English Final

Identify the logical fallacy that BEST matches each of the sentences.Clearly George Bush's arguments in favor of invading Iraq must be flawed. After all, while others were serving in Vietnam, he spent his illustrious military career in Florida, in a reser

Ad Hominem

Identify the logical fallacy that BEST matches each of the sentences.I just don't see how anyone can support Bush's "guest-worker" notions. How stupid is it to leave our borders wide open to any terrorist that decides to waltz in and blow something up.

straw man

Identify the logical fallacy that BEST matches each of the sentences.BOSS: "Walker, I want to speak about the number of sick days you've taken off work this month." WALKER: "Well, I'm quite sure I haven't taken half as many sick days this month as you did

red herring

Identify the logical fallacy that BEST matches each of the sentences.Never loan money to a friend. I did and I never got my money back.

hasty generalization

Identify the logical fallacy that BEST matches each of the sentences.Buy this shampoo because it's the best shampoo!

Circular Reasoning

Identify the logical fallacy that BEST matches each of the sentences.Every time a Republican is elected, a recession follows. If we want to avoid another recession, we should elect a Democrat

Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc

Identify the logical fallacy that BEST matches each of the sentences.People who have a cup of coffee every morning before they can function have no less a problem than alcoholics who have to have their alcohol each day to sustain them.

faulty analogy

Starts with a general principle or universal truth (a major premise) and applies it to a specific case (a minor premise)


Five-part argument structure


Expresses the assumption necessarily shared by the speaker and the audience


Consists of further assurances or data without which the assumption lacks authority


In classical oration, this part of the argument provides the development of proof through evidence that supports the claims made by the speaker


States the argument's main idea or position; must be arguable


These arguments are based on the assumption that fully understanding an opposing position is essential to responding to it persuasively and refuting it in a way that is accommodating rather than alienating


A logical structure that uses a major premise and a minor premise to reach a necessary conclusion


Gives voice to possible objections


An approach to analyzing and constructing arguments; created by a philosopher


Explains the terms and conditions necessitated by the qualifier


A logical process wherein you reason from particulars to universals, using specific cases in order to draw a conclusion


Use of words or phrases like "usually" or "in some cases" to temper an argument, making it less absolute


My three decades of experience in public service, my tireless commitment to the people of this community, and my willingness to reach across the aisle and cooperate with the opposition, make me the ideal candidate for your representative."
This statement


If we don't move soon, we're all going to die! Can't you see how dangerous it would be to stay?"
This statement best reflects which Aristotelian appeal?


The data is perfectly clear: this investment has consistently turned a profit year-over-year, even in spite of market declines in other areas."
This statement best reflects which Aristotelian appeal?


There's no price that can be placed on peace of mind. Our advanced security systems will protect the well-being of your family so that you can sleep soundly at night."
This statement best reflects which Aristotelian appeal?


Seventy-five percent of car accidents are from drunk driving."
This statement best reflects which Aristotelian appeal?


Identify the fallacy:
Actor Tom Cruise declares that psychiatry is a pseudo-science that should not be believed, and he says psychotropic medicines are brain-damaging poisons.
Which fallacy is present?

False authority

During the debate, candidate Jones set down his plan for economic stimulus, and then asked Senator Edwards about his plan. The senator responded by claiming he has mislead the public about his personal wealth and business dealings.
Which fallacy is presen

Red herring

The driver who cut me off was an old lady. Old ladies shouldn't be allowed to drive.
Which fallacy is present?

Hasty generalization

Do you support our president's policies, or are you un-American?
Which fallacy is present?

False dilemma

Why should I have to take calculus? I'm not going to be a professional mathematician.
Which fallacy is present?

Faulty analogy

My brother-in-law just lies around all day because he is so lazy.
Which fallacy is present?

Circular reasoning

Linda Randolph is a recovering alcoholic; therefore, she should never be put into a management position.
Which fallacy is present?

Ad hominem

Our senators voted to reduce the nation's defense budget. Why do they want to weaken America and leave it defenseless?
Which fallacy is present?

Straw man

A grammatical unit that contains both a subject and a verb.


A clause in a complex sentence that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence and that functions within the sentence as a noun or adjective or adverb

dependent clause

a sentence with two or more coordinate independent clauses, often joined by one or more conjunctions

compound sentence

expresses a complete thought and can stand alone as a sentence. Has both a subject and a verb.

Independent Clause

A sentence with one independent clause and at least one dependent clause

complex sentence

A sentence that requests or commands.

imperative sentence

a sentence that makes a statement

declarative sentence

loose sentence

A complex sentence in which the main clause comes first and the subordinate clause follows
Example: We reached Vancouver this morning after a 12-hour delay followed by a turbulent flight filled with screaming babies.

periodic sentence

sentence whose main clause is withheld until the end
Ex:After a 12-hour delay in Rapid City, South Dakota, a turbulent flight we were sure we'd never survive, and long delays at the customs desk, we finally made it to our hotel in Vancouver.

