Cultural Anthropology Midterm Chapter 2

?What is one key aspect in how we understand the idea of culture?

Humans learn culture throughout their lives

?Culture as a system includes knowledge, beliefs, patterns of behavior, and artifacts. It also must include which of the following?


What informal learning process helps you learn culture from family, friends, and the media?


?Humans learn culture from the people and cultural institutions that surround them. When does this occur?

During their entire lives

?Family gatherings are often sources of tension when different family members want to "change things up." This reminds us that culture is

Constantly contested, negotiated, and changing

?Which of the following is one of four elements an anthropologist considers in attempting to understand the complex workings of a culture?


?Ideas or rules about how people should behave in particular situations or toward certain other people are considered ________.


?In many Latin American cultures, people greet one another with a kiss on the cheek. In the U.S a hug or a handshake. An anthropologist would call these ________ actions.


?Anthropologists studying female circumcision must be able to suspend their own personal judgment in order to understand the beliefs and practices of others. This is known as?

Cultural relativism

In deconstructing the Happy Meal, which of these facets of culture and human life would an anthropologist be likely to view as ethnocentric?

The existence of only two genders

Anthropologists seek to counter ethnocentrism by:

objectively, accurately, and sensitively representing the diversity of human life and culture.

What allows anthropologists to develop a keen understanding of beliefs and practices of others as they conduct fieldwork?

Cultural relativism

?The concept of culture is a very recent idea and was actually developed without the benefit of any fieldwork whatsoever by:

?Edward Burnett Tylor's work in his home.

?Edward Burnett Tylor (1832-1917) is credited with crafting the first definition of which of the following concepts utilized in anthropology?


Who was among the earliest anthropologists that sought to organize vast quantities of data about the diversity of world cultures that were being accumulated via colonial and missionary enterprises?

Lewis Henry Morgan

?The work of many nonanthropologists through the 19th century suggested what theoretical idea about human life that anthropologists applied to culture?

Unilineal cultural

Anthropologists attempting to understand humans and their interactions engage with the idea of ________ as both a definition and theoretical framework.


?Franz Boas (1858-1942) rejected unilineal cultural evolution, suggested that different cultures arise as the result of different causes, and will vary widely. What do we call his approach?

Historical particularism

?Which student of Boas explored the unique patterns and integration of cultural traits and entire cultures?

Ruth Benedict

?Margaret Mead's (1901-1979) fieldwork in Samoa was controversial because she examined sexual freedom, and considered sex to be a matter of ________.


Which aspect of culture among American women did Margaret Mead so powerfully contrast?

Repressed sexuality

Clifford Geertz argued that every cultural action is more than the action, It is symbol of deeper meaning, subject to interpretation. What key idea in anthropology did this promote?

?Symbols are a crucial means of understanding other cultures.

The movement and exchange of material goods and cultural pieces supports which of the following concepts?


Many early anthropologists drew from biology to support their work. They believed society, like the human body, was composed of interconnected parts. Each part having a:

Specific function

?Early British anthropological researchers believed they could isolate and scientifically study the structure and function of what?


?In his research conducted in the Trobriand Islands, Bronislaw Malinowski (1884-1942) employed an early form of what type of anthropological theory?

Structural functionalism

?Clifford Geertz (1926-2006), urged anthropologists to explore culture as a symbolic system. This meant that symbols and their meanings required a great deal of ________.


?In her book Liquidated: An Ethnography of Wall Street, Karen Ho uses ethnography to explore the ways in which Wall Street bankers are socialized into the temporal life of the market. An examination of the meaning of time among Wall Street bankers is an e

Thick description

?Which of the following is defined as the ability or potential to bring about change through action or influence?


?What does anthropologist Eric Wolf believe to be inherent in all relationships?

Power dynamics

?What do anthropologists call the uneven distribution of resources and privileges. Aligned with gender, racial or ethnic group, class, age, family, religion, sexuality, or legal status?


The recent changes in same-sex marriage laws reflect what kind of mechanism?

Powerful institutions

?Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) described two aspects of power. One included material power. What characterized the other aspect?

The ability to create consent and agreement

?Which of the following is defined as the ability to create consent and agreement within a population, sometimes unconsciously?


?We often find ourselves seeing something as a "natural truth" and viewing any alternative as unthinkable. What is this an expression of?

The hegemony of ideas

Many scholars believe the shift in diet was a significant part of how our ancient ancestors adapted so quickly to a varied set of environments. This demonstrates the intimate connection between ________.

Nature and nurture

?Evolutionary psychologists argue that how we think and behave is hardwired in our DNA. This has led to ideas about differences in men and women. How do anthropologists critique this idea?

?The importance of genetic inheritance is significantly overstated

?Recent research has revealed the existence of a kind of "second body" within all humans. What is this called?

Human microbiome

Which area of study would allow researchers to understand which environmental factors activate genetic predispositions toward violent behavior?


?Rather than studying changes in organisms caused by alterations of the genetic code itself, epigenetics examines changes caused by:

?environmental factors that switch genes on and off.

Until now, studies of human evolution have focused on ________ percent of our cells that we typically call human.


?What is the idea that humans are continually evolving and adapting, both on the
species level and within the individual lifespan?

Human becomings

?When someone gets sick, this may not simply represent a deficiency in the person's immune system, but a shift in his or her ________.


?Recognition that our genes are themselves highly susceptible to environmental factors is a body of research called ________.


?The difficulty of establishing clear links between genes and behavior has led to the recognition that culture is not part of our DNA. What are we born with that allows us to create culture?

the ability to learn any culture we are born or move into

?Current estimates suggest that children in the United States view almost 40,000 commercials a year. All of this is accomplished by advertising, which helps us learn how to:

Be successful as consumers

The advent of computers and deregulation of banking in the 1970s initiated major changes in our financial environment. What was one of the biggest changes?

Credit cards

?The credit card industry in the United States is able to extend credit to nearly anyone, even if they are unable to repay the credit card debt. In which population group is this is especially noticeable?

College students

?In 2015, what was the average level of credit card debt per household?


What do critics fear that the expansion of these stores (walmart, McDonald's) will do?


Cultures are influenced by many different factors, including a constant flow of ideas, goods, and people. What is one of the major ways that people influence culture?


?Which of the following processes is intensifying the exchange and diffusion of people, ideas, and goods. Creating more interaction and engagement among cultures?


?What do we call the process that diminishes the diversity of the world's cultures as a result of foreign influences that inundate local practices, products, and ways of thinking?


?What global outlook is emerging in response to increasing globalization linking cultural practices, norms, and values across great distances?


?The export of television shows worldwide and the knowledge of other cultures that is subsequently disseminated to even remote areas of the world are examples of which of the following concepts?
