Anthropology 1000

Which of the following most characterizes anthropology among disciplines that study humans?

It is holistic and comparative

The fact that anthropology focuses on both culture and biology

allows it to address how culture influences biological traits and vice versa

Four-field anthropology

was largely shaped by early American anthropologists' interest in Native Americans

The study of non-human primates is of special interest to which sub-discipline of anthropology?

Biological anthropology

Which of the following terms is defined as a suggested but yet unverified explanation for observed things and events?


Anthropology is unique among other social sciences in its emphasis on both HOLISTIC and cross cultural perspectives.


An AGRICULTURAL approach refers to the inclusion and combination of both biological and cultural perspectives and approaches to comment on, or solve, a particular issue or problem.

False (Biocultural)

Ethnology provides an account of field work in a particular community, society, or culture.

False (Ethnography)

APPLIED anthropology encompasses any use of the knowledge and/or techniques of the four sub-fields of anthropology to identify, assess, and solve practical problems. More and more anthropologists increasingly work in this dimension of the discipline.


The SCIENTIFIC METHOD characterizes any anthropological endeavour that formulates research questions and gathers or uses systematic data to test hypotheses.


In the video clip the Batak, when farming, the Batak used:

Environmentally friendly techniques

In the video clip about the Batak, conservationist groups were attracted to the Batak because they:

Shared the Batak's concern for the forest

In the video clip about the Batak, the Batak suggested that the ''Christianos" do not believe in the:

spirits of the forest

In the video clip about the Batak, the conservationist group Hariban Palawan wanted to link conservation and human rights by helping the Batak to:

gain exclusive land rights

In the video clip about the Batak, what type of kaingens (farming plots) did the Batak usually make?

small, scatted ones

Which of the following statements about culture is false?

Human groups differ in their capacities for culture.

What is the term for the processess that are making nations and people increasingly interlinked and mutually dependent?


There were at least seven different regions where agriculture developed. Therefore, agriculture is an example of which of the following mechanisms of cultural change?

Independent invention

Which of the following is not one of the ways in which individuals acquire the culture?

genetic trasmission

Although humans continue to adapt biologically, reliance on CULTURAL means of adaption has increased during human evolution.


Cultural traits, patterns, and inventions also can be MLADAPTIVE, threatening the group's continued existence (survival and reproduction).


According to Leslie White, culture, and therefore humanity, came into existance when humans began to use AGRICULTURE.

False (Symbols)

The term HOMININ refers to any fossil or living human, chimp, or gorilla, white the term HOMINID Refers only to any fossil or living human.

False ( hominid: refers to any fossil or living human, chimp, or gorilla; hominin: refers only to any fossil or living human)

Unlike human rights, BIO-CULTURAL rights are vested not in individuals but in groups, including indigenous people and religious and ethnic minorities.

False (Cultural rights)

The video clip about the Canela focuses on Carampei, a four year old Canela child. What types of responsibilities did he have that stereotypical middle class Americans don't usually allow their young children?

Using knives and fire

In the video clip about Canela, the children imitating the hunting dances of the Canela men, and the public ridiculing of unacceptable behavior are both examples of:


In the video clip about the Canela, the Canela deal with trauma by _______ it.


In the video about the Canela, formal friends are similar to:


In the video clip about the Canela, Canela songs are often about:

animals and stars in the sky

What best describes the breadth of applied anthropology?

Any use of the knowledge and/or techniques of the four subfields to identify, assess, and solve practical problems.

What is one of the most valuable and distinctive tools of the applied anthropologists?

the ethnographic research method

The use of anthropological data, perspectives, theory, and methods to identity assess, and solve contemporary social problems is known as

Applied anthropology

Why would companies designing and marketing products hire an anthropologist?

To gain a better understanding of their customers in an increasingly multicultural world.

What terms refers most generally to beliefs, customs, specialists, and techniques aimed at ensuring health and curing illness?

Health-care system

A CURATOR is one who diagnoses and teats illness.

False (curer)

INCREASED EQUITY describes the goal of reducing absolute poverty, with a more even distribution of wealth.


