Anthropology Chapter 1

physical anthropology

fossil remains of human ancestors

linguistic anthropology

patterns of speech in different social situations


material remains left behind by humans (e.g. arrowheads)

cultural anthropology

interactions between different residents of the same neighborhood


comparing fossilized 200,000-year-old primate remains to modern human anatomy

historic archaeology

cataloguing artifacts discovered in an 1800s shipwreck off the coast of Istanbul

prehistoric archaeology

describing the importance of objects found in ancient Native American burial mounds


observing chimpanzee tool use


studying the differences between words students use in the classroom and with friends

descriptive linguistics

working to convert a spoken language into a written one for the sake of preservation

historic linguistics

analyzing how acronyms used in text messaging have changed common patterns of speech in the United States

climate change

Changes to Earth's climate, including global warming produced primarily by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases created by human activity such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation

historic linguists

Those who study how language changes over time within a culture and how languages travel across cultures.

four-field approach

The use of four interrelated disciplines to study humanity: physical anthropology, archaeology, linguistic anthropology, and cultural anthropology

ethnographic fieldwork

A primary research strategy in cultural anthropology involving living with a community of people over an extended period to better understand their lives


The worldwide intensification of interactions and increased movement of money, people, goods, and ideas within and across national borders

time-space compression

The rapid innovation of communication and transportation technologies associated with globalization that transforms the way people think about space and time

descriptive linguists

Those who analyze languages and their component parts

participant observation

A key anthropological research strategy involving both participation in and observation of the daily life of the people being studied


The analysis and comparison of ethnographic data across cultures

rapid change

The dramatic transformations of economics, politics, and culture characteristic of contemporary globalization


The study of the full scope of human diversity, past and present, and the application of that knowledge to help people of different backgrounds better understand one another

historic archaeology

The exploration of the more recent past through an examination of physical remains and artifacts as well as written or oral records

prehistoric archaeology

The reconstruction of human behavior in the distant past (before written records) through the examination of artifacts


Those who study language in its social and cultural contexts

cultural anthropology

The study of people's communities, behaviors, beliefs, and institutions, including how people make meaning as they live, work, and play together

flexible accumulation

The increasingly flexible strategies that corporations use to accumulate profits in an era of globalization, enabled by innovative communication and transportation technologies

uneven development

The unequal distribution of the benefits of globalization


The belief that one's own culture or way of life is normal and natural; using one's own culture to evaluate and judge the practices and ideals of others

physical anthropology

The study of humans from a biological perspective, particularly focused on human evolution.


The anthropological commitment to consider the full scope of human life, including culture, biology, history, and language, across space and time