Julius Caesar Review Questions

Why are the commoners wandering the streets instead of working?

They are celebrating Caesar's victory and his return to Rome.

How do Flavius and Marullus feel about the celebration?

They believe the people are fickle: where once they loved Pompey, they now love Caesar.

How do Flavius and Marullus show their feelings toward Caesar?

They take down the decorations in the town.

What does Caesar tell Antony to do during the race and why?

He wants Antony to touch his wife Calpurnia during the race because there is a superstition
that touching an infertile woman during the race will make her have children.

How does Antony respond to Caesar's request?

He says he will do anything Caesar asks of him.

What does the Soothsayer tell Caesar?

He says to beware the ides of March.

What does Brutus fear when he hears the crowds shouting?

He is afraid they are asking Caesar to be their king

Why does Cassius think Caesar isn't fit to be king?

He believes that they were born equal, that Caesar has no right to have authority over him, and
that Caesar has exhibited cowardice and weakness that make him unfit to rule.

How does Brutus respond to Cassius' ideas?

Brutus says he has had similar thoughts; he does not wish to continue the discussion now, but
he will at a later time.

What does Caesar think about Cassius?

He believes he is dangerous.

Who offers Caesar the crown?

Antony offers it.

What is Casca's opinion of the way Caesar refused the crown?

He thinks that each time it was harder for Caesar to refuse it.

What happens to Caesar after the third offering of the crown?

He falls down foaming at the mouth.

How does Brutus explain Caesar's behavior?

He thinks Caesar has the falling-sickness, epilepsy.

What happened to Flavius and Marullus?

They were executed.

What does Brutus say to Cassius before departing?

He says he will meet with Cassius the next day.

What things does Casca see that upset him?

He sees a slave whose hand burns without feeling pain, a lion in the Capitol, men on fire
walking in the streets, and an owl in the marketplace at noon.

What do the senators plan to do the next day?

They plan to make Caesar their king.

What is the message behind Cassius drawing his dagger?

He is saying he would rather kill himself than live under Caesar as king.

How does Cassius feel about the Roman people now? (in Act 1, Scene 3)

He looks down on them and calls them trash; he feels they are inferior beings if they want
Caesar as their king.

With whom do Casca and Cinna side?

They side with Cassius.

What is Cassius' plan to persuade Brutus to join the conspiracy?

He asks Cinna to sneak a letter into a place where Brutus will find it.

How does Brutus feel toward Caesar personally?

He has no reason to dislike him; his concern is for the people of Rome.

What does Brutus fear would happen after Caesar was crowned?

He thinks it might change Caesar's personality, and a darker side would appear.

What is the message of the letter? (the one to Brutus)

It tells Brutus to wake up, pay attention, and fix the wrongs that have been done to Rome.

Is this the first letter Brutus has received?

No, he's received several in various places.

What is the date? (in Act 2, when Brutus and the Senate meet)

It is March 15, the ides of March.

How has Brutus felt since he first spoke with Cassius?

He has suffered terrible mental agitation; it haunts him.

What does Brutus think about the fact that the conspirators are hiding their faces in
their coats?

It seems cowardly to him, and he wonders how they'll ever show their faces during the day if
they're afraid to show them at night when no one can see them anyway.

Who are the conspirators?

Cassius brings Casca, Decius Brutus, Cinna, Metellus Cimber, and Trebonius.

Why does Brutus refuse to swear an oath?

He believes that the oppression of their times is enough to support their endeavor and if any
man disagrees, then he should not join them.

Who does Cassius want to kill?

He wants to kill Caesar and Mark Antony.

How does Brutus respond to Cassius' suggestion? (to killing Antony)

He says they will seem bloodthirsty if they kill both men and that Antony will lose his power
after Caesar's death.

Why might Decius Brutus need to persuade Caesar to come to the Capitol?

He has been superstitious lately, and the unnatural events might convince him to stay home.

Why is Portia upset with Brutus?

It is clear that something is bothering him, but he won't tell her what it is.

Who comes to see Brutus at the end of the scene? (Act 2, Scene 1)

Caius Ligarius comes to join in the conspiracy.

What happens in Calpurnia's dreams?

She dreams that someone murders Caesar.

Why does Calpurnia tell Caesar he must stay home?

Although she never paid attention to signs and omens, the numerous unnatural occurrences
have frightened her.

What is Caesar's initial reaction to Calpurnia's fears?

He dismisses them and says he will never be a coward.

What exactly did Calpurnia dream?

She dreamt that a statue of Caesar poured blood from many places and Romans bathed their
hands in the blood.

How does Decius Brutus interpret the dream for Caesar?

He says it means that the Romans will receive life-giving blood from Caesar; he says it is a
positive dream.

How does the scene end? (Act 2, Scene 2 where Calpurnia describes her dream)

Caesar leaves for the Capitol accompanied by all of the conspirators, along with Antony.

What does Artemidorus want to tell Caesar?

He wants to warn him against men he trusts, the conspirators.

What does Portia instruct Lucius to do?

She tells him to run to the capitol and return with news of Brutus and Caesar

What type of message does the Soothsayer have for Caesar? (in Act 2)

He wants to warn him of danger that seems to be approaching.

Why doesn't Caesar read Artemidorus' letter first?

He says things that pertain to him, or personal things, he will handle last. He will hear other people's petitions first.

What is Trebonius' role in the conspiracy?

He gets Antony out of the way so they can kill Caesar.

What pretense do the conspirators use to circle around Caesar?

Metellus Cimber begs Caesar to free his enslaved brother. The other conspirators gather around Caesar, pleading with him to grant the request.

What does Casca mean when he says, "Speak, hands, for me!"?

His hands are holding a dagger to stab Caesar, and this action reveals what is in Casca's mind
and heart.

