Music Theory 08: Species Counterpoint

Voice Leading

Describes the linear aspect of musical writing


Horizontal apsect of voice leading; the individual melodic lines that make up a composition interact to create harmony


Vertical aspect of voice leading

Species Counterpoint

An approach to counterpoint through the addition of contrapuntal voices given to a melody (cantus firmus)

Five Species

Simple note-against-note counterpoint that progresses to complex counterpoint in 5 stages

Cantus Firmus

A fixed melody, one phrase in length, that terminates in a melodic cadence; serves as the basis for other independent, but related, melodies


A second voice, created according to specific principles, that accompanies the cantus firmus; for each note in the cantus firmus, it will have one or more notes

First Species Counterpoint

Consists of one note in the counterpoint for each note in the cantus firmus

Second Species Counterpoint

Two tones in the counterpoint for each tone in the cantus firmus

Third Species Counterpoint

Counterpoint that has four tones each tone in the cantus firmus

Fourth Species Counterpoint

Often called syncopation or ligature, consists of tied notes over nearly every bar in the counterpoint, creating a syncopated effect with the cantus firmus

Fifth Species Counterpoint

Florid counterpoint, and combines elements of all the other species; introduces rhythmic variety into the counterpoint

Modal Scales

Use of scales (modes) in which the pattern of whole steps and half steps is different from conventional major and minor scales


The beginning tone of a mode

Musica Ficta

Latin for "false music

Nota Cambiata

italian for changed note