Cultural Anthropology Chapter 7


the customs, rules, and obligations that establish a socially endorsed relationship between adults and children, and between the kin groups of the married partners

incest taboo

a prohibition on sexual relations between relatives


a rule specifying that a person must marry outside a particular group


a rule prescribing that a person must marry within a particular group

cross-cousin marriage

marriage between the children of a parent's siblings of the opposite sex (mother's brothers, father's sisters)

parallel-cousin marriage

marriage between the children of a parent's same-sex siblings (mother's sisters, father's brothers


the custom whereby a man marries the widow of a deceased brother


the custom whereby, when a man's wife dies, her sister is given to him as a wife


a rule that permits a person to be married to only one spouse at a time


a rule allowing more than one spouse at a time


a rule permitting a man to have more than one wife at a time


a rule permitting a woman to have more than one husband at a time

arranged marriage

the process by which senior family members exercise a great degree of control over the choice of their children's spouses

bride service

the cultural rule that a man must work for his bride's family for a variable length of time either before or after the marriage


goods presented by the groom's kin to the bride's kin to legitimize a marriage


presentation of goods by the bride's kin to the family of the groom or to the couple

nuclear family

a family organized around the conjugal tie (the relationship between husband and wife) and consisting of a husband, a wife, and their children.

conjugal tie

the relationship between a husband and wife formed by marriage

extended family

family based on blood relations extending over three or more generations


related by blood

neolocal residence

system under which a couple establishes an independent household after marriage

patrilocal residence

system under which a bride lives with her husband's family after marriage

matrilocal residence

system under which a husband lives with his wife's family after marriage

avunculocal residence

system under which a married couple lives with the husband's mother's brother

bilocal residence

system under which a married couple has the choice of living with the husband's or the wife's family

surrogate motherhood

a variety of reproductive technologies in which a woman helps a couple to have a child by acting as a biological surrogate, carrying an embryo to term


a culturally defined relationship established on the basis of blood ties or through marriage

kinship system

the totality of kin relations, kin groups, and terms for classifying kin in a society


the transfer of property between generations


the transfer of office or social position between generations


the culturally established affiliation between a child and one or both parents

descent group

a group of kin who are descendants of a common ancestor, extending beyond two generations

unilineal descent

a rule specifying that membership in a descent group is based on links through either the maternal line or the paternal line, but not both

corporate descent groups

permanent kinship groups that have an existence beyond the individuals who are members at any given time


a group of kin whose members trace descent from a known common ancestor


a lineage formed by descent in the male line


a lineage formed by descent in the female line


an unilineal kinship group whose members believe themselves to be descended from a common ancestor but who cannot race this link through known relatives

patrilineal descent

a rule that affiliates a person to kin of both sexes related through males only

matrilineal decent

a rule that affiliates a person to kin of both sexes related through females only

double descent

the tracing of descent through both matrilineal and patrilineal links, each of which is used for different purposes

nonunilineal (cognatic) descent

any system of descent in which both father's and mother's lineages have equal claim to the individual

bilateral descent

system of descent under which individuals are equally affiliated with their mother's and their father's descent group


a unique kin network made up of all the people related to a specific individual in a bilateral kinship system

kinship terminology

the words used to identify different categories of kin in a particular culture

ambilineal descent

a form of bilateral descent in which an individual may choose to affiliate with either the father's or mother's descent group

ego (in kinship studies)

the person from whose perspective a kinship chart is viewed

collateral kin

kin descended from a common ancestor but not in a direct ascendant or descendant line, such as siblings and cousins


relatives by marriage' in-laws


a principle of classifying kin under which different kinship terms are used for the mother's side of the family and the father's side of the family