DEVELOPMENT ANTHROPOLOGY examines the socio-cultural dimensions of economic development.


The term UNDER-INNOVATION describes the consequence of development programs that try to achieve too much change.

False (over innovation)

Medical anthropologists use the term DISEASE to refer to a scientifically identified health threat caused by known pathogen, while the term ILLNESS refers to a condition of poor health perceived of felt by an individual.


In the video clip about Bosnia and Herzegovina, Professor Wright says that the tragedy in Bosnia and Herzegovina can no longer be called "a massacre without bodies." About how many bodies did he say were found in mass graves throughout the country in the


In the video clip about Bosnia and Herzegovina, which of the following groups was NOT present at the excavation of the mass grave depicted in the video clip?

Officials of the World Health Organization

In the video clip about Bosnia and Herzegovina, when excavating graves of mass murder the scientists and the sites must be kept under armed protection because:

The findings are politically charged and can incriminate people

In the video clip about Bosnia and Herzegovina, about how many people were found in that particular mass grave?


In the video clip about Bosnia and Herzegovina, the people who were found in the mass grave in this particular clip were NOT:

wearing military uniforms

What does the principle of superposition state?

In an undisturbed sequence of strata, the oldest layer is on the bottom.

What do molecular anthropologists study?

The relationships among ancienty and contemporary populations and among species using DNA comparisons

Fossil pollen, phytoliths, and starch grains are all examples of

microscopic evidence that archaeologists are using increasingly to study the past.

What point was the chapter on archaeology emphasizing when quoting paleoanthropologist Christopher Stringer stating that "absence of evidence does not necessarily prove evidence of absence?

That the failure to find a fossil species in a particular place does not necessarily mean that it did not live there.

What are two major components of field-work in archaeological anthropology?

systematic survey and excavation

Many dating methods are based on the geological study of DENDROCHRONOLOGY, the science that examines the ways in which earth sediments accumulate in layers known as strata.

False (stratigraphy)

PALEOPATHOLOGY is the study of disease and injury in skeletons from archaeological sites.


Informed EXAMINATION refers to people's agreement to take part in research after they have been fully informed about its purpose, nature, funding, procedures, and potential impact on them.

False (consent)

PHYTOLITHS are microscopic crystals found in many plants. Because they are inorganic and do not decay, they can be great source of information for archaeologist studying sites in which the plants were present.


FOSSILS are remains (e.g., bones), traces, or impressions( e.g., footprints) of ancient life.


In the video clip about the excavation of the necropolis, the analysis of burnt bones and wood was useful for reconstructing:

rites and material used in cremation

In the video clip about the excavation of the necropolis, in their analysis of the overall structure of the necropolis, the archaeologists found that the tombs were:

crowded and on top of one another

In the video clip about the excavation of the necropolis, archaeologists are trying to reconstruct what aspect of life in particular?

funerary practices

In the video clip about the excavation of the necropolis, which of the following was NOT an archaeological technique or took seen in use?

remote sensing using satellite images

In the video clip about the excavation of the necropolis, which of the following was NOT a type of wood examined under the electron microscope, which composed the funerary pyre of one particular grave?

Red oak

Natural selection

remains the best explanation for genetic evolution


are the major source of genetic variation

What is the term for the exchange of genetic material between populations of the same species through direct of indirect interbreeding?

gene flow

Which of the following is not part of Darwin's theory of evolution?


Evolution can be most simply defined as

descent with modification

Gene FLOW refers to the exchange of genetic material through interbreeding, while gene pool refers to all the genetic material in a breeding population.


A BALANCED POLYMORPHISM occurs when alleles maintain a constant frequency in a population over time.


CAROLUS LINNAEUS (1707 - 1778) developed the first comprehensive and still influential classification, or taxonomy, of plants and animals. He believed, as did many scholars at the time, that biological similarities and differences had been established at


The term PUNCTUATED EQUILIBRIUM refers to long periods of stability, with occasional evolutionary steps.


