Cultural Anthropology Exam 2

adaptive strategy

means of making a living, productive system


association; when one variable changes, another does too


basic social unit among foragers, fewer than 100 people, may split seasonally


nonindustrial plant cultivation


cultivation using land and labor continuously and intensively

cultivation continuum

continuum of land and labor use


herders of domesticated animals

nomadism, pastoral

annual movement of entire pastoral group with herds


only part pf population moves seasonally with herds


system of resource production, distribution, and consumption

mode of production

specific set of social relations that organizes labor

means (or factors) of production

major productive resource, e.g., land, labor, technology, capital


allocation of scarce means among alternative ends


small-scale farmer with rent fund obligation

market principle

buying, selling, and valuation based on supply and demand


flow of goods into center, then back out; characteristic of chiefdoms


principle governing exchanges among social equals

reciprocity continuum

runs from generalized (closely related/deferred return) to negative (strangers/immediate return) reciprocity

generalized reciprocity

exchanges among closely related individuals

balanced reciprocity

midpoint on reciprocity continuum, between generalized and negative

negative reciprocity

potentially hostile exchanges among strangers


competitive feast on North Pacific Coast of North America

descent group

group based on belief in shared ancestry

family of orientation

nuclear family in which one is born and grows up

family of procreation

nuclear family established when one marries and has children


couple established new residence

extended family household

household with three or more generations

unilineal descent

matrilineal or patrilineal descent


unilineal descent group based on demonstrated descent


unilineal descent group based on stipulated descent;usually a combination of a number of lineages, can trace back to a certain point, then they aren't sure so they relate themselves to other lineages through an apical ancestor


flexible descent rule, neither patrilineal nor matrilineal

kinship calculation

how people in a particular society reckon kin relations


position from which one views an egocentric geneaology

bilateral kinship calculation

kin ties calculated equally through men and women

functional explanation

explanation based on correlation or co-occurrence of social variables

lineal relative

Ego's direct ancestors and descendants

collateral relative

relative outside ego's direct line


relatives by marriage

parallel cousins

children of two brothers or two sisters

cross cousins

children of a brother and a sister


a child's biological father


one's socially recognized father; not necessarily the genitor


marriage outside a given group


forbidden sexual relations with a close relative


marriage of people from the same group


one's socially recognized mother


marital gift by husband's group to wife's group

progeny price

marital gift by husband's group to wife's; legitimizes their children


substantial gifts to husband's family from wife's group

plural marriage

more than two spouses simultaneously, ala polygamy


man has more than one wife at the same time


woman has more than one husband at the same time


widower marries sister of his deceased wife


widow marries brother of her deceased husband


the study of human language


a set of statements about how a language works; it is the knowledge that is shared by those that speak the language; what are the sounds and how do we combine them, what are the words and how do you combine them into a sentence

descriptive grammar

looks at the way a language is actually used by its speakers and then attempts to analyse it and formulate rules about the structure; does not deal with what is good or bad language use; based on the way a language actually is and not how some think it sh

prescriptive grammar

prescribes proper forms for us to speak and write with

Linguistic relativity

all dialects are equally effective as a means of communication; but some are seen as more prestigious

Language acquisition

children have an ability to learn any language that they hear

Noam Chomsky

given the complexity of language and the amount of exposure kids have to it they can't be learning it just through empirical means, through what we've specifically taught them; they have a language acquisition device (LAD) or a universal grammar; so a chi


Languages are based on symbols which are something that stands for something else but has no relationship to it


words that imitate a non-linguistic sound: ring, ding, howl, moo


phoneme; the study of the sounds of a language and the way they are patterned


study of units of meaning and how they are patterned in words, basic units of meaning in words and how they are combined into words


the way you combine words into sentences


another word for dictionary; the words in the language and their meaning


each language has a small amount of sounds they determine are distinct; a phoneme is a range of sounds that the speakers of a language consider to be one sound; it is a culturally recognized distinct sound; if you change the phoneme, you change the meanin


vibrating the vocal cords to make a phoneme/letter sound


no vibration of vocal cords - difference between T (voiceless) and D (voiced)

Velar stop

k" or "g" sound


the articulation in the oral cavity


the minimal units of meaning and how they are sequenced to form words

Free morpheme

a morpheme that can stand alone; ie dog

Bound morpheme

are attached to free morpheme; for example 's' means nothing unless attached to a word like dog, making it dogs

Bronislaw Malinowski

was forced to stay in Melanesia after WWI - wrote the "Sexual Life of Savages in Northwestern Melanesia" (1929); related sexual behavior to cultural ideas and values, who do they have sex with and when?

