1. Select the fallacy described.
A speaker shares that he can do one thing well, so he can do another unrelated thing just as well. For example, "I'm a successful businessman, so naturally, I will be able to run an entire country.
False Analogy
Red Herrin

False Analogy

2. Select the fallacy described.
The speaker reduces an argument to absurdity, where the premise is unbelievable. For example, "If all of your friends jump off of a cliff, does that mean you will too?"
Reductio ad absurdum
autology (Begging the Question)

Reductio ad absurdum

3. A speaker legitimizes a choice by claiming that others have chosen it. For example, my 9-yr-old states that she should have a cell phone because all of her classmates have cell phones.
Straw Man
Chanticleer Fallacy
Red Herring (Chewbacca Defense)

Appeal to Popularity (Appeal to the People)

4. The same thing gets repeated in different words. For example, the Rams are favored to win because they are the better team.
Reductio ad absurdum
False Analogy
Hasty Generalization
Tautology (Begging the Question)

Tautology (Begging the Question)

5.A speaker reaches vast conclusions with minimal data (or too few examples) to prove her point. For example, the boss of a Fortune 500 company believes that the intern from Santa Ana College was great, so all future interns must come from Santa Ana Colle

Hasty Generalization

6. Assumes that if one thing follows another, the first thing caused the second one. For example, "On average, felons tend to have low IQs, so stupidity causes crime."
Red Herring (Chewbacca Defense)
False Dilemma
Slippery Slope
Post hoc ergo propter hoc,

Post hoc ergo propter hoc, or Chanticleer fallacy

7. You are given two choices when you actually have many choices. For example, "You are either for us or against us. There is no other option."
Reductio ad absurdum
Straw Man
False Analogy
False Dilemma

False Dilemma

8. A speaker argues that if we do one reasonable thing, it will lead to something horrible. For example, "If we legalize gay marriage, then soon enough people will be marrying animals."
Post hoc ergo propter hoc, or Chanticleer fallacy
Red Herring (Chewba

Slippery Slope

9. Switches topics to one that is easier to fight. For example, "Advertisements for beer encourage underage drinking and underage drinking clearly has negative consequences, so advertisements for beer should be banned from TV."
Reductio ad absurdum

Straw Man

10. The speaker deliberately brings up an irrelevant issue to distract or confuse the audience. For example, "I didn't steal your socks, and your shoes look dumb."
False Dilemma
Post hoc ergo propter hoc, or Chanticleer fallacy
Red Herring (Chewbacca Defe

Red Herring (Chewbacca Defense)