Anthropology Chapter 9 Quiz

According to your chapter, what percentage of college students in a 2006 college survey would define oral sex as "having sex" with someone?
60 percent
80 percent
40 percent
20 percent


Which of the following are ways in which globalization has influenced sexuality? Select all that apply.
More and more cultural groups are developing unique sexual norms that are rarely seen in other cultures.
A multibillion-dollar global sex tourism indus

A multibillion-dollar global sex tourism industry has been established.
Women from low-income nations are engaging in sex work in the hopes that they will find a wealthy European husband.
Unequal power relations between men and women are reinforced on a g

Which of the following individuals might be thought of as displaying "machismo" in Nicaraguan culture? Select all that apply.
a homosexual male who seeks to be the recipient in sexual encounters
a high school male who aggressively boasts of multiple femal

a high school male who aggressively boasts of multiple female sexual partners
an adult store owner who boasts to his male friends about frequent sex with his wife
a homosexual male who seeks to be the penetrator in sexual encounters

Which of the following characteristics lead Jared Diamond to refer to humans as "the animals with the weirdest sex life"? Select all that apply.
Most humans engage in long-term sexual partnerships and often co-parent the couple's joint offspring.
Human ma

Most humans engage in long-term sexual partnerships and often co-parent the couple's joint offspring.
Humans, as a rule, have sex in private.
Human women may be receptive to sex not only during ovulation but also at other times during their menstrual cycl

Which of the following are included in the definition of sexuality as presented in Chapter 9? Select all that apply.
the complex range of desires, beliefs, and behaviors that are related to erotic physical contact, intimacy, and pleasure
the discussion of

the complex range of desires, beliefs, and behaviors that are related to erotic physical contact, intimacy, and pleasure
the cultural arena within which people debate ideas of what kinds of physical desires and behaviors are morally right, appropriate, an

Alfred Kinsey posited which of the following about human sexual behavior? Select all that apply.
Heterosexuality is the natural human state.
Humans exist on a continuum between homosexual and heterosexual behavior.
Homosexuality is the natural human state

Humans exist on a continuum between homosexual and heterosexual behavior.

The scientific study of sexuality that began to emerge in the United States in the late 1800s and continues today is known as which of the following?
reproductive studies
mating studies


The term "heterosexual" was first used in the United States only in 1892. At that time, what cultural meaning was most commonly assigned to the term, according to Victorian ideals?
Negative, as in heterosexuals defy religious teachings by procreating for

Negative, as in heterosexuals defy religious teachings by procreating for fun as opposed to for purposes of reproduction

The combined vast array of cross-cultural research about human sexuality is referred to in your chapter as the __________ of human sexuality.
comparative lectionary


Surinamese "women who form intimate spiritual, emotional, and sexual relationships with other women" (page 316) are known as which of the following?


Ivonne believes that people, events, and the cultural environment around us shape our sexual desires and behaviors. This is the __________ theoretical approach to human sexuality.


The Sambia "believed that adult males need to supply boys with __________ in order to ensure their development into manhood." (page 319)
giraffe meat
life stories


A cultural group believes that male/female sexual acts cannot be performed in the home, and instead should be performed in the forest, but as quickly as possible so as not to attract snakes. Which of the following aspects of human sexuality are involved i


Which of the following represent attempts to regulate sexuality? Select all that apply.
anti-polygamy laws (outlawing marriage to multiple spouses)
laws allowing women the right to vote
anti-prostitution laws
laws governing distribution of pornography

anti-polygamy laws (outlawing marriage to multiple spouses)
anti-prostitution laws
laws governing distribution of pornography

Chrys Ingraham believes that the notion of "white weddings" influences American society in which of the following ways? Select all that apply.
The father "giving away" the bride promotes the idea of women as "property."
Romantic wedding notions misleading

The father "giving away" the bride promotes the idea of women as "property."
Romantic wedding notions misleadingly encourage us to assume that the patterns of heterosexuality that we have inherited are natural, timeless, and unchanging.
"White weddings" a

Helen Fisher suggests that "through evolution humans have developed a set of neurochemicals that drive an 'evolutionary trajectory of loving.'" (page 314) Which of the following are examples of the neurochemicals she sees as important in human sexuality?


Which of the following animals have sex for fun as opposed to exclusively for reproduction? Select all that apply.
