Julius Caesar Act One

Act 1 of a play provides basic information about the characters and their situation.What is this part of a play called?

the exposition

Flavius' conversation with the commoners in the beginning of Act 1 gives important information. What else does it provide?


In Act 1, Scene 1, why do Flavius and Marullus try to stop people from celebrating?

They resent the fact that Caesar has defeated and murdered Pompey

When is the feast of Lupercal?

February 15

At the beginning of Act 1, Scene ii, what warning does Soothsayer give?

He warns Caesar to beware of a date in March

In Act 1, Scene ii, why does Cassius flatter Brutus?

He needs Brutus to support his plot against Caesar

What internal conflict does Brutus face in Act I?

He is Caesar's friend, but he does not want to live under a king

According to Cassius, who is to blame for Caesar's rise to power?

Romans like Cassius and Brutus

Why does Caesar distrust Cassius?

Cassius thinks too much and is too clever

According to Casca, how did Caesar react when he was offered the crown?

He rejected it three times, but he really wanted to accept it

At the beginning of Act 1, Scene iii, when Casca describes the thunderstorm, why is he upset?

He is afraid that the gods are angry and something bad will happen

Why does Cassius believe that Brutus should be part of the plot against Caesar?

People respect Brutus and will accept what he does

On what day does Act II begin?

the ides of March

Why does Brutus decide to join the conspiracy against Caesar?

He wants to protect Rome from tyranny

Hide it in smiles and affability...

Keep the plot secret by acting friendly and normal

The conspiracy members agree not to attack Mark Antony. Why do they make this decision?

They are afraid of turning public opinion against

Why do the conspirators want Caesar to go to the Senate on the ides of March?

so that they can kill him

For he is superstitious grown of late....

Lately, he has become someone who listens to omens

Why does Calpurnia ask Caesar not to go to the Senate?

She believes her frightening dreams are bad omens

Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once. Of all the wonders that I yet have heard, it seems to me most strange that men should fear, seeing that death, a necessary end, will come when it will come

He seems brave and dignified

How does Decius persuade Caesar to go to the senate?

He says the Senators are planning to offer Caesar the crown

At the end o f Act II, what plans do Artemidorus and the soothsayer have?

They both want to warn Caesar that he is in danger

At the beginning of Act III, the conspirators gather around Caesar and ask him to pardon someone. How does Caesar answer them?

proudly and arrogantly

What is the real reason that the conspirators gather around Caesar at the beginning of Act III?

They are about to kill him

When Antony speaks to the conspirators right after Caesar's death what does he say?

He says he will support them if they explain their actions

When Antony delivers a dramatic speech over Caesar's body, he is alone on stage. What is the name of this kind of speech?


In his speech over Caesar's body, Antony says that Caesar's wounds "beg" him to do something. What do they beg him to do?

get revenge for Caesar's death

Brutus is first to speak at Caesar's funeral. How would you describe the feelings he expresses?


Which term is the name for a long speech by one character and heard by the other characters on stage?


In his funeral speech, which line does Antony repeat several times?

Brutus is an honorable man

Despite his words, what does Antony convince the crowd of in his funeral speech?

that Brutus is a villain without honor

What does Antony mean when he tells the crowd that a good speaker could accomplish the following deed,"Put a tongue in every wound of Caesar's that should move, the stones of Rome to rise and mutiny"?

A good speaker could convince Romans to seek vengeance for Caesar's death

Why does a group of plebeians attach Cinna, the poet, at the end at the end of Act III?

He has the same name as one of the conspirators

What impression of the plebeians does Shakespeare give in Act III?

They are easily manipulated

At the beginning of Act IV, what do Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus reveal?

They will kill their own relatives in order to stay in power in Rome

What is the conflict between Antony and Octavius in Act IV, scene i about?

how to treat Lepidus

What can you infer about Antony from these lines, "Octavius. You may do your will: But he's a tried and valiant soldier. Antony. So is my horse, Octavius, and for that I do appoint him store of provender?

Antony is unsentimental

What do these lines reveal about Brutus' concerns in Act IV, Thou has described, a hot friend cooling?

Brutus may no longer be able to trust Cassius

Which of the following is a source of conflict between Cassius and Brutus?

Brutus believes that Cassius has taken bribes

Which of the following best illustrates the change in Brutus and Cassius' friendship?

Brutus and Cassius argue and accuse each other

How are Brutus and Cassius characterized in Act IV, Scene iii?

suspicious, petty, quarrelsome

How can Brutus' reaction to Portia's death best be explained?

He is devoted to practicing the philosophy of Stoicism

How do the temperaments of Brutus and Cassius differ?

Brutus is stocial, while Cassius is emotional

What does the conflict between Brutus and Cassius suggest about their ability to face the challenges that lie ahead of them?

If they cannot form a united front, they may not be able to defeat Antony

Which of the following best summarizes Brutus' argument in Act IV, Scene iii, in which he urges Cassius to be honest?

We killed Caesar to end corruption; we do not have a right to be corrupt ourselves

Why does Brutus want to go meet Antony's troops at Philippi?

He is afraid that Antony will gather new recruits if they wait for him

What do these lines say about Cassius' feelings towards Brutus, How scaped I killing when I crossed you so?

admiration for his self-control

What is the best illustration of Brutus' internal conflict?

his reaction to Caesar's ghost

What is the significance of the ghost's promise to see Brutus at Philippi?

It is a bad omen for Brutus

How does Act V of Julius Caesar begin?

with both sides trading insults sand accusing each other

For what mistake does Cassius still blame Brutus in Act V?

for not killing Antony when they killed Caesar

At the beginning of Act V, why does Cassius think he is going to die that day?

because he has seen bad omens

What different attitudes do Brutus and Cassius have toward the coming battle?

Cassius fears the worst, while Brutus refuses to look ahead

Why does Cassius ask of one of his men to kill him?

He feels guilty because his best friend has been captured

Why is Cassius not considered a tragic hero?

He is greedy and dishonest rather than noble

How do Antony and Octavius treat Brutus' followers after capturing them?

They keep all of the captives safe

What convinces Brutus that he should not have killed Caesar?

Caesar's ghost

What is Brutus' tragic flaw?

He trusts everyone

Why is Brutus considered a tragic hero?

He was noble, but his own flaws caused his downfall

What does Caesar mean when he refers to his infirmity?

his physical weakness

What does Casca mean when he says that the strange happenings in Rome are portentous?

They are signs of bad events to come

What does Caesar mean when he describes Cassius as spare?

Cassius is thin

When Cassius invites the conspirators to "swear our resolution", what does he mean?

swear our determination

When Brutus says that Caesar's power may be augmented, what does he mean?

It may increase

Which character in the play has a reputation among others for great integrity?


At the beginning of Act III, and old man is confounded by what is going on. Which word means the same as confounded?


When Antony predicts strife in Rome, to what is he referring?


What kind of relationship is a superficial friendship?


Why are military strategies usually covert?

so the enemy will be surprised by them

Which of the following would a person expecting chastisement most likely feel?


Which of the following statements best describes a rash decision?

It is a decision that has not been considered for a long time

When do people become disconsolate?

when something tragic happens

What happens when an event is misconstrued?

It is not interpreted correctly

Which sentence contains an ADJECTIVE clause?

The shirt that I bought is green

Which sentence contains an NOUN clause?

Whoever arrived first won a prize