Chapter 11: The Global Economy (ANTH 1010)

A corporation seeks to minimize expenses by moving production and labor to periphery nations where labor costs are lower. Which term BEST defines this model?

flexible accumulation

A new cell phone may have glass from Kentucky, a processor made in France, and a body made in Korea. These parts may then be assembled in China and warehoused in California before going to a store in your hometown. Which of the following terms BEST descri

commodity chain

According to Ken Guest's research on Chinese restaurants in the United States, the network of services, businesses, and smugglers supporting these restaurants would MOST accurately represent which of the following elements in a new migrant's pathway from


According to your chapter, the majority of migrants in the world today can BEST be classified as which of the following?

labor immigrants

An Inuit group subsists by hunting seals, caribou, and birds, and by gathering local berries. Which of the following subsistence strategies is the group using?

food foraging

At the time of Columbus's 1492 voyage, which region of the planet dominated world economic activity?

china and india

Beginning in the 1500s, Europeans plundered the Maya and Aztec kingdoms in an effort to find gold and silver. What was the primary reason for the European quest for these metals?

China demanded gold and silver for payment of all trade deficits.

Bruce Whitehouse's research with Malian merchants living in the Republic of Congo revealed that the major source of wealth for the merchants' hometown back in Mali was which of the following?

agricultural production

Colonialism is MOST appropriately described as the practice by which a nation-state extends political, economic, and military power beyond its own borders over an extended period of time to secure access to which of the following?

raw materials

During the Industrial Revolution, high population growth in Great Britain, combined with intensive use of raw materials, resulted in concerns about starvation and disease. Based on these pressures, which of the following was being threatened?

carrying capacity of the environment

Immanuel Wallerstein's modern world systems theory sees nations and regions as divided into how many groups in terms of economic dominance?


In researching the question of why so many residents of Fuzhou City, China have decided to leave the country for New York City, Ken Guest talked to a young man named Chen Dawei who said he was influenced to leave home not only by the possibility of earnin


In the 1950s, many economists predicted that postcolonial nations would follow the same trajectory toward economic development as industrialized nations. Which term best defines this belief?

modernization theory

Kela has studied the history of Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia very deeply. Despite her friends' claims that Latin America will eventually "catch up" to the prosperity of North America if governments implement the right free market policies, Kela has become c

dependency theory

You receive an email from someone claiming to be a Nigerian prince. In exchange for access to your bank account to facilitate a transaction, he promises to reward you financially (though the promise goes unfulfilled).

negative reciprocity

A parent provides food for her child without expecting repayment.

generalized reciprocity

Bob and Stan frequently go to lunch together. Bob picks up the tab one day and expects that Stan will do so next.

balanced reciprocity

Every two weeks, you receive a paycheck for your job. About 20 percent of your pay goes toward local, state, and federal taxes, and another small portion goes toward the federal Medicaid program to help families with low income.


a practice of clearing land for cultivation; also called swidden farming

slash and burn agriculture

intensive farming practices involving mechanization and mass production

industrial agriculture

the cultivation of plants for subsistence through nonintensive use of land and labor


an intensive farming strategy for food production involving permanently cultivated land


Much of the food the Nuer eat comes from their herds of domesticated cattle, which provide milk, blood, and occasional meat. Which of the following subsistence strategies is the group using?


Namibian bushmen engage in hunting and gathering as a means of satisfying their needs for survival. Which of the following terms BEST describes this activity?


The chief of a tribal group collects 30 percent of each family's crop for use in feasts, assisting the needy, gifts to travelers, and personal use. Which economic exchange system matches this scenario?


The economic and population growth that many, though not all, humans have experienced over the past few decades may ultimately be limited by which of the following, according to the chapter?

dwindling environmental resources

When did the Industrial Revolution take place?


Which of the following BEST describes Henry Ford's approach to managing industrial production at his automobile plants in the early to mid-1900s?

He paid a living wage in order to promote a happy, loyal workforce.

Which of the following is the form of exchange most commonly used in the United States today?

market exchange

Which of the following terms BEST describes the current era of Earth's history in which humans' "ecological overshoot" is reshaping the contours of the planet?
