Christian Scriptures Tatum Final

When one state or people takes over other states or peoples


the most fierce empire; world's first terrorist empire; Northern Mesopotamia; not primitive; invented the concept of permanent standing army rather than seasonal militia


empirical policy of taxation

one state or people takes over another state or people because of the monetary benefits; could be fertile land, man power, riches, etc.

empirical policy of maintaining order

if conquered people are in rebellion, then the empire isn't receiving taxes; empire must determine the most they can tax the people without causing a rebellion

When was Rome founded?

753 BC

What does SPQR mean in relation to Rome?

Senatus Populus Que Romanum (Senate and the People of Rome)

When did Babylon rebel against Assyria?

612 BC or 614 BC

When was the Babylonian Exile?

586 BC- 538 BC

During the Babylonian Exile, Old Testament Hebrew practices shift from _____ to Judaism, which involves _____.

- Sacrifices in the Temple with the Priest
- study of the Torah in the Synagogue with the Rabbi

Which Old Testament prophet introduces individual responsibility to the Hebrews?


Which Old Testament prophet introduces monotheism to the Hebrews?


When was the Persian/Restoration Era?

538 BC- 333 BC

Which Persian ruler lead the Persians to conquer all of the Middle East, was tolerant of Jews, rebuilt the Temple in Jerusalem, and tried but failed to conquer Greece?

Cyrus the Great

When was the Intertestamental Period?

333 BC- 7 BC

When during the Intertestamental Period was the Hellenistic Era?

333 BC- 167 BC

Who was the Greek leader who lead the Greeks in establishing the largest empire in the ancient world?

Alexander the Great

What family took over the Greek Empire after Alexander the Great died in 321 BC?

the Ptolemies

Who was the last of the Ptolemies?


What family took over the Greek Empire after the Ptolemies in 198 BC?

the Seleucids

Which Seleucid leader lead the Seleucids in defeating the Ptolemies?

Antiochus IV

When during the Intertestamental Period was the Maccabean Era?

167 BC- 63 BC

Who conquers Jerusalem out of embarrassment after Rome forces his surrender?

Antiochus IV

Who lead the Jews in the rebellion against Antiochus and the Greeks?

Judas Maccaabaeus

The 8 day festival that celebrates the miracle of the menorah staying lit for 8 days during the cleansing rituals


When during the Intertestamental Period was the Coming of Rome?

63 BC- 7 BC

Who lead the coming of Rome?


Who were the wealthiest and most powerful Roman senators who had personal armies?

Pompey and Caesar

Who kills Pompey?


Who gets so powerful that the Roman senators are afraid he's going to declare himself king so they kill him in 44 BC?


Who leads a rebellion against the Roman republic, lead by Brutus and Cassius?

Mark Antony and Octavian (Augustus Caesar)

Who defends the Roman republic against the rebellion lead by Antony and Octavian?

Brutus and Cassius

Who ends up defeating Marc Antony and Cleopatra and takes over Rome, making it an empire?

Octavian (Augustus Caesar)

When was the Life of Christ?

7 BC- 30 BC

What are the sources for the Life of Christ?

the gospels

Roman governor put in charge of keeping peace in Jerusalem because it was a hotbed for rebellion; gets to choose the high priest


Procurator during Jesus' life; chooses Caiaphus as high priest

Pontius Pilate

high priest (sadducee) chosen by Pilate


those in the Roman Empire that admired and sympathized with the Jewish religion but didn't commit to it


Roman Empire policies:

-maintain order

Supreme court made up of 70 sadducees who dealt with issues that Pilate didn't want to deal with (divorce, theft, adultery, etc.)


Who had the power to enforce the death penalty?


Who was in charge of Palestine under Caesar Augustus?

Herod the Great

Son of Herod the Great who ruled over Galilee when his dad died in 4 BC.

Herod Antipas

Who beheaded John the Baptist?

Herod Antipas

Throughout most of his life, Jesus did not want to be known as the Messiah

Messianic Secret

Where did Jesus go with his disciples at the end of his ministry?

Caesarea Philippi

Simon Peter calls Jesus "The Christ" and Jesus accepts the term.

The Great Confession

What Bible verse splits Catholicism and Protestantism over the rock that the church is built on?

Matthew 16:18

Where do Jesus and the disciples travel through from Caesarea Philippi to get to Jerusalem?


The seven days around when Jesus was crucified.

Passion Week

Roman capital in Judea

Caesarea Maritima

fishermen village


613 laws given to Moses on Mount Sinai that the Jews follow to keep in line with God.

written law

laws created by the pharisees to ensure that the written law is kept

oral law

When was the Apostolic Era?

30 AD- 70 AD

What are the sources for the Apostolic Era?

the letters of Paul

About how many apostles were there?


What event leads to Christians scattering from Jerusalem?

the stoning of Stephan

What was Paul's religion?


What was Paul's culture?


What was Paul's legal status?

citizen of Rome

Apostle of the Gentiles


When did the Apostles meet to solve the Gentile Question?

49 AD

Greek word for Christ followers


Hebrew word for Christ followers


Who was the first martyr for Christ?


Where does persecution of Christ-followers originally come from?


Why could Christianity spread fast in the Roman Empire?

pax romana

What do I have to do to become a Christ follower? Do I have to become a Jew first?

The Gentile Question

Argue that Gentiles must become Jews to become Christ followers


Which laws do the apostles decide the Gentiles still have to follow?

Idolatry, blood consumption, and certain universal laws

Who tries to rebel against Rome in 70 AD, failing, and leading to Jerusalem's destruction?


What event permanently ends the sacrificial system?

the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD

What event kills off most of the apostles?

the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD

When was the Post-Apostolic Era?

70 AD- 130 AD

What are the sources for the Post-Apostolic Era?

the rest of the new testament

3 main themes of the Post-Apocalyptic Era

Growth, Persecution, and Heresies

Heresy that says you pay more money, they'll give you more knowledge you need to know


Heresy that taught that the flesh is so evil that because Yahweh of the Old Testament created the flesh, He is evil too.


Heresy that teaches that the flesh is so bad, you have too physically punish yourself


Heresy that teaches that the flesh is evil, but if you keep your spirit focused on the truth, it doesn't matter what the flesh does so it can do whatever it wants.


Heresy that taught that because the flesh is evil, Jesus must not have actually been human.


The basic Christian doctrine that God came to earth in the form of Jesus.


Which Jewish sect was the only one to survive 70 AD?


Which Jewish sect evolved into what is now Greek Orthodox?


Roman emperor who essentially started the Roman persecution of Christians.


Which Old Testament prophet emphasized separatism?


Which Jewish sect emphasized separatism?


God is compassionate, loving, and forgiving, but more importantly He is holy, just, and righteous.


Which Old Testament prophet emphasized inclusivism?


Which Jewish sect emphasized inclusivism?


God is holy, just, and righteous, but more importantly He is compassionate, loving, and forgiving.


Which Jewish sect were radical separatists, lived simple, isolated lives, and lived apocalypticly? (John the Baptist is thought to have been one)


Jewish sect made up of anti-Roman nationalists. (Simon the disciple was one; Judas may have been one)


Jewish sect that benefited from Roman rules, and was in charge of the temple?


Which Jewish sect were the law-keepers?
