Exam 3 CH. 15 Review MKTG MGMT

______ are the means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade, and remind customers about the products and brands that they sell.

Marketing communications

This is the use of mail, telephone, fax, email, or the Internet to communicate directly with or solicit a response or dialogue from specific customers or prospects.

Direct marketing

Bradford Soap, the second-largest soap maker in the world, occasionally arranges tours of their plant in Warwich, Rhode Island. This is a part of what kind of communications platform?


The communication objective that involves self-instructions to buy the brand or take buying related action.

brand purchase intention

When defining marketing communications to achieve a certain response, the creative strategy is most closely related to which of the following?

how to say it

An ad states that DirectTV offers better HD options than cable. This is an example of a(n) _________ appeal.


Michelin Tires has commercials featuring diaper-clad babies sitting in Michelin tires. A voiceover tells you the tires are more expensive than many brands that what is riding on them is priceless. This is an example of a(n)________ appeal.


Source creditability is a function for the source's _______.

likeability, expertise, and trustworthiness

Fred "Ford" Groves, a Cape Girardeau, Missouri Ford vehicle dealership likes to motivate its salespeople with contests that award prizes like trips to Disneyworld for selling the most vehicles in a time period. These kinds of sales promotions are common f

sales promotions

Ohana Surf, on the north shore of Oahu, Hawaii, is preparing its promotional budget for next year. If its first step is to forecast next year's sales, then Ohana is probably using the ________ method.


In an ideal world the ______ is the preferred method of setting a promotion budget.

objective-and-task method

The three distinct benefits of ______ are its ability to communicate, its ability to act as an incentive, and its invitation to consumers to buy now.

sales promotion

_______ is(are) the most effective tool at later stages of the buying process.

Personal selling

After the communications plan has been implemented, which of the following is a behavioral measure of the audience's response?

how many people bought the product