Cultural Anthropology - Chapter 3

Ethnographic Fieldwork

a primary research strategy in cultural anthropology involving living with a community of people over an extended period to better understand their lives

Franz Boas

Four-Field Approach
- Cultural
- Linguistic
- Archaeology
- Biological

Salvage Ethnography

Fieldwork strategy developed by Franz Boas to rapidly collect cultural, material, linguistic, and biological information about Native American populations being devastated by westward expansion of European settlers.

Bronislaw Malinowski

The Father of Fieldwork" - participant observation

cultural relativism

understanding a group's beliefs and practices within their own cultural context, without making judgements

Participant Observation

a key anthropological research strategy involving both participation in and observation of the daily life of the people being studied

Engaged Anthropology

applying the research strategies and analytical perspectives of anthropology to address concrete challenges facing local communities and the world at large



Qualitative Data

Descriptive data drawn from non-statistical sources, including participant observation, personal stories, interviews, and life histories.

Quantitative Data

statistical information about a community that can be measured and compared

Key Informant

A community member who advises the anthropologist on community issues, provides feedback, and warns against cultural miscues. Also called cultural consultant.

Life History

a form of interview that traces the biography of a person over time, examining changes and illuminating the interlocking network of relationships in the community


An information-gathering tool for quantitative data analysis

Kinship Analysis

a fieldwork strategy of examining interlocking relationships of power built on marriage and family ties

Social Network Analysis

a method for examining relationships in a community, often conducted by identifying who people turn to in times of need

Field Notes

the anthropologist's written observations and reflections on places, practices, events, and interviews


the analysis of the physical and/or geographic space where fieldwork is being conducted


a critical self-examination of the role the anthropologist plays and an awareness that one's identity affects one's fieldwork and theoretical analyses


the practice of using many different voices in ethnographic writing and research question development, allowing the reader to hear more directly from the people in the study

Ethnographic Authority

What right does he or she have to present certain material, make certain claims and draw certain conclusions

Do No Harm

Anthropologist must not do any of their work at the expense of the people they study

Informed Consent

a key strategy for protecting those being studied by ensuring that they are fully informed of the goals of the project and have clearly indicated their consent to participate


protecting the identities of the people involved in a study by changing or omitting their names or other identifying characteristics