
non sequitur

making assertions based on irrelevant evidence, usually with a pretense of logic

absolute statement

making claims that can be disproved with a single exception

Red Herring

dodging the real issue by drawing attention to something controversial

False Analogy

offering comparisons(too simplified to be effective) as evidence

Hasty Generalization

making oversimplified or hastily drawn conclusions

post hoc ergo propter hoc

assuming that because A preceded B, A must have caused B

faulty dilemma

offering or suggesting there are only two alternatives to a problem

begging the question

assuming to be true what has yet to be proven/not addressing the question

ad hominem

attacking the man or person who advocates the ideas rather than the ideas themselves

Borrowed Authority

assuming that an expert in one field is an expert in another

Borrowed celebrity

presuming that readers will be impressed by citing endorsements by famous people