Crime in Am Ch 6


Some of the most important work in psychology and crime focuses on _____.


Which of the following suggests a genetic tendency for criminal behavior is passed from parents to children?

It concerns the size and shape of skull as a measurement of criminality.

Which of the following best describes phrenology?


Psychological approaches also suggest that criminality results from psychological _____.

low IQ

Which of the following may impair moral reasoning and the ability to appreciate the consequences of one's actions?


According to researchers, which chromosome pattern suggests men with long arms, acne and low intelligence?


Which stage did Freud think represents internalization of society's moral code?

evolutionary Biology

Which of the following explanations suggests that for thousands of years certain favored traits survived through natural selection?

it impairs moral judgement

Which of the following suggests why low IQ may lead to crime?

moral development

Kohlberg's theory of _____ is an explanation of the ability to distinguish right from wrong and to determine the ethically correct course of action in complex cases.


Which of the following criminal defenses is based on the idea of women having "raging hormones"?

Men who used rape as a means to pass along their genes

Which of the following statements best describes cads?


Which of the following is a neurotransmitter?


Cesare Lombroso considered criminals ____ or "throwbacks" to an earlier age of evolution.

It lasts until the age of 2 and involves learning about their immediate environment and developing their reflexes.

Which of the following best represents Kohlberg's sensorimotor period?


An infamous criminal defense based on diet and nutrition is the ____ defense.

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Relatively new technologies, such as positron emission tomography (PET) and _____, have enabled scientists to study the brain as never before.


In 1949, William Sheldon (1898-1977) published a book that outlined his theory of _____, which assumes that people's body shapes affect their personalities and hence the crimes they commit.

Sigmund Freud

Who introduced the idea of personality being a product of id, ego and superego?


When both members of a part act alike, it is called _____.

He believed them to be more naturally passive than men.

Why did Lombroso believe women committed so little crime?


Which of the following is said to increase aggressiveness, risk taking and impulsiveness?

Crime arises from internal disturbances developing in early childhood.

Which of the following best reflects modern psychoanalytical explanations of crime?

act in anti-social ways

Individuals who experience early puberty often:

Historically, they have often used small, unrepresentative samples of offenders in prisons or mental institutions.

Which of the following is a common critique of psychological studies?

strain theory

According to ________ theory, individuals who are unable to succeed through legitimate means turn to other avenues that promise economic and social recognition?

goals; values

The strain theory of crime focuses on people's ________ as a factor in criminal behavior, while social disorganization theory is focused on issues with an offender's ________.

improving child management skills among parents

The social control-based program, Preparing for the Drug Free Years (PDFH), was found to be effective in ________.

goals or behavior

In both strain theory and cultural transmission theory, an important issue is that the individual's ________ do not fit in with the dominant society or culture.

cultural values

The social disorganization theory and culture conflict theory share the idea that the root cause of crime pertains to a disconnect between the ________ of people.

differential opportunities theory

Woodrow grew up watching his older brothers participate in a street gang. They had money, girlfriends, and, despite being arrested, the respect of their peers. If Woodrow decides to join the gang, he will demonstrate which approach to crime causation?

recreational opportunities

One of the objectives of the Chicago Area Project was to provide ________.

the Chicago Area Project

Which of the following programs that applies a social structure approach was found to be effective in reducing juvenile delinquency?

cultural conflict theory

Which theory sees the root cause of crime in a clash of values between variously socialized groups over what is acceptable behavior?


Three Strikes" laws reflect a sociological approach to combatting crime.


During the Age of Reason, science began to weaken religions influence.During the Age of Reason, science began to weaken religions influence.


Lombroso believed women were inherently more criminal than men.


People in ancient times often thought crime was caused by possession.


The United States utilizes mandatory sentences more than any other Western nation.


Ectomorphs are muscular and prone to violence.