Anthro Test

Science is an ____ not a ____

Process, result

Which of the following is an element of the scientific method?

Experimentation, observation, hypothesis : all of these

To say that a hypothesis is falsifiable is to say that it is ____


Aristotle believed in the "immunity of species" This means he felt that species

are fixed

_____ is the science of classyfying and naming living things


Darwins ideas fell into place while contemplaing

finches from the galagos islands

Upon its first publication, Darwins on the orgins of species

Quickly sold out

Which of the following is NOT an observation associated with natural selection?

creatures can will their own transformations

When discussing natural selection, the term "fitness" is best thought as ____

reproductive success

Proteins are comprised of long chains of ____

amino acids

Human biological veribility arises from ____

Mostly genetic influences, mostly cultural or environmental influences: both of theses

A cells nucleus ____

separates the genetic material from the rest of the cell

As the product of translation, proteins are synthesized in a cell's


The basic unit of DNA is molecule called a _______


DNA base combinations are always ____

A-T or C-G

The genetic code is comprised of _____ each representing ____ .

Codons, amino acids

The sex cells possess half the chromosomes of the somatic cells. This is refereed as to ______ number of chromosomes


Which of the following best defines the term allele

a version of a gene at a particular locus

An individual who is homozygous for a gene has _____

two of the same alleles for that gene

RNA is the single-stranded molecule essential for carrying out the _____function of DNA

protein synthesis

Monosomy and trisomy are examples of _____

noninjusctive or distribution of erros

A geneticst constructing a tree-like diagrams that virtually indicate relationshp between species is engaged in _____


Studying genetics via phenotype is inferior because ____

Environment plays a strong role in governing phenotype ; phenotype can be misleading > both A and B

Which of the following best defines the term genotype?

the actual alleles an organism carries

A recessive allele

needs to be present on both chromosomes to be expressed

An allele that needs to be present on only one chromosomal locus to be expressed as a _____ allele.


If the allele for type O blood is recessive and the allele for type A blood is dominant, a persons with a A and O alleles would have type ____ blood.


Mendel found that when an individual has two different factors for a characteristics, ________

the factor that is expressed is dominant

Which of the following best describes Mendels Law of Segregation

chromosomes randomly segregate into sex cells during meiosis

Mendels law of independent Assortment indicates that ______

segregating pairs of unit factors assort independently

Mutations during meiosis are especially important because they _____

are inherited

An autosomal recessive disease occurs when an individual is

homozygous for a recessive, disease-causing allele

Which of the following is the perfect methaphor for genes and how they behave

none of these

Because sickle cell anemia is a recessive disease there is a ____ % chance that the child of two carries (heterozygous) will have the disease


Trimucleotide repeat diseased are caused by _____

insertion or deletion mutations

An autosomal dominant disease occurs when an individual is ____

heterozygous for a dominant , disease causing-allele

hunington's disease can be debilitating or fatal but continues to show up in the population because it ____

has a later in life onset and therefore has a little effect on reproductive fitness

The vast majority of mutations are probably ____


Mutations often have a little phentypic effect because ____

they may occur in non-coding regions, the genetic code has redundancies to account for erros; A and B

Polygenic traits _____

appear as a continum in a population

Pleiotropy is best defined as____

one gene having multiple phenotypic effects

Natural selection requires the presence of variation and ____

differential survival and reproduction

An individual with phenotypic blood type B (genotype BO) has

B antigens and anti-A antibodies

Natural selection operates on the ____ of an individual organism


Which will result in the transformation of a population

directional selection

When populations migrate, their genes are experiencing ____

gene flow

Which causes new genetic variation?


A change in the frequency of a gene in a population over time due to entirely random factor is called ____

genetic drift

The ____ a population, the greater the potential effect of genetic drift on gene frequencies


Founder effect occurs when

a subset of a larger population becomes isolated

Which of the following is an example of genetic bottleneck

a large diverse gene pool undergoes a rapid decrease in size and then increases again

Which of the following is best defined as "the differential reproductive success within one sex of any species"?

Sexual selection

The difference in size, shape, or color between the sexes within a species is referred to as

sexual dimorphism

It is thought that males often compete for access to females because females have

limited reproductive potential

Features that are homologous are similar due to

shared evolutionary history

What are homoplasies?

Traits that are shaped due to similar selective pressures but not common ancestry.

In cladistics, a clade contains species ____

lined by a set of unique traits

Measuring the total fitness of an organism and its close kid is called

inclusive fitness

When selective pressure causes a particular recessive trait to enhance fitness for some individuals in a population, what happens to allele frequencies for that traits, within the population?

the recessive allele frequency will increase, and the dominant allele frequency will decrease

Which evolutionary force changes gene frequency fastest

genetic drift

It could be argued that the incomplete nature of the fossil record biases the apperance of evolution towards ___

punctuated equilibrium

Which of the forces of evolution could play a role in macroevolution

all of the forces of evolution could potentially play a role in a macroevolution

Monogenism is best described as _____

the idea that all people are a result of the same creation

Which of the following terms is commonly used interchangebly with the term subspecies


On a global scale, skin color is a particualry good indicator of geographic orgins


A researcher investigating how various cultures classify organisms in the natural world is engaged in study of ___


A child may be born with hemolytic anema if ____

there is material-fetal incompability of the ABO system

Which of the following best defines cline?

the distribution of a trait or allele across a geographical space

Which of the following is a problem associatied with relying on morphological features to trace gene flow?

all of these

Among adult humans, lactose intolerance is

very common

____ is the most important component of skin color


Which of the following regions containes the most genetic diversity


Which of the following factors is the most significant in the evolution of different skin colors

Vitamin D

Practicing phroenology is an easy way to determine___

whether or not yo are a 19th century rasist

Which of the following best defines auxology

the study of human growth and development

Which of the following is typical of the gestational stage

rapid development

Passages through the stages of infnacy and the juvinale stage are defined with reference to ___

the apperance of permanent teeth

Which of the following is unique to humans?

the adolescent growth spurt

In humans, a prolonged juvenile stage ___

all of these

The secular trend in growth refers to the fact that

children in industralized nations grow larger





Individuals suffering from pellagra

lack niacin in their diet

individuals suffering from beriberi

lack thamine in their diet

Problems associated with the so-called thrifty-gene are associated with ____

all of these

Argicultural populations may be more volnerable to infectious disease due to their

higher populations

Science is a pefec process, because data are always interpreted the same way


In 1537 Pope Paul III declared the New world Natices as nonhuman


During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries classification took precdence over questions of orgins


Mendels work proved to blended nature of inheritance


Every cell in an individuals body has the same number of chromosomes


Mutations are changes in the ordering of bases such as insertion, deletion, and transcription


it is likely that every individual carries a mutation in some gene


there are natural forces outside of natural selection that produce evolutonary changes in populations


The prime driver of sexual selection is competition between males for mates


Linnaus classified species based on evolutionary relationships


It appears that natural selection plays little to no role in the distribution of ABO alleles


Agricultarists are more likely to suffer from nutrituional stress than hunter-gatherers


The process of growth and development remain constant, regardless of environmental condiditons
