Anthropology: CH 1 quiz

Augusto the farmer encounters several bones while plowing his field and wants to know if the bones are human. Which type of anthropologist should he call?
-physical anthropologist
-linguistic anthropologist
-cultural anthropologist

physical anthropologist

April is excited to see a display of arrowheads and other stone tools in a local museum. She wants to learn more about some of the tools. Which type of anthropologist should she contact
-physical anthropologist
- archaeologist
-linguistic anthropologist


Anil is an anthropologist who studies how words transmitted via social media have been used both to resist and to uphold power during recent revolutionary periods in Libya, Egypt, and the Sudan. Anil would most likely classify himself as a(n)
-physical an

linguistic anthropologist

Which of the following do anthropologists believe to be true?
-Most human groups are only influenced by one or two other cultures.
-There are no longer any undiscovered, isolated groups of humans.
-It's likely that several undiscovered human groups remain

There are no longer any undiscovered, isolated groups of humans.

Which of the following is most likely to be studied by an anthropologist?
-key factors that motivate voter turnout in the United States
-the evolution of the brontosaurus
-how minority residents of a small town react to discriminatory policies by working

how minority residents of a small town react to discriminatory policies by working together

When did anthropology arise as a scientific discipline?
-the mid-1800s
-the late 1400s
-the late 1900s
-the early 1600s

the mid-1800s

Anthropology began with the study of largely isolated small-scale communities. How has globalization changed anthropology? Select all that apply.
-Anthropologists focus more on how cultures change over time.
-Anthropologists focus more on interactions bet

1. Anthropologists focus more on how cultures change over time.
2. Anthropologists focus more on interactions between cultures.
3. Concepts of geographic borders separating cultures are less important than they once were, resulting in multi-sited ethnogra

Which of the following are considered participant observation? Select all that apply.
-living in a Brazilian shantytown community (favela) to learn how locals cope with poverty
-using a double-sided mirror to observe consumer reactions to a new snack prod in a Brazilian shantytown community (favela) to learn how locals cope with poverty
2. enrolling in college classes and living in the dorms to learn about challenges facing contemporary college students

Anthropology is described as a "holistic" field. This means that (check all that apply):
-anthropology attempts to fill in holes in understanding left by other disciplines.
-anthropology studies the whole picture of human life.
-anthropology studies human

1. anthropology studies the whole picture of human life.
2. anthropology studies humans in all places.
3. anthropology studies humans across all time periods.

Which of the following attributes makes anthropology unique among the sciences? Select all that apply.
-Anthropology is global in scope.
- Anthropologists study humans.
-Anthropologists study both people and the structures of power.
-Anthropologists belie

1.Anthropology is global in scope.
2. Anthropologists study both people and the structures of power.
3. Anthropologists believe that all humans are connected.

Scientists predict what change in global temperatures by the year 2100?
-no change
-a decrease of 1.5 to 12 degrees Fahrenheit
-an increase of 2.5 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit
-an increase of 13.5 to 23 degrees Fahrenheit

an increase of 2.5 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit

A hydroelectric dam is built in Haiti to provide electric power to those who can afford it. The Haitian citizens who had lived in the valley where the dam is built are relocated to a mountainous location that makes it very difficult for them to make a liv

uneven development

A hundred years ago in the United States, most college-age adults envisioned living and working near the town where they grew up. Today, many more college-age adults envision living and working in a location away from the town where they grew up. Which ke

increasing migration

A company that used to be based solely in the United States now has factories in the United States plus Mexico, Guatemala, and Indonesia. Which key dynamic of globalization is at work in this example?
- time-space compression
- flexible accumulation
- inc

flexible accumulation

Which key dynamic of globalization is at work when Andre sends a text message and becomes concerned when he does not receive an immediate response?
- time-space compression
- flexible accumulation
- increasing migration
- uneven development
- rapid change

space-time compression

Which of the following terms refers to "the worldwide intensification of interactions and the increased movement of money, people, goods, and ideas within and across national borders"? (page 19)
- McDonaldization


Ana has started a project comparing ethnographic data about educational techniques in Lesotho to data about educational techniques in New York City. This process is known as:
- ethnology.
- participant observation.
- historical archaeology.
- globalizatio


A company is interested in building a new factory in Bolivia and wants to know how to ensure positive interactions between workers and management. Which type of anthropologist should the company contact?
- physical anthropologist
- archaeologist
- linguis

cultural anthropologists

studying the differences between words students use in the classroom and with friends


working to convert a spoken language into a written one for the sake of preservation

descriptive linguistics

analyzing how acronyms used in text messaging have changed common patterns of speech in the United States.

historic linguistics

comparing fossilized 200,000-year-old primate remains to modern human anatomy


cataloguing artifacts discovered in an 1800s shipwreck off the coast of Istanbul

historic archeology

describing the importance of objects found in ancient Native American burial mounds

prehistoric archeology

observing chimpanzee tool use


use of air conditioning to stay cool in hot weather
adapting to the natural world
shaping the natural world

adapting to the natural world

removing trees to create fields for growing cotton that can be turned into clothing used to avoid sunburn

shaping the natural world

use of sunscreen to avoid sunburn

adapting to the natural world

planting trees in urban areas to provide cooling shade

shaping the natural world

fossil remains of human ancestors

physical anthro

patterns of speech in different social situations

linguistic anthro

material remains left behind by humans (e.g. arrowheads)


interactions between different residents of the same neighborhood

cultural anthro