Closely examining elements in a text, such as its subject, style, and/or structure so as to understand the whole entity.


Diction and syntax that are used by a specific social, age, or ethnic group


A graphic depiction of any act of communication, showing the relationships among audience, author, and purpose.

Rhetorical Triangle

The collective term for the ways a text emphasizes the logical structure of the argument, the credibility and character of the writer or speaker, and the emotions of the audience.


A point or proposition put forward by a writer that then requires development and support.


The implied, suggested meaning of a word; the associations connected to a word.


The attitude of an author or creator of a text to its subject matter


The central point or claim a text makes and develops


The time, place, and situation that give rise to a piece of writing.


The literal definition of a word.


A fallacy that occurs when a speaker chooses a deliberately poor or oversimplified example in order to ridicule an idea.

Straw Man

A type of logical fallacy wherein the speaker relies on distraction to derail an argument, usually by skipping to a new or irrelevant topic.

Red Herring

An acknowledgement that an opposing argument may be true and reasonable is a / an __________________.


In the rhetorical situation, _______________ refers to the spark or catalyst; why the author had to write this text at this particular time


In order to develop a claim of _____________, a writer must first establish specific criteria or standards and then show to what extent the subject meets that criteria.


This type of thesis statement states the main argument while also previewing the major points the writer intends to make.


Strong writers know that addressing ________________, typically through the process of concession and refutation, is one way to make their own arguments more convincing.


This rhetorical appeal is Greek for "suffering" or "experience.


_____________________ refers to the meanings and associations readers have with words; these meanings can greatly affect an author's tone.


associative meaning of a word; the implied, suggested meaning


the writer's word choices


sensory details or figurative language used to describe, evoke emotion, or represent abstractions


grammatical or rhetorical framing of words, phrases, sentences, or paragraphs to give structural similarity


the duplication of any element of language, such as sound, word, phrase, clause, sentence, or grammatical pattern


not answered by the writer because its answer is obvious or obviously desired

rhetorical question

word group containing a subject and a verb, but it cannot stand alone

Subordinate clause

the way an author chooses to join words into phrases, clauses, and sentences


used in ordinary or familiar language; not formal


sentence in which the independent clause comes first, followed by dependent grammatical units

Loose sentence

a grammatical unit that contains both a subject and a verb


dictionary definition of a word


when two words, phrases, images, or ideas are placed close together or side by side for comparison or contrast


presents its central meaning in a main clause at the end; preceded by a phrase or clause that cannot stand alone

Periodic Sentence

sentence that directly expresses the author's opinion, purpose, meaning, or position


Identify the type of sentence.
The rocking horse gathered dust in the attic; once it had been her favorite friend.


Identify the type of sentence.
Isabel, who delivers our newspaper, often comes late, but she never apologizes for it.


Identify the type of sentence.
After he left office, President Carter helped build houses for the homeless.


Identify the type of sentence.
"But neither can two great and powerful groups of nations take comfort from our present course--both sides overburdened by the cost of modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, yet both ra

loose sentence

Identify the type of sentence.
"To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support. . . ." --John F. Kennedy

periodic sentence

Identify the logical fallacy that BEST matches each of the sentences.
We must choose between life and death, between intervention and genocide. No one can be neutral on this issue.

False Dilemma

Identify the logical fallacy that BEST matches each of the sentences.As a human endeavor, computers are a praiseworthy and even remarkable accomplishment. But how human can we hope to be if we rely on computers to make our decisions?


This fallacy is Latin for "after which therefore because of which," meaning that it is incorrect to always claim something just because it happened earlier.

Post Hoc ergo propter hoc

A potential vulnerability or weakness in an argument.

Logical Fallacy

A fallacy that uses a term with two or more meanings in an attempt to misdirect or deceive.


A collective term for word choice and variety of vocabulary


A collective term for sentence type, length, and structure.


A figure in which a question is posed not to be answered but simply to move the development of an idea further or suggest a point

Rhetorical Question

What the author or creator of a text intends the text to do for the readers or listeners


The way a text is seen to be effective because it emphasizes the character and credibility of the writer or speaker


In Latin, it means "beginning a web." It introduces the reader to the subject under discussion.


The type of personality or character a text implies that its writer, speaker, or narrator has


The repetition of related words, phrases, or clauses in the same grammatical structure


The way a text is seen to be effective because it draws on the emotions of the audience.


The way a text is seen to be effective because of the logical structure of its central argument


The type, form, or shape of a text; such as a journal, letter, editorial, essay, or speech.


A denial of the validity of an opposing argument.
