What types of practices aim to help disadvantaged people in the developing world by buying goods that are produced in beneficial and nonexploitative conditions?

fair trade

What does Singer think that those of us with surplus wealth should do with our money?

We should be giving most of it to help people suffering from life-threatening poverty.

Thomas Pogge proposes a "global resource dividend" as one aspect of

a global scheme for affluent nations and citizens of affluent nations to compensate the poor.

Which term refers to the morality around international trade and commerce?

Global justice

Garrett Hardin uses the metaphor of a lifeboat carrying 50 people, with room for ten more at the most. It is in an ocean surrounded by a hundred swimmers, all of whom want to board the lifeboat. The ethical question under consideration is whether swimmers

whether or not rich nations (people in the lifeboat) should give aid to the rest of the world, who are desperately poor (the swimmers).

Which of the following Nobel Prize winners argues that persistent problems in developing nations have been the result of "textbook economic reasoning" and ideological support of strict capitalism by international financial institutions such as the World B

Joseph Stiglitz

A basic problem for many developing countries is

too much corruption.

Which of the following is an example of outsourcing?

An American book publisher contracts with a company in India to proofread its books, rather than have the work done by its full-time staff in the United States.

Deterritorialization refers to the fact that social space is which of the following?

No longer occurs within sharply defined geographical borders

According to Garret Hardin, the fundamental error of the sharing ethics is that it leads to

the tragedy of the commons.

Lee Kuan Yew, the former prime minister of Singapore, maintained that "Asian values" were based on a communitarian approach. Other defenders of Asian values have claimed that economic development is more important than political rights

political rights

What point does Peter Singer wish to make about proximity with the example of saving a child from drowning?

It makes no moral difference if the child to be saved is 10 yards away or 10,000 miles away, according to the principle of preventing bad occurrences.

According to Franz Fanon, what is the cause of poverty in many of the world's poorest countries?


According to Jan Scholte, which of the following are common meanings of globalization?


The authors of The Butterfly Effect claim that the ethical justification of globalization rests on its promise to improve living conditions for people around the world, but also that this justification is undermined when it fails to deliver on this promis


Who argued for the following duty? "Whatever a man has in superabundance is due, by natural law, to the purpose of succoring the poor.

Thomas Aquinas

What ethical theory is closest to Peter Singer's when it comes to famine relief?


What is the difference between outsourcing and offshoring?

The former involves hiring out a process to workers in another country. The latter involves moving an entire operation or factory to a cheaper foreign location.