ANTH FINAL practice test

Modernization is best defined as:

a theory that predicts that former colonies would progress along the same lines as the industrialized nations.

The ________ is composed of strategies for production, distribution, and consumption of goods.


Pastoralism is defined as:

food production involving the domestication of animals.

The author discusses that the Chinese restaurant workers who enter the United States through New York:

frequently suffer physical and emotional stress as underpaid employees working long hours.

Fordism is best defined as a(n):

model of production based on a social compact between labor, capital, and government.

The text discusses the Tsukiji fish market as an example of a global commodity chain because:

one can trace the hands fish pass through in a network that connects previously unconnected people and locations.

Neoliberal economic policies:

seek to eliminate trade barriers across international boundaries and promote trade.

Policy planners and national governments did not rely on ________ as routes to progress in former colonies.

interest-free loans to the nations of Latin America

Following independence, many former colonies experienced:

a need to take on international debt.

The number of people who can be supported by the resources of the surrounding region is called:

carrying capacity.

Remittances are often associated with:

all types of immigrants

Return migration is:

B.the process by which immigrants decide to leave the country they migrated to and relocate "home.

Which of the following statements about long-term consequences of Japanese migration to Brazil in the twentieth century is accurate?

Many have returned to Japan but continue to embrace Brazilian culture.

Which of the following statements about immigration to the United States is accurate?

Nearly 40 million residents of the United States were born in foreign countries.

Yo-yo migrants are:

immigrants who continue to travel back and forth between destination and origin countries.

Refugees are:

people who have been forced to move beyond their national borders due to natural disasters, political or religious persecution, or violence.

Economic resources sent back to countries of origin play an important role in:

supporting families and stimulating economic growth in local communities.

Professional immigrants are:

highly trained individuals who help fill labor shortage for middle-class and skilled occupations.

Which of the following statements about human migration is true?

Only 3 percent of the world's population moves beyond national borders.

In the early twentieth century, hundreds of thousands of ________ migrated to Brazil, Peru, and Argentina to seek new economic opportunities.


The creation of shared meanings and definitions that motivate and justify collective action by social movements is called its:

framing process.

A local nongovernmental organization that challenges state policies and uneven development, and advocates for resources and opportunities for members of its local communities, is known as a(n):

civil society organization.

Collective group actions in response to uneven development, inequality, and injustice that seek to build institutional networks to transform cultural patterns and government policies are referred to as a(n):

social movement.

An autonomous political unit composed of a number of villages or communities under the permanent control of a paramount chief is referred to as a:


An organization that advocates for members of local communities and against uneven development and fights unfair state policies is referred to as a(n):

civil society organization.

The ability of a dominant group to create consent and agreement within a population without the use or threat of force is referred to as:


In the modern world, while the state is considered the ultimate authority in any particular territory, the author notes that they are actually fluid, contested, and even fragile, and as such, they are always being:


States reinforce hegemony by promoting intense feelings of:


The ability or potential to bring about change through action or influence is referred to as:


Groups that were originally viewed as a culturally distinct multiband population that imagined itself as one people descended from a common ancestor, and are currently described as an indigenous group with its own set of loyalties and leaders living to so


Anthropologist Clifford Geertz found that:

symbols used in religion acquire significance far beyond the actual material of which they are made and allow believers to feel that the religious world is truly real.

Which of the following social processes is currently affecting the ways in which religion and religious practices are being stretched and shaped today?


For ________, the key to the development of Western capitalism were ascetic values of self-denial and self-discipline.

Max Weber

Which of the following practices entails using spells, incantations, words, and actions in order to compel supernatural forces to act in certain ways?


Which of the following statements is true?

People make sense of the world, reach decisions, and organize their lives on the basis of their religious beliefs.

According to Max Weber, the values of self-denial and self-discipline that provided the ethic necessary for capitalism to flourish are encapsulated in the ________ ethic.


Which of the following is a unique form of religious ritual in which adherents travel to sacred places as a sign of devotion and in search of transformation and enlightenment?