LINNAEUS discovered that traits are inherited independently of one another. This is called independent assortment.

False (Mendel)

According to the video clip about fossils and evolution, the fossil record reveals that

amphibians evolved from early fish life forms.

According to the video clip about fossils and evolution, understanding evolution allows us to understand ourselves as

part of a lineage of life that is 4 billion years old

According to the video clip about fossils and evolution, why is the geological record important to make sense of the fossil record?

It allows us to date fossils.

The video clip about fossils and evolution on two sources of evidence that allow us to know about evolution. They are

the fossil and the geological records.

According to the video clip about fossils and evolution, evolution

is a fundamental fact of who we are on the planet and where we fit in a lineage of life 4 billion years old.

What is the term for adaptive biological changes that take place during an individual's lifetime?

phenotypical adaptation

What does Thompson's nose rule state?

Long noses are adaptive in cold environments

Which of the following has played an evolutionary role in determining skin colour?

Ultraviolet radiation

Which of the following statements about human racial categories is true?

They are culturally arbitrary, even though most people assume them to be based on biology.

Which of the following is the most likely reason for the dark skin colour shared by tropical Africans and southern Indians?

prevention of hypervitaminosis D

Phenotype refers to an organism's evident traits, its "manifest biology".


Considering convetional geographic "racial" groupings such as Africans, Asians, and Europeans, there is only about a 6 (SIX) percent variation in genes from one group to another. This means that htere ismuch greater variation within each of the traditiona


Modern scientists find it most productive to use an EXPLANATORY approach to studying human biological diversity.


One vitamin D deficiency marked by done deformation is called CRICKETS.

False (Rickets)

A SPINE is a gradual shift in gene frequencies between neighboring populations.

False (Cline)

What was the name of the scientist who presented the video clip on skin color?

Nina Jablonski

According to the video clip on skin color, our skin colors are simply our bodies adaption to varied climates and the levels of humidity our ancestors were exposed to.

( Our skin colors are our bodies adaption to varied climates and the levels of UV exposure our ancestors were exposed to.)

According to the video on the skin color, Charles Darwin agreed with the theory that varied climates and levels of UV exposure helped determine the colors of our skin.


According to the video on skin color, human skin color is the product of evolution by natural selection.


According to the video on skin color, Vitamin D deficiency (from a lack of ultra violet B radiation) is a major problem, causing problems with bones, loss of immune function an some mental health problems.


Sexual dimorphism refers to

marked differences in male and female anatomy and temperament

What do the trends that all primates share (five fingers, opposable thumbs, stereoscopic vision) indicate?

A common ancestral arboreal heritage.

What is the relevance of primatology to anthropology?

It helps anthropologists make inferences about the early social organization of hominids and untangle issues of human nature and the origins of culture.

What makes bonobos exceptional among primates?

The frequency with which they have sex, a behavior associated with conflict avoidance.

Which of the following traits is not associated with primates?

reliance on smell as the main sense

The first anthropoids, ancestral to monkeys, apes and humans, appeared more than 40 (forty) million years ago, which according to the geological time scale, corresponds, to the Tertiary period and the Cenozoic era.


A HOMOLOGY is a trait that organisms have jointly inherited from a common ancestor.


Based on primate taxonomy, lemur, lorises, and tarsiers are part of the HOMININ primate suborder.


The PONGID group represents the most abundant and successful anthropoids of the early Miocene. It also probably contained the last common ancestor shared by the Old World monkeys and apes.


The process by which analogies are produced (resulting, for example, in fins both in fish and porpoises) is called CONVERGENT EVOLUTION.


In the video clip about chimps and tool use, we learned that humans' use of tools used to be considered proof of their superiority to other animals. However, this notion was challenged when

in the 1970s, chimps were found to use stones to crack nuts.

The video clip about chimps and tool use illustrated

chimps' ability to use tools.

In the video clip about chimps and tool use, why were the trees not directly accessible to the chimps living in this zoo?

for reasons of security

In the video clip about chimps and tool use we saw that not only are chimps very clever at using tools, they also

make them, adapting objects to the function for which they want to be used.

