Real Estate Chapter 7, 8

Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal

1. Define the problem
2. Selection and collection of data
3. Highest and best use
4. Estimate the value by three methods (Sales comparison, income, cost approach)
5. Reconcile "weight" the resulting values
6. Prepare appraisal report

Cost approach

Estimated replacement/reproduction cost of improvements- estimated accrued depreciation = Depreciated cost of building improvements + estimate value of site =indicated value of cost approach

Quantity survey

theoretically can "price every nail

Indexed lease

Rent tied to an inflation index

Percentage lease

rent includes percentage of tenant's sales

Straight line method to quantify CAPX

for a specific expenditure "n" years away, an amount equal to the needed CAPX divided by n

Sinking fund method to quantify CAPX

an amount, invested annually that compounds to the needed CAPX expenditures in a future year(s)

actual expenditures to quantify CAPX

the actual amount expected in each year of the expected holding period (can only be done in DCF, not cap rate models)

Problems with Cap Rate Method

Ignores "atypical" out-year cash flows, incomplete data on comparable sales, differing prices between institutional, private, and foreign investors

Highest and best use

The use which is: Legally permissible, physically possible, financially feasible, most profitable (yields highest residual value to the land)

problems with cap rate method

ignores atypical out year cash flows, incomplete data on comparable sales, differing prices w/ different investors