anthro exam 2 quizzes

A historical term meant to belittle and vilify "mixed" marriages is:


Individual thoughts and actions and institutional patterns and policies that create unequal access to power, resources, and opportunities based on imagined differences among groups are referred to as:


white privilege

The way people actually look is the result of their genetic traits and the environment they live in. This is known as their:


What is another name for the "one drop rule" that is used for determining race?


Which term refers to laws implemented after the US Civil War to legally enforce segregation, particularly in the South, after the end of slavery?

jim crow

The process that preserves an organism through a chemical process that turns it partially or wholly into rock is called:


Around 15,000 yBP, modern Homo sapiens had left Asia and migrated to:

Complex innovations that allow humans to cope with the environment are called:

cultural adaptations

Gene migration is defined as:

exchange of genes between populations.

A group of people who share an idea of cultural and ancestral connection and who see themselves as distinct from people in other groups is described as a(n):


How long has the Iraqi ethnicity existed in the Middle East?


The process though which new immigrants and their children enculturate into the dominant national culture but retain a distinct ethnic culture is referred to as:


What term was used in the past to describe a group of people but now refers to a country?


The invented sense of connection and shared traditions that underlies identification with a particular ethnic group or nation whose members likely will never meet refers to the concept of:

imagined community

The process by which minorities adopt the patterns and norms of the dominant culture and cease to exist as separate groups is known as:


Early feminist anthropological studies focused on identifying:

the underlying roots of universal male dominance.

Improved conditions across the globe indicate that the Millennial goal of achieving gender equality:

is in fact far from complete, even though conditions have improved somewhat.

Matthew Gutmann's research in Mexico indicates that:

masculine identity is in flux and negotiable.

Ida Susser's initial research focused on:

social change in Brooklyn (New York City).

The restudy of women's role in the Trobriand Island exchanges indicated that:

women and men played complementary roles in the exchange of foods.

Anne Fausto-Sterling's analysis of biological sexual identity identifies:

Gender ideology is defined as:


Among the eight UN Millennial Goals, one that highlights gender issues specifically is to:

promote gender equality and empower women.



Which of the following does NOT fit in the definition of sexuality in the text?

the public display of wealth to gain community status

The "wedding industry" is which of the following?

the network of commercial activities and social institutions that market weddings in the United States

Harvard-trained biologist and zoologist Alfred Kinsey's study on human sexuality revealed which of the following?

a continuum of sexual behavior

Under the rules of machismo, the machista is considered:

a manly man

Women who form intimate spiritual, emotional, and sexual relationships with other women in Paramaribo, Suriname, are called:


The lives of European women living in the colonies were restricted in all EXCEPT which of the following gender-specific ways?


Heterosexuality in the United States:

is a relatively new invention, and not the historical norm.

Which of the following builds kinship ties between two people who are not typically immediate biological kin?


Kinship includes:

biological descent and marriage alliances, but also practices such as fostering and fictive kin.

Which of the following types of marriage consists of one individual married to one other individual only (most commonly one man married to one woman)?


A patrilineal descent group traces kinships through which side of the family?


Looking cross-culturally, anthropologists argue that:

Which of the following statements about kinship is true?

Kinship is the system that determines who is related to whom in a given society.

The incest taboo universally prohibits sexual relations:

Clans that do not permit marriages within the group are considered:


Which type of assisted reproductive technology involves the implantation of a woman's egg that has been fertilized in a laboratory?

in vitro fertilization

Which of the following is a descent group that is constructed through the mother's side of the family?


Which of the following are the two primary forms of gift exchange that formalize and legalize marriages, while establishing a relationship tie or alliance between kinship groups?

bridewealth and dowry

Cousins who are children of a mother's brother or father's sister are considered which type of cousins?


The process by which an individual, whose marriage has ended due to divorce or death, remarries another individual is commonly called:

serial monogamy


Ida Susser's approach to research on HIV prevention in South Africa exemplifies:

By studying the "fag discourse" in US schools, anthropologists have learned that:

girls can increase their status by performing masculine behavior.

The preferred term for individuals of an alternate gender in Native American cultures is:


Studies of physical differences indicate that:

human male and female bodies are more similar than different.

Which of the following factors would a cultural constructionist consider studying when investigating human sexuality?

Sex tourists in the Dominican Republic are typically:

In Kano, Nigeria, Rudolf Gaudio found that the code term for men who have sex with other men is:

masu harka.

Individuals learn basic patterns of human behavior from their families in a process termed:


Families and kinship networks have the power to provide support and to nurture, as well as to ensure reproduction of which of the following?

the next generation

Which type of marriage between two individuals is negotiated in order to form economic and political alliances between larger kinship groups?


Enculturation that takes place within a family shapes individuals' lives:

outside of the household, including ways they think about gender roles, the division of labor, religious practices, warfare, politics, migration, and nationalism.

________is a gift exchange practice that helps stabilize a marriage by establishing a vested interest for both the groom's and bride's extended families in the success of the marriage.


Which of the following commonly creates socially recognized relationships that may involve physical and emotional intimacy, sexual pleasure, reproduction and raising of children, mutual support and companionship, and shared legal rights to property and in



Ambilineal descent groups such as Samoans, Maori, and Hawaiians are sometimes referred to as:

cognatic descent groups.

Changing patterns over time demonstrate that marriage, family, and kinship are cultural:


One way in which humans construct kinship groups is by tracking genealogical:


deep time

global migration

vitamin D


For a chief in a ranked society, his or her rank and status are reinforced through reciprocity and:



The work of which of the following more recent theorists has led anthropologists to reexamine class by analyzing the deep connections between class, race, and gender?

According to Max Weber, the reputation, influence, and deference bestowed on certain people because of their membership in certain groups are called:



Globalization has produced unprecedented opportunities for the creation of wealth:

but it has also produced widespread poverty worldwide.

Anthropologists such as Setha Low have demonstrated that class is largely invisible in the United States due to which of the following actions carried out by portions of the population?

voluntary isolation

In India's caste system, the population is divided into how many different castes, or varna?


The movement of one's class position-whether upward or downward-in stratified societies is called:

social mobility


In ranked societies, the social rank of each member of the society is determined by:



The unequal distribution of a society's resources within a class system typically:

involves moving surpluses steadily upward into the hands of the elite.

Stratification and inequality became:

more pronounced in industrialized capitalist economies over recent centuries, resulting in the concentration of wealth in the hands of fewer people.

which of the following statements is true?






Karl Marx examined social inequality by distinguishing between which two distinct classes of people?

bourgeoisie and proletariat