English exam dood


the art of persuading an audience


readers/listeners/viewers of a text or performance


cultural products that can be "read" and investigated; essays, photos, political cartoons


the time and place a text was written or spoken


the circumstances, atmosphere, attitudes, and events surrounding the text


goal the speaker wants to achieve


person or group who creates the text

rhetorical triangle

relationship between speaker subject and audience


role the speaker plays when delivering the speech, different from the speaker in real life


topic of the text, not goal


subject, occasion, audience, purpose, speaker


character", to demonstrate a speaker is credible and trustworthy, can be established by reputation, gives audience a reason to listen


embodied thought", thinking logically and having a clear main idea while using specifics to back it up, reason


appeal to emotions, values, desires, and hopes on the one hand, or fears and prejudices on the other


to anticipate objections or opposing views


when you acknowledge an opposing argument may be true or reasonable


you deny the validity of all or part of the argument


the spread of ideas and information to further a cause; in negative sense, its the use of rumors, lies, and scare tactics to damage or promote a cause


hostile", aggressive argument that tries to establish superiority of 1 opinion over all others


statement associated with a word, negative/positive beyond its dictionary definition

close reading

developing an understanding of a text that is based first on the words themselves and then on the larger ideas those words suggest


speaker's choice of words


how the words are arranged


speaker's attitude toward the subject as revealed by his/her diction


feeling created by the work


figure of speech that compares 2 things without using like or as


figure of speech used to explain or clarify and idea by comparing it explicitly to something else, using like, as, or as though


attribution of a lifelike quality to an inanimate object or idea


deliberate exaggeration used for emphasis or to produce a comic or iconic effect; overstatement to make a point


similarity of structure in a pair or series of related words, phrases, or clauses


placement of 2 things closely together to emphasize similarities or differences


opposition, or contrast, of ideas or words in a parallel construction

compound sentence

sentence that includes at least 2 independent clauses

complex sentence

sentence that includes 1 independent clause and at least 1 dependent clause

periodic sentence

sentence whose main clause is withheld until the end

cumulative sentence

sentence that compares the main idea at the beginning of the sentence and then builds and adds on

imperative sentence

sentence used to command

hortative sentence

sentence that exhorts, urges, entreats, implores, or calls to action


description of how something looks, feels, tastes, smells, or sounds; may use literal or figurative language to appeal to senses


paradoxical juxtaposition of an adjective and a noun that seem to contradict one another


repetition of the same sound beginning several words or syllables in sequence


brief reference to a person, place, event, or work of art


repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive phrases, clauses, or lines


repetition of words in reverse order

archaic diction

old-fashioned or outdated choice of words


omission of conjunctions between coordinate phrases, clauses, or words

inversion sentence

inverted order of words in a sentence (variation of subject-verb-object order)

rhetorical question

figure of speech in the form of a question posed for rhetorical effect rather than for the purpose of getting an answer


figure of speech that uses a part to represent the whole


use of 2 different words in a grammatically similar way that produces different, often incongruous, meanings

logical fallacies

potential vulnerabilities or weaknesses in an argument/ a failure to make a logical connection between the claim and the evidence used to support the claim

red herring

(fallacy of relevance) occurs when a speaker skips to a new and irrelevant topic in order to avoid the topic of discussion

bandwagon appeal/ ad populum fallacy

occurs when evidence boils down to "everybody's doing it, so it must be a good thing to do." Sometimes, statistics can be used to prove that "everybody's doing it" and thus give a bandwagon appeal the appearance of a cold hard fact.

straw man fallacy

occurs when a speaker chooses a deliberately poor or oversimplified example in order to ridicule and refute an opponents viewpoint

either/or fallacy aka false dilemma

either/or fallacy aka false dilemma
the speaker presents two extreme options as the only possible choices

appeal to false authority

a fallacy that occurs when someone who has no expertise to speak on an issue is cited as an authority

Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy

Latin for "after which therefor because of which." Means that it is incorrect to always claim that something is a cause just because it happened earlier.


stories about other people that you've either observed or been told about-- can be useful in appealing to pathos

second hand evidence

evidence that is accessed through research, reading, and investigation

first hand evidence

evidence through your own experience

classical oration

1. Introduction 2. Narration 3. Confirmation 4. Refutation 5. Conclusion

narration naratio

provides factual information and background material on the subject at hand, beginning the development paragraphs, or establishes why the subject is a problem that needs addressing. Classically identified as appealing to logos, though often appeals to pat

Confirmation (confirmatio)

usually the major part of the text, includes the development or the proof needed to make the writer's case. Generally the strongest appeal to logos.

toulmin model

An approach to analyzing and constructing arguments. Can be stated as a template:
Because (evidence as support), therefore (claim), since (warrant or assumption), on account of (backing), unless (reservation).
Ex// Because it is raining, therefore I shoul


main idea or position, differs from a topic or subject in that a claim has to be arguable (thesis)

closed thesis

statement of the main idea of the argument that also previews the major points the writer intends to make

refutation refutation

addresses the counterargument. In many ways a bridge between the writer's proof and conclusion. Largely an appeal to logos


a process of reasoned inquiry; a persuasive discourse resulting in a coherent and considered movement from a claim to a conclusion

rogerian argument

based on assumption that having a full understanding of an opposing position is essential to responding to it persuasively and refuting it in a way that is accommodating rather than alienating

open thesis

does NOT list all of the points the writer intends to cover in an essay

counterargument thesis

a thesis in which a a summary of a counterargument , usually qualified by although or but precedes the writer's opinion. Has the advantage of immediately addressing the counterargument

ad hominem fallacy

refers to the diversionary tactic of switching the argument fromt he issue at hand to the character of the other speaker (ad hominem means "to the man")

faulty analogy

the attempted comparison of two things that are not comparable

hasty generalizations

occurs when there is not sufficient evidence to support a particular conclusion (induction on the case of one)

circular reasoning

involves repeating a claim as a way to provide evidence resulting in no evidence at all

quantitative evidence

includes things that can be represented in numbers: stats, surveys, polls, census information. Can be persuasive in appeal to logos.

Introduction (exordium)

introduces the reader to the subject under discussion. Latin phrase meaning "beginning a web." Draws the reader in by piquing interest, challenging, or getting attention. Often where the writer establishes ethos.

Conclusion (peroratio)

brings the essay to a satisfying close. The writer usally appeals to pathos and reminds the reader of the ethos est. before. Brings together all the ideas and answers the question "so what?


from the latin inducere, "to lead into"; a logical process whereby the writer reasons from particulars to universals, using specific cases in order to draw a conclusion, which is also called a generalization.
? i.e.// 1. Regular exercise promotes weight l


a logical process whereby one reaches a conclusion by starting with a general principle or universal truth (a major premise) and applying it to a specific case (a minor premise). The process of deduction is usually demonstrated inn the form of a syllogism


expresses the Assumption necessarily shared by the speaker and the audience. Links the claim to the evidence.

visual texts questions

does the text tell or suggest a narrative or story?
what emotions does the visual text provoke?
are the figures, realistic, caricatures, or distorted?
are any of the images visual allusions that would evoke emotions or memories in viewers?
what cultural v