Why do all societies have marriages?

- Creates links between different families: economic help, allies, you can rely on them
- Establishes legal father and mother
- Continuation of family
- Establishes legitimacy of the child
- Rights of inheritance
- Property rights: spouses get rights to e


socially approved economic and sexual union, usually between a man and a woman


term indicated by an individual's physical reproductive organs

gender norms

culturally defined behaviors for males and females

object of attraction

who an individual finds sexually appealing

characteristics of human language

relies on arbitrary symbols, use of recombinable elements, productivity/creativity, complex grammatical structures, open.

translating from one language to another

Difficult to translate concepts, onomatopoeia; you're translating culture, not just language

primitive languages

none that we know of

focal vocabulary

specialized sets of terms and distinctions that are particularly important to certain groups; within these important domains, a complex vocabulary will rise; think coconuts

Linguistic relativity

all dialects are equally effective as a means of communication; but some are seen as more prestigious

Circum-Mediterranean Shame-Honor Complex

This is what the Spanish brought when they invaded; Honor and shame was/is very important in M/F relationships; Honorable - if you cared about your family, vigilant about your behavior of your young men, men are kind of warriors; Shame - female attribute,

How cultures "break up conceptual space" differently

make various classifications of natural and social phenomenon; these differences are then reflected in the language of the culture; identify different domains as important

how language is related to culture and thought

2 views: language reflects or mirrors a people's life-ways; language influences the way we perceive reality and thus our world view

color words in cultures

the more colors you have, the more complex your society; what is coded (given a word) is important and helps survival; study done by Paul Kay & Brent Berlin

Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

human thought is a product of the categories of human language, predisposes you to see the world in certain ways

how language influences how we note our surroundings

force you into thinking in certain grooves and excluding others; we project the linguistic structure into what we experience; for example number, gender, case, tense

language effect on memory

we remember what is coded better than what is not coded; for those colors that are coded, when retested, the person will remember the color (maroon) as opposed to someone whose language only includes dark/light

Hopi language

have inanimate and animate nouns; for Whorf, that means they believe this thing is alive

universal grammar

all languages have a common structural basis; comes from Noam Chomsky


language with "high" (formal) and "low" (informal) dialects; for example - German has du and Sie

copula deletion

the absence of standard English forms of the verb to be: we are tired becomes we tired

Important phoneme in English

voiced versus voiceless: t/d, p/b, k/g

Important phoneme in Russian

velar stop

important phoneme in Thai

aspirated versus unaspirated

gender roles

the tasks and activities that a culture assigns to each sex

gender stereotypes

oversimplified, strongly held views about males and females

generally male activities

hunting, metalwork, lumbering, building boats, harder labor, butchering, building houses, clearing land, tending animals

generally female activities

gathering food & fuel, making drinks, dairy production, spinning, laundry, cooking

generally male or female activities

making fire, body mutilation, planting, harvesting, milking, making baskets, caring for small animals, loom weaving, pottery

why men in foraging societies are the hunters

they are bigger, stronger on avg than the women and tend toward greater mobility

women in matrilineal-matrilocal societies

hold higher status because descent group membership, succession to political positions, allocation of land, and overall social identity came through the women; had considerable influence outside the household and were the basis of the entire social struct

Iroquois women

played a major subsistence role especially while the men were away at war, controlled the local economy, owned the land, decided which men could join the longhouse and which could stay, controlled alliances between descent groups, monitored the chiefs and

Azande men sexual cycle

age 12-20 start as young warriors living with older warrior for whom they act as a 'bride'; as they reach warrior status, they get their own bride; after they retire, they marry women and have families

