English- Fallacy

Ad Hominem

To the man." Fallacy, means switching thr argument from the topic at hand to attacking the oppositions character

Straw Man Fallacy

Occurs when someone oversimplifies an argument in order to ridicule the idea

False Dilemma

Fallacy that presents two extreme options as the only two options. Also called either or fallacy

Faulty Analogy

Occurs when a comparison is made between two things, but the parts being compared are too dissimilar to make a fair comparison

Red Herring

Refers to the introduction of a new topic used to distract the listener from the main argument

Appeal to False Authority

Happens when someone who is not an expert is treated like an expert

Circular Reasoning

Occurs when the claim is used as evidence

Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc

After which therefor because of which" means just because something happened first, it doesn't mean it caused what happened next


Everyone is doing it, so you should too!" Also called ad populum fallacy

Hasty Generalization

Occurs when there's not enough evidence to support a conclusion

Ad Hominem

To the man." Fallacy, means switching thr argument from the topic at hand to attacking the oppositions character

Straw Man Fallacy

Occurs when someone oversimplifies an argument in order to ridicule the idea

False Dilemma

Fallacy that presents two extreme options as the only two options. Also called either or fallacy

Faulty Analogy

Occurs when a comparison is made between two things, but the parts being compared are too dissimilar to make a fair comparison

Red Herring

Refers to the introduction of a new topic used to distract the listener from the main argument

Appeal to False Authority

Happens when someone who is not an expert is treated like an expert

Circular Reasoning

Occurs when the claim is used as evidence

Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc

After which therefor because of which" means just because something happened first, it doesn't mean it caused what happened next


Everyone is doing it, so you should too!" Also called ad populum fallacy

Hasty Generalization

Occurs when there's not enough evidence to support a conclusion