In the video clip about chimps and tool use, the fact that some chimps in the zoo have mastered a technique to collect leaves in the distance is evidence that

they are able to creatively adapt to the constraints and opportunities of their environment.

In 2007 anthropologists reported evidence of behavioural modernity dating back to 164,000 BP in a cave site at Pinnacle Point, South Africa. Among the finds at this site was evidence of an ancient diet containing a variety of shellfish and other marine so

It suggests early humans' capacity to make a living from the sea, and thus use coastlines as productive home ranges and move long distances.

The broad-spectrum revolution was a significant event in human evolution because

it provided new environmental circumstances that made important socio-cultural adaptations, like the development of plant cultivation more likely.

Scientists disagree most about

when, where and how early anatomically modern humans achieved behavioural modernity.

All of the following are true about the peopling of the Pacific except:

once humans reached the Pacific, they did not settle there, but moved on to the western coast of South America.

The geographic expansion of the hominin range

reflects the evolutionary success of increasing reliance on tools, language, and culture

The Upper Palaeolithic traditions associated with AMHs in Europe, all emphasized blade tools.


The CLOVIS tradition, a sophisticated stone technology based on a point that was fastened to the end of a hunting spear - flourished in the Central Plains, on their western margins, and in what is now the eastern United States, approximately 13,000 BP.


At times of major glacial advance, such as 50,000 years ago, dry land connected Australia, New Guinea, and Tasmania, thus forming the SOUTH AMERICAN continent.

False (Sahul)

Hominins burying their dead with ceremonies, adorning their bodies with paints and jewelry, and making figurine images of fertile females are all evidence of AGRICULTURE, fully human behavior based on symbolic thought and cultural activity.

False (Behavioral modernity)

ANATOMICALLY MODERN HUMANS are the hominins associated with cave paintings, among the earliest evidence of human art.


In the video clip about the evolution of human languages, by applying his principle of determining fossil words, Dr. Ruhlen was able to

reduce the world's 5,000 languages to 400 families to 12 groups.

According to the video clip about the evolution of human languages, which of the following words tend to be stable over time and thus good candidates to study as "fossil words?

personal pronouns

According to Dr. Ruhlen's research discussed In the video clip about the evolution of human languages, it is likely that all of the world's languages go back to one single language that

probably existed 40 or 50 thousand years ago in Africa

As explained in the video clip about the evolution of human languages, fossil words

are words that are common to all languages and that tend to be stable over time.

According to the video clip about the evolution of human languages, words can leave traces

in their shared phonetic and semantic similarities to words in other languages.

Why were Natufians able to live in year-round villages prior to the emergence of domestication?

Because they could exploit their rich local environment with broad-spectrum foraging.

Why do most domesticated grains (such as wheat and barley) have a tougher axis and more brittle husk than wild grains?

The practices of harvesting and processing grain gradually selected for these features.

The Mesolithic refers to

stone-tool making emphasizing microliths within broad-spectrum economies.

With glacial retreat, foragers pursued a more generalized economy, focusing less on large animals. This was the beginning of what Kent Flannery (1969) has called the

broad-spectrum revolution.

Which of the following is correct about the food-producing traditions of Mesopotamia and Mesoamerica?

Large domesticated animals played an important role in Mesopotamia, but were absent from Mesoamerica.

In contrast to the sequence of events in Mesopotamia, food production led to the early village farming community (around 3500 BP) in MESOAMERICA


Recent evidence has forced the revision of old assumptions in archaeology, most prominently the idea that new World farming originated in upland areas, such as the highlands of Mexico and Peru. Researchers now suggest that farming in the tropical lowlands

False (the middle east)

NEOLITHIC refers to the first cultural period in a given region in which the first signs of domestication are present.


The practice of using cattle for their milk and blood rather than killing them for their meat (except on ceremonial occasions) is called the AFRICAN CATTLE COMPLEX.


A VERTICAL ECONOMY is a system that exploits environmental zones that contrast with one another in altitude, rainfall, overall climate, and vegetation.