What are Caesar's last words?

He says, "Et tu, Brute? Then fall, Caesar!

How do the conspirators feel immediately after Caesar's death?

They feel that liberty and freedom rule Rome once again.

What does Antony do immediately on hearing the news of Caesar's death?

He runs to his house and sends his servant back to the Capital.

What do the conspirators do with Caesar's blood?

They put it on their forearms and their swords.

How does Brutus receive Antony when he comes to the Capitol?

He welcomes him and treats him well.

What does Cassius tell Antony about his position in the new government?

He says Antony will have as much power as any of them.

How does Antony show loyalty to the conspirators?

He shakes their bloody hands.

What does Antony ask permission to do?

He wants to speak at Caesar's funeral.

How do Brutus and Cassius react to Antony's request?

Cassius is wary; he thinks Antony might sway the people against the conspirators.
Brutus grants
Antony's request and believes Antony will not do any harm.

What does Antony say to Caesar when he is left alone with the body?

He asks Caesar to forgive him for appearing to agree with the conspirators, and he says he'll get revenge.

What message does Antony send to Octavius?

Antony tells Octavius to stay outside of Rome for now because it is too dangerous for him.

How does Brutus explain Caesar's murder to the people?

He says that he loved Caesar as a friend, but Caesar would have oppressed the Romans and become a cruel leader so they were forced to remove him in order to preserve the Romans' freedom.

How does Antony describe Brutus during the speech?

He calls Brutus an honorable man.

What event does Antony use to show that Caesar was not ambitious?

When Caesar refused the crown 3 times

What does Antony say he found in Caesar's closet?

Caesar's will

What does Antony do before reading Caesar's will?

He shows everyone Caesar's mutilated body.

According to Antony, what does Caesar's will say?

Antony tells the citizens that Caesar gave every man 75 drachmas (money) and left his walk, arbors, and
orchards to the people of Rome.

How do the citizens react at the end of Antony's speech?

They are angry and mutinous; they want to attack the conspirators.

Where does Antony go at the end of the scene?

He goes to see Octavius, who has already come to Rome.

What happens to Cinna the poet?

He is beaten to death because he was mistaken for Cinna the conspirator.

What are Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus doing when the scene opens?

They are deciding which men will die.

What do Antony and Octavius, respectively, think about Lepidus?

Octavius believes he is brave.
Antony has doubts and says Lepidus has no better qualities than a
good war horse.

According to Antony, what are Brutus and Cassius doing?

Brutus and Cassius are building an army.

What does Lucilius tell Brutus about Cassius' attitude?

Lucilius says that Cassius is not happy with Brutus.

What does Cassius say to Brutus when he arrives at Brutus' tent?

Cassius says Brutus has done him wrong.

How does Brutus react to Cassius' charge against him?

Brutus says he loves Cassius like a brother and would never wrong him. He asks Cassius to
continue the discussion with Brutus in private.

Why does Cassius believe Brutus wronged him?

Cassius says Brutus condemned Lucius Pella for taking bribes even though Cassius had written
to Brutus and asked him not to punish him.

What does Brutus accuse Cassius of doing?

Brutus accuses Cassius of taking bribes as well.

Why else is Brutus upset with Cassius?

Brutus asked Cassius to send him money but Cassius denied him.

How does Cassius explain this event (not sending money)?

Cassius says the messenger misinterpreted Cassius's words.

Why does Cassius draw his dagger?

He says that if Brutus, his closest friend, no longer loves him, then Cassius wants to die.

How does the argument end? (the one between Brutus and Cassius)

Brutus and Cassius agree they were both being ill-tempered and are friends again.

What does Brutus tell Cassius about Portia?

Portia is dead; she swallowed fire.

What news does Messala bring about Antony and Octavius?

They are preparing to fight at Philippi, and they have executed 100 senators in Rome.

What are Brutus' and Cassius' opinions, respectively, of marching to Philippi?

Brutus thinks they should, but Cassius thinks it is unwise and they should wait for the enemy to
come to them.

What do Brutus and Cassius decide to do?

They decide to go to Philippi.

Who visits Brutus in the night?

The ghost of Caesar comes to Brutus' tent and says he is Brutus' "evil spirit.

From which side will Antony attack?


How does Antony refer to Octavius?

He begins to call him Caesar.

What do Antony, Octavius, Brutus, and Cassius do when they meet?

They call each other names.

What does Cassius tell Messala about his army's situation?

He says there was an ill omen of two eagles falling and it seems that the army stands under a
shadow of death.

What happens in this brief scene? (Brutus does this before they go to fight)

The battle has begun, and Brutus sends Messala with a message to Cassius that Brutus plans to
attack Octavius's army.

What does Pindarus encourage Cassius to do?

Pindarus encourages Cassius to flee because Octavius' army has the upper hand.

Why does Cassius ask Pindarus to kill him?

Cassius believes that Titinius, his best friend, has been captured, and Cassius no longer wants
to live.

What news does Messala bring when he arrives with Titinius?

Cassius' army has been defeated by Antony, but Brutus' men defeated Octavius' army

What does Titinius do when he sees Cassius' corpse?

Titinius kills himself

Who does Brutus blame for Cassius' and
Titinius' deaths?

Brutus says Julius Caesar's ghost is revenging himself, causing these men to turn their swords
upon themselves.

When Antony's men capture
Lucilius, who do they believe
they have captured?

They believe they have captured Brutus.

How does Brutus die?

He runs on his own sword.

How does Brutus feel about
killing himself compared to
killing Caesar?

Brutus thinks his motives for killing Caesar weren't half as good as the ones he has for killing

What does Antony say about
Brutus' character at the end?

Antony says Brutus was nobler than any other conspirator because he acted only for the good
of Rome and not for himself.