Marketing ch.8


cannot be touched, seen, tasted, or felt


allows services to be sold, produced, and consumed simultaneously


services tend to be less standardized and uniform than goods.


services cannot be stored or inventoried

Product assortment

all product lines of a firm

Product line

set of closely-related products

Product item

single product

Brand name

pronounceable part of the brand

Brand logo

graphics of the brand


brand equity( the value of a brand's overall strength in the market.


a product's ability to satisfy a customer's needs or requirement

Brand Familiarity

how well customers recognize and accept a company's brand

Lanham Act

This spelled out what kind of marks can be protected and the exact method of protecting them

Brand Insistence

It has to be this brand!!" The goal of the marketing

Brand Preference

This is better than that one

Brand recognition

Oh, I know this brand

Brand nonrecognition

What is this mark for? I've never seen this kind of mark...

Brand Rejection

Oh, this brand is not for me!

family brand

the same brand name for several products

Generic Brand

no brand, usually low quality, for saving money. common in less developed country

Licensed Brand

a well-known brand that sellers pay a fee to use (ex, superman on a cereal package )

Individual Brand

separate brand names for each product

Manufacturer Brand (national brand)

owned by company, producers

store brand ( private brand)

owned by retailer (e,x, Wal-Mart)

Battle of the Brands

the competition between dealer brands and manufacturer brand

Enhances the Product
Sends a message
Lower Distribution Costs

Package can do what?

Universal Product Code

identifies each product with marks readable by electronic scanners

Federal Fair Packaging and Labeling Act(1966)

requires that consumer goods be clearly labeled in easy-to-understand terms to give customers more information


explains what the seller promises bout its product

Magnunson-Moss Act

producers must provide a clearly written warranty if they choose to offer any warranty

Consumer Product

products meant for the final consumer

Business products

products meant for use in producing other products

Convenience products

consumer needs but isn't willing to spend much time or effort shopping for


products that are bought often, routinely, and without much thought

Impulse products

products that are bought quickly. customer hadn't planned to buy

Emergency product

products that are purchased immediately when the need is great (e.x. rain coat, ambulance, etc

Shopping product

products that a customer feels are worth the time and effort to compare with competing products

Homogeneous shopping products

shopping products the customer seed as basically the same and wants at the lowest price.

Heterogeneous shopping products

shopping products the customer sees as different and wants to inspect for quality and suitability.

unsought products

products that potential customers don't yet want or know they can buy

New unsought products

products offering really new ideas that potential customers don't know about yet

Regularly unsought products

products like gravestones, life insurance that stay unsought but not unsought forever--personal selling is important

derived demand

the big difference between the consumer products market and the business products market is this.
the demand for business product derives from the demand for final consumer products

expense item

product whose total cost is treated as a business expense in the year it's purchased

capital item

long-lasting product that can be used and depreciated for many years


such as buildings, land rights, and major equipment


short-lived capital items-tools and equipment used in production or office activities

Raw materials

unprocessed expense items. they become part of a physical good and are expense items

Farm products

one of the raw materials, grown by farmers

Natural products

one of the raw materials, occur in nature


processed expense items that become part of a finished product


expense items that do not become part of a finished product

MRO supplies

maintenance, repair, and operating supplies

professional services

specialized services that support a firm's operations