The video clip about the evolution of food production points out that one of the negative effects of stockpiling food was the development of:

social classes and inequality

The video clip about the evolution of food production, settlements near fields and domesticated animals led to increases in population density and thus:

the first cities and states

The video clip about the evolution of food production suggests that one of the largest lifestyle changes for many nomadic populations as a result of the domestication of plants and animals was that of:


Food production includes both agriculture and:

animal husbandry

According to the video clip about the evolution of food production, agriculture began about __________ years ago.


Which term refers to a ranked society in which villages are not autonomous?


Which of the following statements about egalitarian society is not true?

Everybody has equal status

Which of the following statements about the earliest writing is not true?

It was syllabic.

What was the vital step for the development of metallurgy and the wider and rapid distribution of metals evident after 5,000 BP?



were precursors to states, with privileged and effective leaders- chief - but lacking the sharp class divisions that characterized states.

TEOTIHUACAN was the capital of the first state to develop in the Valley of Mexico (100-700 C.E.).


First settled by Natufian foragers in what is now Israel, JERICO is considered the earliest known town.


An INHERITED society is a society with hereditary inequality but lacking social stratification.

False (a ranked society)

An EGALITARIAN SOCIETY lacks status distinctions except those based on age, gender, and individual qualities, talents, and achievements.


Cuneiform is the name for the early writing in MESOAMERICA.

False (Mesopotamia)

In terms of comparing the sizes of the two states mentioned in the video clip about the evolution of early state societies,

Egypt was larger than Mesopotamia

According to the video clip about the evolution of early state societies, Egyptian pharaohs claimed to be the direct descendants of:

the Sun-god Ra

The video clip about the evolution of early state societies suggests that the Nile River is important to understanding the growth of the state of Egypt because it was:

a means of communication and linking separate areas

As suggested in the video clip about the evolution of early state societies, the appearance of city-states coincided with the development of agriculture and what other technological innovation?

large scale irrigation systems

According to the video clip about the evolution of early state societies, where did the first city-states appear about 5,000 years ago?


How were Oldowan tools, the oldest recognized stone tools, manufactured?

By chipping flakes, the mainstay of the Oldowan toolkit, off a core.

If we compare Earth's history to a 24-hour day (with one second equaling 50,000 years),

Homo sapiens arrive 36 seconds before midnight.

The term homonin is used to refer to the human line after its split from ancestral chimps. Hominid is used

to refer to the taxonomic family that included humans and the African apes and their immediate ancestors.

The presence of very large molars and a sagittal crest on the top of the skull is evidence of

the more robust australopithicines' adaptation to food sources dominated by hard-shelled seeds and grasses.

Lucy" is the nickname of

a small female member of A. afarensis.

Between 3 and 2 m.y.a., the ancestors of Homo became reproductively isolated from the later australopithecines, such as A. robustus and A. boisei, the latter of which coexisted with Homo until around 1.2 (ONE POINT TWO ) m.y.a.


AFRICANUS pebble tools represent the world's oldest formally recognized stone tools.


The fossil and archaeological records confirm that upright bipedal locomotion PRECEDED stone tool manufacture and the expansion of the hominin brain.


The average cranial capacity in Homo sapiens is 1350 cm3. The cranial capacity of chimps (Pan troglodytes) averages 390 cm3. The brains of gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) average 500 cm3, which is within the australopithecine range.


BIPEDALISM refers to upright two-legged locomotion, and it is considered the key feature differentiating early hominins from the apes.


In the video clip about Lucy, according to Dr. Susken at SUNY Stony Brook, the first important development in human evolution was the:

shift to bipedalism

In the video clip about Lucy, how does the pelvis of a chimp compare with that of Lucy?

it is narrower than Lucy's, showing it's a quadruped

Bipedalism is:

walking on two legs

According to the video clip about Lucy, her skeleton is approximately __________ years old.

3 million

We learned in the video clip about Lucy that her skeleton was discovered in the:

rift valley of Ethiopia