr. Smith, a 60-year old man with cancer who started on interferon alfa 2b (medication) today. He calls the clinic and reports that he has been having a fever, chills, fatigue, and muscle aches since he returned home. For relief of these symptoms, the bri


Which of the following foods contributes to the development of rosacea:


This condition most often occurs as a superinfection after patients use broad-spectrum systemic antibiotics:


A youngster has just returned home from the family's tropical vacation and is now reporting worsening tenderness in the right ear. When the child is diagnosed with otitis externa, what causative factor of this infection should the nurse focus upon?

frequent swimming

What over-the-counter (OTC) medication combination is most likely to be safe and effective in the treatment of pain and fever associated with otitis media?

alternating doses of acetaminophen and ibuprofen

What nursing diagnosis is the most likely priority for a client diagnosed with otitis media?

infection related to presence of microorganisms

What common eye disorder is characterized by excessive watering and reports of a gritty feeling?


What medication is administered initially to facilitate the removal of a foreign body from the eye?

proparacaine eyedrops

Which medical diagnosis requires that phenylephrine be administered cautiously?


The client with elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) is at risk for what ocular condition?


A nurse is administering two different types of eyedrops to a client. What is the minimal time the nurse should wait between the instillations?

5 min

What are the signs of venous insufficiency? (Select All that Apply).
Correct! Dark Skin Pigmentation
Correct! Edema
Correct! Stasis Dermatitis
Correct! Vericose Veins


What medication is prescribed for a severe reaction to poison ivy?


A young adult began acne treatment several weeks ago using isotretinoin has presented for a follow-up appointment at the clinic. When assessing the client for adverse effects of treatment, what question should the nurse prioritize?

Is the skin on your face uncomfortably dry since you began using the ointment?

When prescribed for psoriasis, how is coal tar administered?


A client with a diagnosis of renal failure is being treated with epoetin alfa. Frequent assessment of which laboratory values should be prioritized before and during treatment?


Which nursing diagnoses would provide the most plausible indication for the use of epoetin alfa in a client with renal failure?

Activity intolerance related to decreased oxygen-carrying capacity

Which of the following are NOT part of the antibiotic selection process?

Sustainability of various drugs must be determined (72 hours)

In antibiotic combination therapy, this antibiotic should always be given first:


Your patient has been ordered to receive gentamicin 1 mg/kg/dose IV every 8 hours. The medication has been ordered to be given at 0800. When would you draw a peak level?


Your patient has been ordered to receive gentamicin 1 mg/kg/dose IV every 8 hours. The medication has been ordered to be given at 0800. When would the best timefor you to draw a trough level?


When administering antibiotics, you should always administer the doses into which of the following:

Large muscle masses & rotate the sites

Which one of the following should NOT be taken with food:


Your patient has been prescribed tetracycline hydrochloride. When you walk into the room to give another dose of medication you see your patient is eating their dinner. Which of the following foods, the patient is eating, would cause you the MOST concern:

cheese and crackers

You have been ordered to give Vancomycin to your patient that has recently been diagnosed with methicillin resistant S. aureus. As a brilliant Midway Student Nurse, you know one of the adverse reactions you must assess for is:

Red man syndrome

You have received an order to give Acyclovir to your patient. Being a brilliant Midway Student Nurse, you know this medication is prescribed for:


You are reassessing your patient who has started taking Acyclovir. Which of the following labs would you want to closely monitor?

CBC and platelet count

Your patient has a life-threatening infection and has been ordered to receive Carbapenems. Being a brilliant, Midway Student Nurse you know this medication should:

never be given by direct IV blolus

The Hospitalist orders you to give 18 mg/kg/dose IM every 12 hours. Which of the following antibiotics would question about how it was ordered?


Which endocrine gland(s) release(s) steroid hormones such as estrogen and androgens?

Adrenal glands

The following medications may be prescribed for the patient with pre-ecclampsia. The brilliant Midway Student Nurse understands which of the following may also be used as an anticonvulsant?

magnesium sulfate

The nurse understands which of the following drugs to be contraindicated when used concurrently with Sildenafil?


The permanent cessation of menses, caused by a lack of estrogen secretion by the ovaries is called: _____________________


Patients who experience premature labor will most-likely be given this type of medication________________________


The nurse is preparing the pregnant client to have her labor augmented with oxytocin (Pitocin). Further teaching is needed when the client states: "This medication will:

create a long continuous contraction

The physician has written an order for Sildenafil (Viagra). The client asks about the dosage of this medication. Which of the following items is included in the nurse's response?

smallest possible dose till erection

Your patient is talking about their family. You can tell they are talking really fast. They switch topics quickly and without any transitions. They move from talking about family to baseball season to their favorite food to what is wrong with American pol

flight of ideas

Patients who experience premature labor will most-likely be given this type of medication:


The nurse preparing to conduct medication teaching would question an order for Sildenafil (Viagra) when the client has which of the following conditions?


Which of the following terms may be used to describe Benzodiazepines?
Correct! All of the answers


Benzodiazepines must be given with caution when given parentally because of what risk?

respiratory depression

You have been ordered to give a direct-acting cholinergic medication to your patient. An anticipated response to this medication in your patient would be which of the following:

Decreased heart rate, Vasodilation, and blood pressure changes

You have been ordered to give a cholinergic medication to your patient. You question this order because as a brilliant, Midway Student Nurse, you know your patient has which of the following - which is contraindicated in cholinergic use:

UT obstruction

Your patient has been ordered to receive 5 mg/ kg/ dose IV of Neostigmine. As the brilliant Midway Student Nurse, you know that this dose of medication is too much (excessive) and has the possibility of causing which of the following:

Cholinergic crisis

Your patient has been recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease. They were prescribed Aricept. In providing discharge teaching you know the patient needs more education when they say, (Select ALL that Apply)
Correct Answer "I know this medication will i


You are a Critical Care Nurse at a Level-1 Trauma Center in Jacksonville, FL. You have just received a page that your hospital is on "Priority 1 Alert". There was a Sarin Gas attack at the local naval base (NAS JAX). Your hospital is where the injured nav


What is the preferred site for administering an IM injection to an infant?

Vastus lateralis

During which period of adulthood would the nurse expect to offer counseling regarding increased potential for adverse reactions to medications related to impaired physiologic and biochemical processes?

older adulthood

The brilliant Midway Student Nurse knows that all of the following contribute to increased serum drug levels in the older adult EXCEPT:

increased hepatic metabolism

Before administering a drug to an older adult, the nurse should understand that the "average" dose may be affected by which of the normal consequences of aging?

older adults have reduced kidney function

Your patient is reviewing their migraine medications with you. Which of the following medications concerns you as the nurse because you know it has a Black Box Warning and puts patients at higher risk for cardiovascular events and gastrointestinal bleedin

Naproxem sodium

Your patient has been diagnosed with having tension headaches. You question a medication order for a patient that has been prescribed which of the following medications:


Your patient has been prescribed Sumatriptan for their migraines. As a brilliant Midway Student Nurse, you know that you will need to monitor which of the following:

BP hypertension

All drugs that are considered safe to administer to adults are safe for administration to pediatric patients if the dose is adjusted appropriately for size


Intramuscular absorption of drugs is slower in the infant than in the adult.


Approximating safe doses of drugs for children is most accurate when calculated based on weight.


Older adults are less sensitive to drug.


Older adults absorb less of the dose of medication than younger adult.


Changes in body fat and lean body mass that occur with aging can cause lipid-soluble drugs to have a decrease in effect and water-soluble drugs to have a more intense effect.