Marketing Chapter 1 Quiz


process of planning, pricing, promoting, selling, and distributing ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satify customers

everytime something is sold an exchange takes place.

everytime something is sold an exchange takes place.

7 marketing core functions

channal management/distribution, market planning, market information management/research, pricing, product/service management, promotion, selling

channal management/ distribution

getting goods to consumers, ex. trains, trucks

market planning

understanding concepts and strategies to develop a target marketing strategy to a specific market

market information management/research

researching customers, trends, and competitors


charging for goods and services to make a profit

product/service management

obtaining, developing, maintaining, and improving a prodcut or service


imforming, persuading, and reminding customers about a product or service


providing customers with goods/services

marketing concept

idea that a business should strive to satify customers' needs and wants while striving to make a profit


added value to product

5 utilities

form, place, time, possession, information


**putting parts together to make a product


offering a product where consumers can buy it, ex. gas station


offering a product at a convenent time of day or year, ex. open 24 hours


allowing customers to take legal ownership without paying yet, ex. credit cards


communicating information about a product, ex. labels and advertising


people who share similar needs and wants and are capable of buying products

consumer markets

wants products/services for personal use, ex. makes life easier

industrial markets


market share

company's percentage of total sales

target market

group of people indentified as those most likely to become customers

customer profile

information about target market, ex. age, income level, and ethnic backround

marketing mix 4P's (four basic marketing decisons)

Product, Price, Place, Promotion