3352 Quiz 4

Chapter 16


Highest and best use analysis is required in

All appraisals

Highest and best use analysis requires an estimate of the use as though vacant and as improved to

All of the above

Highest and best use of the site as though vacant

All of the above

Which of the following is not a criterion for highest and best use?

The maximum size improvement

The test of legal permissibility includes all of the following requirements except

compliance with supply and demand criteria

common interim uses include

surface parking lots

When a property's highest and best use is likely to change in the near future, the prevailing highest and best use is called an

interim use

land values are never penalized due to the functional problems in existing buildings b/c

buildings can be removed or altered

a legally nonconforming use is

a use that was legally established and maintained but no longer conforms to existing zoning

If asked to appraise a municipal library, an appraiser

must estimate an alternative use and then find comparables of buildings that are similar to the alternative use

Chapter 17


a site is different than land b/c

a site is improved land that is ready to be built upon

land is always valued at

its highest and best use as though vacant

sites can be valued by

extraction, allocation, and sales comparison

in sales comparison analysis, comparable sales are adjusted

to the subject property

when estimating the market value of a site, the appraisal should include

there is no set number of comparable site sales transactions

if market value is sought, the sales comparison approach to site valuation is based primarily on an analysis of the market behavior of:


adjustments to the prices of comparable sites are measured by:

the amount a typical buyer will pay more or less for the item

in the valuation of land by sales comparison, the order of adjustment should begin with

property rights transferred

the valuation of land with a highest and best use as an industrial subdivision can be estimated using

the subdivision development method

Chapter 18


An opinion of market value via the sales comparison approach is through the eyes of

well-informed purchasers

A major requirement and limitation of the sales comparison approach is that it requires

an active market of competitive properties

Property sale prices

are negotiated b/w buyers and sellers

If the appraisal assignment requires an estimate of market value,

the sales comparison approach is usually applicable

in the application of the sales comparison approach in a market value appraisal,

closed sales, pending sales, current listings, options to purchase, and refusals can be used as indications of market value

Current listings that have been exposed to the market for a reasonable time:

tell the appraiser what the subject's market value cannot exceed

Units of comparison

are items that represent a breakdown of the price based on a significant variable

Which approach is usually the most applicable for appraising residences

sales comparison

Chapter 19


Elements of comparison are

the characteristics that cause the prices paid for real estate to vary

Adjustments are made

to the comparables to make them like the subject

A technique for extracting adjustments directly from the sale prices of comparables based on the contribution of a single feature is called:

paired-data analysis

Adjustments for real property rights conveyed reflect:

The differences in the rights in realty transferred b/w the subject and comps

Adjustments for financing terms reflect:

The differences in sale prices of properties that sold for cash or market rate financing and the ones that sold with special financing the favors the buyer

A conditions of sale adjustment reflects

the differences b/w the motivations of the sller and buyer on the date of sale of a comparable and the typical motivations of buyers and sellers as described in the definition of value

Graphic analysis is an example of:

a quantitative adjustment technique

Expenditures made immediately after purchase:

reflect anything that the buyers knew they would have to correct and probably factored the cost of into the prices paid

comparative analysis is

a general term used to describe the process by which qualitative or quantitative techniques are used to derive a value opinion in the sales comp approach