ANTH Exam 1

Anthropology is

the study of humankind everywhere, throughout time

What does it mean to take a "holistic perspective"?

to seek interconnections and relatedness between various parts of human culture and biology

A "culture-bound" theory is

a theory based on assumptions common to a particular culture rather than deriving from comparisons of many different cultures

The belief that one's own culture is superior to another is called


What are the four branches of anthropology?

linguistics, cultural, archaeology, and physical

Cross-cultural research that allows anthropologists to explain why differences or similarities occur between groups is known as


Cultural anthropology is the study of patterns of human behavior. These standards

focus on humans as culture producing and re-producting creatures

The hallmark of ethnographic fieldwork is

participant observation

In-depth descriptive studies of specific cultures are called


Anthropoligist fieldwork engage in all aspects and how they relate to each other. This perspective is called


What is the primary purpose of practicing applied anthropology?

it allows the use of anthropological knowledge to solve practical problems

The branch of anthropology that studies human language is called

linguistic anthropology

Which would not belong to the province of linguistic anthropology?

reconstructing the evolution of the big toe to find out at what time humans began to walk upright

Approximately how many living languages exist today?


An archaeologist studies material remains and environmental data to understand

human culture

An archaeologist has a research project involving the analysis of an old campsite about 500,000 years ago. This project would be considered


The Garbage project for Tucson demonstrated that what people say and what they do can differ dramatically. For instance, investigators found that

The amount of beer consumed, according to empty cans in the trash, was far higher than people claimed

The protection of cultural resources as part of archaeology is called

Cultural resource management

Dig for early hominid bones, or watch the behavior or monkeys and apes, you are a/an

physical anthropologist

What are broad research interests of physical anthropologists?

Biological variation in human populations and evolution of human characteristics

From skeletal remains, the forensic anthropologist cannot establish which of the following?

marital status

Which of the following services is not one that forensic anthropologists routinely are called upon by police and other authorities to identify?

missing persons

Which of the following is not goal of science?

to eliminate the need to use the imagination

A position that is a closely examined and critically checked explantation of observed reality is called a(n):


Anthropologists try to experience culture from their informants' points of view. In this sense, anthropology is


Anthropology has been called the most human of the sciences for all of the following reason except:

it has discovered which cultures are most efficient and has encouraged those less privileged to progress

What is the best way to ensure that a people has the right to maintain its own culture?

Allow them to collaborate with and contribute to the anthropologist's study

The anthropologist has to consider obligations to three sets of people:

the profession of anthropology, the people who funded the study, and the people being studied

What is transplant tourism?

travel connected with the buying and selling of human organs

worldwide interconnectedness, signified global movements of natural resources, trade goods, human labor is known as


All of the following are powerful forces that drive globalization except:

financial autonomy between countries

The applied anthropological research study on "transplant tourism", is part of which specialty approach in cultural anthropology?

medical anthropology

The gradual process of making beneficial adjustments to the environment is called


Humans' major mode of adaptation, which enables them to live effectively in diverse environment, is


What is not associated with high-yield marginal farmlands in the U.S.?

decreasing salinity of soil

The ability to build homes and make clothing to insulate us against cold environment is a(n):

cultural adaptation

The process by which culture is transmitted from one generation to the next is called


What is incorrect about society and culture?

culture can exist without a society

The cultural definitions of what it means to be a male or female today

are independent of biological differences

People share the same culture if they

are able to interpret and predict each other's actions

What is incorrect?

all learned behavior is cultural

The amish in the United States are an example of a(n):


The amish may be used as an example of subcultural variation because

they maintain a distinctive way of life that emphasized agrarian living and loyalty to fellow amish rather than to the state

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

ethnic groups collectively and publicly identify themselves as distinct

A set of cultural ideas held by a group that collectively and publicly identifies itself as distinct based on shared features is called


The belief that one's own way of life is superior to others is called


A sound, emblem, or other sign that is arbitrarily linked to something else and represents it in a meaningful way is called a(n):


All of the following statements about pluralistic societies are correct except:

together these societies comprise a nation

The most important symbolic aspect of culture is


A society is held together by shared sense of identity and worldview. This collective body allows society to make sense of the world. it is known as:


Culture is integrated and interrelated whole, which means that

if you alter one aspect of a culture, you can drastically affect and possibly even endanger the functioning of the whole

Infrastructure can be described as a society's

subsistence system

The rule-governed relationships that hold a society together, with all their rights, duties, and obligations, are known as its

social structure

Which of the following is not an element associated with the barrel model of culture?


As represented by the barrel model of culture, culture is integrated system that response to a combination of

internal factors

Among the Kapauku, the fact that an attempt to eliminate warfare would affect polygyny, which would effect the economy, shows that culture is


Cultures respond to motions and actions within and around them because they are


Which of the following statements is incorrect.?

A correctly functioning culture has consistency across all of tis parts, though not necessarily harmony

The position that because cultures are unique, each one can be evaluated only according to its own standards and values is called

cultural relativism

All of the following are signs that a culture is not adequately satisfying the needs and expectations of those who live by its rules except:

recovering environments