Julius Caesar Summaries Spring Final 2017

Flavius and Marullus

punished for removing decorations from Caesar's statues

Julius Caesar

emperor of Rome, easily flattered, superstitious but doesn't listen to warnings, ambitious to become king of Rome, has physical faults


conspirator, first to stab Caesar


wife of Caesar, unnatural events make her fear for Caesar's safety, dream foreshadows Caesar's death, barren (cannot have children)

Mark Antony

friend and devoted follower of Caesar, athlete, womanizer, skilled orator, avenged Caesar's death, forms Second Triumvirate


warns Caesar "Beware the Ides of March

Marcus Brutus

judicial magistrate of Rome, noble, honorable, respected, fears Caesar will become a tyrant, joins conspiracy for the good of Rome, na�ve, idealistic


brother in law of Brutus, organizes conspiracy against Caesar, jealous


senator, famous orator of Rome, speaks Greek, conspirators consider asking him to join, Second Triumvirate put him to death


conspirator, urges Cassius to involve Brutus in conspiracy, places forged letters for Brutus to find


Brutus's young servant, sings soothing songs for Brutus

Decius Brutus

conspirator who persuades Caesar to attend the Senate by flattering him

Metellus Cimber

conspirator, distracts Caesar by requesting brother's banishment be repealed


conspirator who lures Mark Antony out of the Senate house


wife of Brutus, stabs thigh to prove strength, suffers breakdown when Brutus tells her of conspiracy, commits suicide by swallowing hot coals

Caius Ligarius

final member of conspiracy, will do anything Brutus asks


elderly senator who arrives with conspirators to escort Caesar to the capitol(not a conspirator)


teacher who gives Caesar a letter naming the conspirators

Poplilus Lena

senator who wishes Cassius well in his "enterprise

Cinna the Poet

caught in riot, mistaken for Cinna the conspirator, killed for his bad verses

Octavius Caesar

nephew and adopted son of Caesar, his heir, forms Second Triumvirate

M. Aemilius Lepidus

joins Antony and Octavius to form Second Triumvirate, weak, used to run errands


loyal servant of Brutus, impersonates Brutus when captured


servant of Cassius, tells Cassius incorrect information about Titinius causing Cassius to kill himself, helps Cassius to die


officer in army of Brutus and Cassius, one Cassius believed to be captured


soldier in army of Brutus and Cassius

Varro and Claudius

servants of Brutus, asked to help Brutus die

Young Cato

nephew of Brutus, soldier in army of Brutus and Cassius

Clitus and Dardanius

servants of Brutus, asked to help Brutus die


friend of Brutus, soldier under his command


loyal servant to Brutus, helps him kill himself

Act 1 Scene 1

-opens in the middle of the action
-uses commoners to establish: setting in a public place opens on FEBRUARY 15
-Marullus and Flavius support Pompey vs commoners who support Caesar
-Marullus: long monologue about the same fickle commoners who supported Po

Act 1 Scene 2

-begins right before March 15
-Calpernia (Ceasars wife) cannot have children
-Julius Caesar turns down the crown three times offered to him by Mark Antony
-Brutus and Cassius: lead conspirators
-Cassius wants to have Brutus as a conspirator because of his

Act 1 Scene 3

-night of MARCH 14
-about bad weather: Casca- a war in heaven or the gods are angry Cicero- more rational that its just a coincidence Cassius- gods are upset with us aka Caesars rule
-Casca describes weather: slave with hand on fire, lion in the streets,

Act 2 Scene 1

-Few hours before the Ides of March
-Lucius: Brutus servent
-Brutus opens with soliloquy about how he is afraid Caeser will abuse his power 1 worries how power would change his nature compares him to a snake 2 his ambition compares him to an "atter" "clim

Act 2 Scene 2

-opens at Caesar's house on March 15
-Calpernia does not want Caesar to go to the Senate because she had a dream that people were bathing in Caesar's blood: response he says "why should we fear death... it will come when it does"
-Then the soothsayer says

Act 2 Scene 3

-meet Artemidorus (supporter): he learned about the conspiracy and waits for Caesar to give him a letter saying to "Beware of Brutus, take heed of Cassius, come not near Casca, have an eye on Cinna, trust not Trebonious, mark well Metellus Cimber, do not

Act 2 Scene 4

-Portia is anxious about the conspiracy and sends Lucius, their servant, to the Senate to know what is going on and tells Lucius a bs excuse for him to go (tension builds)

Act 3 Scene 1

-Caesar killed: climax
-Casca stabs him first spoken by Cinna "Casca, you are the first that rears your hand"
-On the way to the Senate Caesar has two opportunities to discover their plot: 1 Artemadorus's letter 2 Soothsayer warns to beware the Ides of Ma

Act 3 Scene 2

-Brutus speaks first and appeals strongest to people's ethical (ethos) sense by saying "believe me for my honor" but also uses logic (logos) but saying that Caesar was ambitious and would turn into a tyrant then turn all you into slaves
-Brutus and Cassiu

Act 3 Scene 3

-Cinna the poet is mistaken for Cinna the conspirator and killed showing the commoners blind rage and need for blood

Act 4 Scene 1

-falling action after Caesar's death
-New triumvirate forms Octavius, Antony, and Lepidus already with power and personality struggles
-a civil war begins between the triumvirate and the main conspirators (Brutus and Cassius who never talked about how pow

Act 4 Scene 2

-opens at Sarids (conspirators/rebel camp)
-Brutus and Lucius (servant) are talking and Cassius and Pendarius (general) are talking
-Brutus and Cassius conflict
-Brutus to Lucius saying Cassius is a "hot friend cooling" "sicken and decay"
-Brutus and Cass

Act 4 Scene 3

-Brutus and Cassius are in a tent alone talking clash over money
-Brutus accuses Cassius of bribery "itching palm" and corruption
-Cassius says he is an "elder soldier" accuses Brutus of doing him wrong and threatens to kill himself
-Brutus takes offense

Act 5 Scene 1

-the catastrophe: everyone dies
-Cassius birthday and battle day
-Cassius birthday: important because he has had a change in philosophy now he believes in omens (situational irony) he dies on the day he was born because he now believes in omens he sees tw

Act 5 Scene 2

-on the battlefield (5.2-5.4)
-a catalyst to everyone else's deaths: Brutus wants to push forward versing Octavius's army because he believes that Octavius has a lack of courage and perceives weaknesses "I perceive a cold demeanor in Octavius's wing"
- Br

Act 5 Scene 3

-on the battlefield
-Cassius retreated versing Antony
-Cassius sent Titinius (best friend) to go check out the area below because Antony's army enclosed them; then he asks Pindarus (servant) to tell him what is going on; Pindarus encourages him to flee: C

Act 5 Scene 4

-on the battlefield
-Cato killed on battlefield
-Lucius pretends to be Brutus and is taken prisoner by Antony; Antony see it is not Brutus

Act 5 Scene 5

-Brutus after seeing defeat is imminent he has too much pride to be taken prisoner or to commit suicide; asks three men to kill him first Clitus, the second Dardanius, thrid Volumious; all say no; finally, Strato agreed to hold a sword while Brutus ran on


-Act 2-5: the catastrophe: everyone dies
-Cassius's birthday
-Cassius sends Titinius (Cassius's best friend) to what Cassius believes is his "death"
-Pindarus (slave) kills Cassius then runs away "set free"
-Titinius comes back to Cassius; sees him dead;