Catholicism is being rejuvenated in the United States as a result of:

increased immigration from heavily Catholic countries bringing new membership, worship styles, social needs, and political engagements.

Anthropologist George Gmelch examined the rituals, taboos, and sacred objects of magic that are in almost constant use in which of the following sports?


Karl Marx argued that which of the following played a key role in keeping the working poor from engaging in revolutionary social change that he believed was necessary to improve their situation?


Ethnomusicologists would be most likely to study:

the use of playground rhymes by U.S. rap artists.

Gaunt's research into kinetic orality in U.S. playgrounds shows that:

young women raised in black culture learn to perform a rhythmic pattern of clapping and stomping as part of the socialization process.

The majority of the 40 million people who read National Geographic at its peak were:

white and middle class

One result of the attention focused on Morrinho has been:

opportunities for the creators to re-create it at an arts festival in London.

The archaeological record shows evidence of human artistic expression dating back ________ years.


Ethnographic studies indicate that art produced by local peoples presented on the global scale:

can help the local producers establish a visible ethnic identity.

Analysis of European Paleolithic cave art indicates that:

the paintings were modified over a 20,000-year period.

According to the text, desis attempt to define their identity through:

music, dance, and fashion that blends U.S. and Indian cultural heritage.

According to the text, anthropologists who study art pay attention to all of the following, EXCEPT:


According to the text, rara festivals are closely founded in:

protests about historic social inequality and political repression.

Leveling mechanism can be described as:

practices that reallocate resources among a group to maximize collective good.

Industrial agriculture is defined as:

practicing farming involving mechanization.

Haiti is a significant former colony because:

it became the first independent former colony to be ruled by people of African descent.

The author associates all of the following problems with industrialized agriculture, EXCEPT:

often fewer calories are used to produce food than the food provides when consumed.

In which way(s) has globalization affected the modern world system in the past forty years?

There is less predictability in the flow of goods between core and peripheral nations.

In the modern world system, peripheral nations:

serve primarily as sources of raw materials, agricultural products, and cheap labor.

Agriculture developed in all of the following regions, EXCEPT:

southern Africa.

Foraging is defined as:

subsistence based on hunting, fishing, and gathering.

Labor immigrants are:

people who move in search of low-skill and low-wage jobs that native-born workers will not fill.

Paul Stoller's argument that Muslim street vendors in New York City extend traditions of trade and family ties that have existed for centuries demonstrates the importance of which of the following factors that shape the experience of migrants?

social networks

While people are ________to migrate by job opportunities, educational opportunities, and access to health care, they are ________to migrate by poverty, famine, war, disease, and religious oppression, among other factors.

pulled; pushed

Social capital is:

assets and skills such as language, education, or social networks that complement financial resources.

As wages have been creeping upward for Chinese workers, one recent trend has been:

that factories are now shifting to Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos since they have cheaper labor.

Someone who ________ would be said to be part of the 1.5 generation.

was born in Cuba but grew up in the United States

In the early part of the twenty-first century, the number of people arriving in the United States by region included:

25 percent from Asia and 50 percent from Latin America.

State domination is never complete, and people still contest established power relationships and structures through political, economic, and military means. They can and do change cultural norms, values, symbols, and institutions, and the ability to conte


Early states played an important role in the development of most areas of the world, so their origin, construction, and organization are the focus of modern:

political anthropologists

An autonomous regional political structure with a central government authorized to make laws and use political, economic, and military force to maintain order and defend its territory is referred to as a:


The economically efficient strategy of cooperative gathering, coordinated hunting, and reciprocal sharing of resources while resisting hierarchy and domination sustained human beings through most of our existence and is referred to as:


The potential power of the individual to challenge structures of power is referred to as:


Which of the following locations is particularly experiencing increasing encounters between people of various religious faiths and new strategies for cultivating and educating participants?


Anthropologist Talal Asad argues that:

universal definitions of religion can actually obscure local realities and, subsequently, local expressions of religion should be examined rather than universal ones.

