Marketing Midterm Review

AARP is an organization that caters to senior citizens they are describing the population in terms of their


Retailers who sell luxury and consumer products are interested in a consumer's

Discretionary income

The organized way in which a country provides for the wants and needs of its people is referred to


A command economy is one in which

a system in which a country's government makes economic decisions

5. Kashi caters to people who want to live an active and healthy life style. Kashi uses ______ to segment their market


The phase of the business cycle that is characterized by low unemployment, high consumer, confidence, high consumer spending


Economic indicator that measures the change of price over a period of time of some 400 specific retail goods and services used in a household.


Goods and services purchased from other countries


Purpose of European Union

Physilitate free trade for the participating countries

Under armor is considering introducing new line of running shoes in asia market...


The Hershey company has a ______ on the word kiss


The u.s wants to cut off all trading ties with North Korea the best way for the us to achieve this would be by using


Full rights to reproduce a work


When a company breaks down a market into smaller groups based on common characteristics, they're using

market segmentation

which of the following is true

all the above

Price gauging

when a natural disaster or shortage happens so prices are raised


the ability and desire to purchase goods and services

Free enterprise

The freedom of private businesses to operate competitively for profit with minimal government regulation.


North American Free Trade Agreement; allows open trade with US, Mexico, and Canada


a limitation on imports


Goods and Services sold to other countries


limited quantities of resources to meet unlimited wants

target market

a group of people or organizations for which an organization designs, implements, and maintains a marketing mix intended to meet the needs of that group, resulting in mutually satisfying exchanges



Disposable income

income remaining for a person to spend or save after all taxes have been paid

Mass Marketing

Developing products and promotions to please large groups of people

international trade

the exchange of goods and services between nations

land labor capital entrepunership


Strengths weaknesses opportunities threats

SWOT analysis provides an objective means to identify areas of need for problem solving efforts

Product Place Price Promotion

Marketing mix/ 4 Ps

Food and Drug Administration

Sets and maintains purity and safety standards for food, drugs, and cosmetics; ensures accurate labeling; removes unsafe products from the market

Expansion recession through recovery



the commercial processes involved in promoting and selling and distributing a product or service

consumer product safety commission

a federal agency established to protect the health and safety of consumers in and around their homes

green marketing

marketing efforts to produce, promote, and reclaim environmentally sensitive products


an organization gives another organization the right to make or sell its products using its technology or product specifications.


World Trade Organization- An international body established in 1995 to foster and bring order to international trade. (p. 889)


a formally registered symbol identifying the manufacturer or distributor of a product


a tax on imported goods


Studies of consumers based on social and psychological characteristics such as attitudes, interests, and opinions


the characteristics of a population with respect to age, race, and gender.


market segmentation based on where your target market lives



How does marketing help lower prices

1. Competition
2. Creating Demand through Customization and Specialization

What does utility mean

1. An attribute of a product or service that makes it capable of satisfying consumer wants and needs.
2. Makes a product valuable
3. You want o make it as easy as possible for your consumers to access your product

what is the relationship between market segmentationtarget markets and customer profile

1. Market Segmentation is the process where a business analyzes and classifies their customers into groups- then those groups become the target market. A business will use a customer profile (which is the information about a customer) to then segment their market.

Which type of income (disposable or discretionary) is more important to businesses that sell expensive watches?

1. Discretionary because if one has money left over after taxes they can afford something like an expensive watch.

The term Global Village was coined in the 1960s to refer to the contemporary world where electronic communication made all people on Earth neighbors is this description more or less true?

1. More

What is the difference between consumer and industrial markets?

Consumer markets sell directly to consumer and industrial markets sell directly to the business.

How can businesses increase productivity?

1. Productivity- the output per work hour.
2. More workers
3. New Technology
4. More knowledgeable employees

What are property rights?

1. Patents
2. Trademarks
3. Copyrights
4. Punishable through fines and jail time

How does the role of government influence marketing?

1. Restrictions on advertisements
2. Age restrictions


a document granting an inventor sole rights to an invention