Chapter 3 Anthropology Quiz

Informed Consent

an agreement sought out by ethnographers for community members to tae part in research

Participant Observation

characteristic ehtnographic technique, taking part is events one is observing, describing and analyzing


research strategy that emphasizes the native explanations of what is important


research strategy that emphasizes the observer's explanation of what is important

Life history

recollection of a person's lifetime of experiences, provides a more personal cultural outlook

Longitudinal research

long term study of community, region, society, culture, etc usually bsed on repeated vists


branch of anthropology that deals with the scientific description of cultures

What is the difference between emic and etic perspectives?

The emic approach focuses on what the local people think is important in the world whereas the etic approach focuses on what the antrhopologists (observers) think is.

What are some differences between ethnographic research and survey research?

in survey research: larger and more populus nations are worked with and a representative sample is take to make accurate inferences on the larger population
ethnographic research: takes a look at small scale societies and gets to know most of the people

Three ethnographic techniques

participant observation
genealogical method
life histories

Describe participant observation

it is direct and firsthand observations of behavior where the observer actually is involved

Describe genalogical method

procedures where ethnographers disover and record connections of kinship, descent and marriage using diagrams and symbols

life histories

involves in depth interviewing of particiular people to get a more personal cultural portrait

What are four major constitutes that the AAA code of ethics recognize anthropologists must do?

be open and honest about research with all parties
parties should be informed about the nature and purpose of the research
pay attention to proper relations between themseleves as guests in the the host nations where they work
should avoid to take stands