epi midterm

What two fundamental principles is epi based on?

� Human disease does not occur at random; there are factors or determinants which can increase or decrease the likelihood of disease.
� The factors or determinants (some are causal and some are preventive) can be identified by systematic investigation of


refers to a collection of individuals that share one or more observable personal or observational characteristic from which data may be collected and evaluated.
Family (marriage and divorce)
Work and labor force
Geographic factors

explain the PPT's of disease distribution

The study of the distribution and determinants of disease frequency in human populations and the application of this study to control health problems
� Person: age, sex, race
� Place: urban, US states, near power plant
� Time: June, annual, decade

Host factors

traits of an individual person or animal that affect susceptibility to disease
EX: Family history and Genetics


Ability of the human body to function properly; includes physical fitness and activities of daily living.


Ability to have satisfying relationships; interaction with social institutions and societal mores.


Ability to think clearly, reason objectively, and act properly.


Ability to cope, adjust and adapt; self-efficacy and self-esteem.


Feeling as if part of a greater spectrum of existence; personal beliefs and choices.


Comprised of external factors (i.e., one's surroundings such as habitat or occupation) and internal factors (i.e., one's internal structure such as genetics).

Understand how epi relates to the three core public health functions

1. The assessment and monitoring of the health of communities and populations at risk to identify health problems and priorities. 2.The formulation of public policies designed to solve identified local and national health problems and priorities. 3.To ass

List three questions that can be answered by epidemiology.

Is the rate of drunk driving accidents increasing?What was the cause of the salmonella outbreak?Who is most likely to get the flu? Do cell phones cause brain tumors? Is echinacea effective in treating the common cold?Does tamoxifen prevent breast cancer i

Define communicable disease. Can noninfectious diseases be communicable?

When an infectious disease is contagious, or capable of being communicated or transmitted, it is called a communicable disease

What are the 4 major stages in the disease process?

1.Stage of susceptibility 2.Stage of pre-symptomatic disease (Incubation period) 3.Stage of clinical disease 4.Stage of recovery, disability, or death

Congenital and hereditary diseases

Down syndrome, hemophilia, heart disease at an early age

Allergies and inflammatory diseases

Body reacting to an invasion of or injury by a foreign object or substance

Degenerative diseases

Deterioration of body systems, tissue, and functions. Often associated with the aging process

Metabolic diseases

Cause the dysfunction, poor function, or malfunction of certain organs or physiological processes within the body leading to disease states. Cells may no longer utilize glucose normally causing diabetes


Characterized by abnormal growth of cells that form a variety of tumors, both benign and malignant


Number or counting of new cases of event for identified target group

Incidence rate

proportion of people who experience new event during set period of time


Number or counting of existing cases of event in a target group at a single point in time

Prevalence rate

proportion of people with event at a single point in time

Crude rate

A type of rate that has not been modified to take account of any of the factors such as the demographic make-up of the population that may affect the observed rate

Specific rates

Can be cause- age- or sex- specific

Adjusted rates

A rate of morbidity or mortality in a population in which statistical procedures have been applied to permit fair comparisons across populations by removing the effect of differences in the composition of various populations (i.e.: age-adjusted death rate


Likelihood that people without disease, injury, or social condition will acquire disease, injury, or social condition over lifetime.

Risk factors

Any factors that are related to an increased likelihood of experiencing disease, injury, or social condition. Ex: Host vs. environmental.


The risk of disease in one group of people is not the same as risk of disease in another group. The level (or likelihood) of risk can be compared between two groups.

Identify two sources of public health data.

Census, WHO, cdc

Explain the importance of surveillance data.

Public Health surveillance is a systematic on going collection, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of health data. We collect surveillance data to monitor health. Identify sudden changes in occurrence. Follow long-term trends and patterns. Identi


data on incidence, mortality risk, BRFSS


usually prospective, "NHS" Designed to evaluate the relationship between a disease (or other condition) and behavior of a free-living group.Development of disease over time. Incidence of developing a disease/ condition

Case control

Poland Study. Use existing medical records to identify people. Those a certain health problem ("cases"). A similar group without the problem ("controls")

Cross sectional surveys


Controlled trials

intervention and placebo groups, ATBC


Cases and controls selected into the study is based in some way on the exposure-The relationship between exposure and disease among participants in the study differs from what the relationship would have been among individuals in the population of interes

Recall bias

Differential accuracy of recall between cases and controls

Interviewer bias

Interviewer probes cases differently than controls

Describe one method of how surveillance monitoring is conducted in the United States.

Reporting, Data accumulation, Data analysis, Judgment and action