Anthropology Exam 1 Chapter 3


The method of ___________ shows that a theory seems to be wrong

low protein diet

Whiting predicated that societies with a _________would have long postpartum sex taboos

Culture Lag

___________ occurs when change in one aspect of culture takes time to produce change in another aspect.

practice of immersing oneself in the language and customs of a society.

Participant observation refers to the


Anthropologists have realized that ______on their experiences and personal interactions is an important part of understanding


Knowledgeable people who are willing to work with anthropologists are known as _________.


In analyzing single-case, the ________ may be interested in experiencing a particular custom.

explanations of laws and statistical associations

Theories are

that cannot be observed or verified directly

A theoretical construct is something

the operational definition

How a researcher describes the procedure that will be followed to measure a variable is

sampling universe

A random sample is done inside of a

participant observation

To study a society in depth, anthropologists decided that they would have to perform __________ in order to record valuable ethnographies.

within-culture comparisons

What method should be used to test a theory within one society?


In any field of investigation, _______ is/are generally the most plentiful commodity.

regional controlled comparison

In __________, the anthropologist compares ethnographic information obtained from societies found in a particular region.

Cross-Cultural Research

Anthropologists can generate interpretations on the basis of worldwide comparisons by looking for differences between those societies having, and those lacking, a
particular characteristic. This type of research is called __________.


__________ is the study of descriptive materials about a single society at more than one point in time.

a "why" question

An explanation is an answer to

is unsatisfactory because it is a tautology.

Explaining a cultural feature by saying it is "traditional

relationship between two or more variables whose existence is suggested by repeated

In the physical sciences, a law is a

a relationship between two variables that is unlikely to be due to chance.

a statistical association is

cannot be proven

In contrast to statistical associations, theories

the ideas, concepts, and theories are not directly observable.

Theories cannot be proven because

an operational definiton

A description of the procedures used to measure a variable is known as

so that each case has an equal chance of being selected

In a random sample, cases are chosen


To measure something is to say how it compares with other things on some scale of

is an ever-growing collection of ethnographic books and articles that have been indexed
and cross-referenced to make them easier to consult.

The archive known as the Human Relations Area Files

measure variables

Statistical tests of significance can help us

accounts of early explorers

Most anthropological data comes from

cross-cultural researcher

Which of the following is most likely to depend on data collected firsthand?

a. nonbiased.
b. intellectually honest.
c. error-free.

If we did not have the scientific method, we would find it more difficult to be

a. they explain laws and statistical associations.

Theories become useful because

c. it is firsthand experience with the people being studied

Anthropologists like to engage in participant observations because

b. choosing specifically which population to study.

When making sampling decisions in human research, what factor becomes very important?

a. Both can make sense, it depends on what theory you are testing.

What kind of cultural study: within-cultural comparison or cross-cultural comparisons makes
the most sense?

a. because we have so much more information about the past & c. anthropology was changing, going from historical particularism to a variety of new approaches

Why did the goals of archaeology change in the 1950s?

c. relative dating compares the age of an artifact with things around it while absolute dating depends on the decay of a radioactive isotope.

The major difference between relative dating and absolute dating methods is

the people they study

As a profession, anthropologists have ethical obligations mostly to

b. many people find the excavations of their ancestors offensive

Why in recent times have descendent populations been more vocal about the archaeological discoveries of their ancestors?

a. sites are created by human activity which has been covered or buried by some natural process, thus providing information about the culture.
b. they must have a starting point.
c. these sites can provide a record of human activity.

Archaeologists will look for sites to research because