Anthropology 1050 Exam 1 Study Guide Chapter 3

If we think of the history of the universe in terms of 12 months, the history of humanlike primates would have taken
up only about __________.

90 minutes

Modern-looking humans evolved about __________ years ago.


Who classified plants and animals into a systema naturae, which led to the taxonomic system we use today?

Carolus Linnaeus

Which scientist developed a theory of evolution by way of natural selection at about the same time as Darwin?

Alfred Russel Wallace

In 1859, Charles Darwin published __________.

The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection

The main process that increases the frequency of adaptive traits through time is called __________.

natural selection

Gregor Mendel was a pioneer in the field of __________.


The observable appearance of a pea plant is called its __________.


Which pair of scientists is famous for discovering the structure of the DNA molecule?

Watson and Crick

Where does protein synthesis take place?

at the ribosome

Which base is present in RNA but not in DNA?


__________ is the exchange of sections of chromosomes between one chromosome and another.


Charles Darwin was not the first person to discuss evolutionary processes, but he is famous because he

was the first to provide a comprehensive, well-documented explanation of natural selection

What does Darwinian evolution maintain about the evolutionary relationship between humans and monkeys?

Humans and monkeys are descended from a common ancestor that lived long ago.

What happens to a species when environments change?

Different traits will become adaptive.

Natural selection cannot account for the variation in frequency of __________ traits


What is a dominant trait?

one which is always expressed in the presence of another variant

Mendel's units of heredity were what we now call __________.


If two alleles for a trait are the same, the organism is __________ for the trait.


Which of these statements is true regarding human chromosomes?

Egg and sperm cells have 23 chromosomes, while all other body cells contain 46.

What does messenger RNA do?

It copies the information on DNA for use in protein synthesis.

Why are most traits not simply a matter of dominant and recessive inheritance?

Most traits are influenced by the activity of many different genes

__________ is the only way to produce variation in species that reproduce asexually.


Founder effect is a variety of __________.

genetic drift

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution suggests that __________.

one species could, over time, evolve into another

What is the creationist argument against macroevolution?

Living organisms are so complex that random processes, such as natural selection, could never have created them.

Natural selection operates on an individual's __________.


The fields of __________ and __________ involve the application of evolutionary principles to the behavior of

sociobiology; behavioral ecology

What is the focus of molecular anthropology?

genetic mutations

The idea of "dual inheritance" sees human behavior as deriving from both __________ and __________.

culture; genetics

Which of these organisms would be highest on Macrobius' "chain of being"?


Which of these is an example of Lamarckian inheritance of acquired characteristics?

Giraffes have long necks as a result of stretching to reach the leaves on tall trees.

Which of these is a core principle of natural selection?

differential reproductive success

Which of these is an example of a maladaptive trait?

Humans are prone to back pain and varicose veins because we walk upright.

Which of these is an example of normalizing selection?

birth weight in babies

Which of these structures is the smallest?


Which of these is a simple trait, coded with one pair of alleles?

pea color

What process provides a possible explanation for the higher frequency of type O blood in Native American
populations than in other groups?

founder effect

Which of these is an example of hybridization?

a wolf and a dog mate and have a healthy litter of pups

Which common rebuttal against evolutionary theory relates back to Paley's "divine watchmaker" argument?

The eye is too complex an organ to have evolved gradually

How did Cuvier's theory of catastrophism conflict with early evolutionary thinking?

It held that disasters, like floods or earthquakes, completely wiped out species, and new ones were created to
replace them.

What consideration must be taken into account when determining whether or not a trait is adaptive?

the particular environment

What evidence do scientists need to show that observed changes are actually due to natural selection?

experimental manipulation of a population

Distinguish between an allele and a gene

Alleles are one member of a pair of genes

Why do brothers and sisters not look exactly alike?

Each fertilized egg gets a random assortment of genes from the mother and the father

How do we know that genetic mutations are not always bad?

They are relatively frequent, but often have little to no effect

When gene flow occurs, its effect is opposite that of genetic drift, because gene flow __________.

tends to decrease the genetic differences between populations

Scholars who support punctuated equilibrium disagree with what traditional idea in evolution?

species evolve slowly over time

What is the difference between microevolution and macroevolution?

Microevolution refers to change within species; macroevolution refers to the production of new species.

In what way has the sociobiological approach aroused controversy in anthropology?

The emphasis in sociobiology is on genes, rather than experience, as a determinant of human behavior