Chapter 1 Anthropology

Anthropology is usually divided into four fields, but some people claim that a fifth, known as __________, should be included

applied anthropology

Biological anthropologists focus on

human evolution and contemporary human variation

Archaeologists use which of the following as research materials?

pieces of old pottery, prehistoric stone tools, remains of ruined houses, and contemporary garbage heaps

The field of anthropology that studies human language and communication is called

linguistic anthropology

the cultural materialist interpretation of the Hindu belief in sacred cows points to

their economic and environmental value

A major theoretical debate exists in cultural anthropology today between

cultural materialists and interpretivist anthropologists

according to the textbook, micro cultures can be formed on the basis of

age, gender, class, and race

People who have a longstanding connection with their home territory predating colonialism are referred to as

indigenous people

The tendency to apply one's own cultural values in judging the behavior and beliefs of people raised in other cultures is known as


The main goal of cultural anthropology is to

understand why people behave and think the way they do

the theoretical approach which is the view that powerful structures such as economics, politics, and media shape cultures and created entrenched systems of inequality and oppression is referred to in the textbook as