Christopher Steiner's ethnography of art in Abidjan, C?te D'Ivoire, focuses on a market where the primary consumers of locally produced art are:

Western tourists

The author states that immigrants to ________ recognized him because of media he has participated in while visiting their village in rural China.


________ are virtual characters created to inhabit alternate worlds.


According to the text, while conducting research in Second Life, Tom Boellstorff used all of the following research methods and strategies, EXCEPT:


The participants in the Black Light Project with whom Aimee Cox worked were:


In the late twentieth century, ________ emerged as a dominant form of global communication.

the internet

Generalized reciprocity can be described as:

exchanges that are made through bonds of affection, including among kin, without the expectation that they will be repaid in kind.

Strategies for food production in nonindustrialized societies do NOT include:


Negative reciprocity can be described as:

a pattern of exchange in which the parties seek to receive more than they give.

According to the text, ________ is/are a direct cause of global warming.

carbon emissions from gas and oil fuels

The goods exchanged in the Triangle Trade did not include:


Although they are typically highly trained individuals, the author suggests that ________ migrants often face downward mobility in destination countries when they cannot obtain credentials necessary to work in the destination country.


When people seek to take advantage of emerging economic or investment opportunities, they are said to be ________ to new destinations.


The author suggests that with regard to the case of Muslim taxi drivers in Minnesota:

religious beliefs about alcohol use affected local transportation services.

According to the textbook, which of the following is NOT a factor that facilitates or hinders migrants in their journey to new countries?

the season of the year when travel takes place

According to the textbook, an important factor that drives internal migration in China since the 1980s has been:

the creation of export processing zones.

Entrepreneurs are:

immigrants who move to start businesses and conduct trade.

All of the following are effects of remittances sent back to countries of origin, EXCEPT:

increased consumer spending in communities that receive immigrants.

People who have been forced to migrate because of violence, religious persecution, or disasters but stay within their own countries are referred to as:

internally displaced persons.

States create the image of soldiers as model citizens and symbols of courage, honor, strength, and duty, while demonizing other people as enemies. Andrew Bickford notes that this is part of the state process of:

constructing soldiers

Anthropological research on religion clearly demonstrates that local religious activities:

are not rigidly separated from social systems of power, and meaning and power are intertwined.

Which of the following religious practitioners obtain their powers through special training or experience, passing through a journey or test of spirit such as illness, isolation, physical pain, or an emotional ordeal?


Immanuel Kant and Georg Hegel argued that humans' determination of beauty is determined by:


Catherine Lutz and Jane Collins applied the photographic gaze to National Geographic magazines because:

they wanted to explore the power of visual images to shape cultural perspectives and behavior.

The anthropological approach to art:

attempts to understand the development and meaning of local art forms within their
unique and complex cultural contexts.

The assertion that human beings have an intrinsic way of determining what is beautiful is known as:

the universal gaze

Art in Western traditions is often associated with notions of ________ art.


The complexity of cave art suggests that:

the paintings may have been used in storytelling or for record keeping.

Dependency theory is best defined as:

a critique that argued that despite the end of colonialism, the underlying economic relations in the global economy had not changed.

As described in the textbook, early international trade routes existed between ________ more than two thousand years ago.

the Middle East and Southeast Asia

The notion of the modern world system was developed by:

Immanuel Wallerstein.

Agriculture is defined as:

cultivation involving permanent cultivation of the land.

Among other changes that occur with the transition to intensive agriculture:

peasants' surpluses are transferred to the dominant elite.

The ban on ________ was enacted in a Florida town after local residents and officials learned of the religious practices of Cuban and Haitian immigrants in the Santeria Church.

animal sacrifices

Cooking and building, fashion and oratory, decorating and dressing, and sewing and play all represent ________ through which artists and audience communicate.


Anthropologists find that in addition to its aesthetic value, art also serves often as a:

all of the above

Because anthropologist Tom Boellstorff describes Second Life as populated by people who interact, create intimate relationships, and develop a unique culture and sets of beliefs, it can be likened to Benedict Anderson's notion of:

an imagined community

________ compose the fourth-largest population of Asian Americans in the United States.

indian americans