Etoro theory of birth, growth, and old age

believed that semen was necessary to give life force to a fetus that was implanted by an ancestral spirit; sex nourished the growing fetus; believe men have a limited lifetime supply of semen so you have to use it carefully; the birth of children was seen

incest taboo

sexual relations with someone considered to be a close relative; all cultures have taboos against it of some kind

sexual dimorphism

marked differences in male and female biology, beyond breasts and genitals

gender stratification

unequal distribution of social resources between men and women

domestic-public dichotomy

work at home versus more valued work outside

matrilineal descent

descent traced through the woman only

patrilineal descent

descent traced through the man


married couple resides in husband's (father's) community


married couple resides in wife's/mother's community


mother-centered; e.g., household with no resident husband/father

patrilineal-patrifocal complex

male supremacy based on patrilineality, patrilocality, and warfare


outside the home; public


political system ruled by men

sexual orientation

sexual attraction to persons of the opposite sex, same sex, or either sex

Lakher half-sister marriage

group is strictly patrilineal; a man always belongs to his father's descent group, so a sister by his mother and another man would not be off limits because she is not in ego's descent group

instinctive horror theory

humans have a genetically programmed disgust towards incest; however, being a cultural universal does not make it genetic or instinctual; if it really was instinctaul, no taboo would be necessary; also doesn't explain differences in interpretaitons of "co

biological degenaration theory

our ancestors banned incest because they noticed abnormal offspring were born from incestuous unions; would result in a decline in survival and fertility; but..doesn't explain common custom of.human marriage of cross cousins or why breeding with parallel

childhood familiarity theory

Edward Westermark and Arthur Wolf; parents will often arrange marriages and then bring the future into the family so they grow up together, but they found that the two kids didn't want to get married because the sexual attraction goes away - familiarity b

Frued's incest theory

Oedipus complex, male boys until about age 6 are sexually attracted to mothers and jealous of dad, so they work hard at identifying with dad because dad could hurt his genitals; girls don't have the same problem with the hurting of the genitals though; ex

family disruption theory

if we didn't ban incest, the family would be so ridden with strife there would be no more families; have to look outside the family for mates; Malinowski

alliance theory

we ban incest because sex and marriage are so important for building alliances, cooperation; Edward Tylor, Claude Levi-Strauss

love and marriage

marriages that are political alliances are more difficult to dissolve; romantic love was seen as a luxury and never a basis for selecting a mate; changing now and young women and girls are gradually selecting thier own mates


very rare practice throuhg which widows were burned alive, voluntarily or forcibly, on the husband's funeral pyre, mainly practiced in a particular area of northern India by a few small castes, banned in 1829

functions of marriage

Creates links between different families - economic help, allies, you can rely on them; Establishes legal father and mother; Continuation of family; Establishes legitimacy of the child; Rights of inheritance; Property rights - spouses get rights to each o


live in Bathurst & Melville Islands, North of Australia; all females must be married at all times so girls are betrothed at the moment of birth; women become pregnant because the spirit enter them so they can become pregnant at any time; the father choose

Tiwi marriage patterns

polygyny (one husband multiple wives); fathers find a husband who is about 25 who are promising, these guys end up with 3-5 infants; the only time a woman has any say in who she marries is when her mother dies because father no longer has a right to marry

fraternal polyandry

a woman weds a group of brothers

stability of Swazi marriages

like to marry sisters; since men pay for brides, the brides are less able to leave the marriage becuase their family would have to repay the amount

serial monogamy

a series of long- or short-term, exclusive sexual relationships entered into consecutively over the lifespan

reasons for polygyny

widows; more wives = more workers, more wealth and greater prestige; wives play an important role in politics (King's local agents)


related by birth

kin terms vs kin types

the words used in a particular language for different relatives; the actual genealogical relationship

residence patterns

neolocality - the new couple creates their own household; Patrilocal - post marital residence is with or near the groom's people; Matrilocal; Natolocal - the groom continues to live with sister and her children and bride continues to live with her brother


descent bifurcates the community so that everyone belongs to one half or the other


a nun-human, apical ancestor, can be plant or animal


headed by a male household head and his wife (the senior woman), and included married sons and their wives and children and unmarried sons and daughters; each nuclear family has a sleeping room; possessions shared freely

Bari paternity beliefs

believe in partible paternity, that more than one man contributes to the development of the fetus; shows increased chances of survival; upon birth, woman announces who the fathers are, and if they acept paternity they are all expected to provide care for

reasons for breakdown of nuclear family in America

Divorce, Industrialization - work communters, Women don't have to get married or have kids now