anthro ch 8

Among the eight UN Millennial Goals, one that highlights gender issues specifically is to

promote gender equality and empower women

the expectation of thought and behavior that each culture assigns to people of different sexes


The discussion of machismo in Latin America in the text indicates that

conceptions of machismo and masculinity are variable and shifting

The restudy of women's role in the Trobriand Island exchanges indicated that

women exchanged banana fiber skirts during funerary activities

The learned behaviors perceived as masculine or feminine are called

cultural constructions

________ is the term anthropologists use to refer to physical differences in primary and secondary sexual characteristics

sexual dimorphism

In the gender-based violence against nonheterosexuals, ________ are especially vulnerable


During the El Salvador civil war (1977-1992), the group Co-Madres emerged as a political force that initially formed as a group of

mothers and relatives who demands information about the missing

More than 80 percent of victims of domestic violence in the United States

are female

The phrases "boys will be boys" and "it's a girls' thing" reflect gender


Matthew Gutmann's research in Mexico indicates that

masculine identity is in flux and negotiable

For anthropologists, ________ refers to the observable physical differences between male and female human beings, especially the biological differences related to human reproduction


Which of the following is a way that sports such as T-ball reinforce gender ideals in US children

Boys typically receive more playing time than girls

Early feminist anthropological studies focused on identifying

the underlying roots of universal male dominance

Improved conditions across the globe indicate that the Millennial goal of achieving gender equality

is in fact far from complete, even though conditions have improved somewhat

Medical data indicate that ________ of individuals are born without the biological traits that make them easily classified biologically as male or female

less than 2 percent

According to the text, increased participation in the global economy means that many women who migrate from the global South find work as ________ in industrialized nations


The behaviors encouraged in sports-where boys are rewarded for competitiveness and girls are encouraged to play quietly-reflect

social adult gender roles

Which of the following does not factor into biological differences between men and women

hair length

An uneven distribution of power and access to resources, opportunities, rights, and privileges in which gender shapes who has access to a group's resources, opportunities, rights, and privileges is known as gender


Gender violence is widely expressed in all of the following ways, EXCEPT

male infanticide

On average, human men weigh ________ more than women

15 percent

Gender-based violence commonly occurs

all of the above
home, wartime, college

The pattern of behavior including gambling, drinking, infidelity, and drug use that Matthew Gutmann studied in Mexico is associated with


Anne Fausto-Sterling's analysis of biological sexual identity identifies

four sexes including hijras

The United States requires that individuals identify legally as

either male or female

Ida Susser's initial research focused on

the student movement at Kent State University (Ohio)

Cross-cultural studies indicate that biology predicts

the roles men and women play in a given culture

Emily Martin's analysis of the "fairy tale" of the egg and the sperm as presented in U. S. textbooks does NOT indicate that

female" eggs aggressively pursue more "passive" male sperm until conception occurs

By studying the "fag discourse" in US schools, anthropologists have learned that

girls can increase their status by performing masculine behavior