bio evolution practice questions

Within six months of effectively using methicillin to treat S. aureus infections in a community, all new infections were caused by MRSA. How can this result best be explained?

Some drug-resistant bacteria were present at the start of treatment, and natural selection increased their frequency.

Which of the following is an example of the process of evolution?


After invoking selective breeding of domesticated species as evidence that groups of organisms are capable of change, he then proposed that natural populations can change as well. On which two lines of evidence did he base this proposal

Organisms within a population vary, and all populations produce more offspring than can be supported by the environment, resulting in competition for survival within the population.

According to the theory of evolution, anatomical and molecular homologies should

produce similar patterns of evolutionary relatedness

If the nucleotide variability of a locus equals 0%, what is the gene variability and number of alleles at that locus?

gene variability = 0%; number of alleles = 1

average heterozygosity

average percentage of loci that are heterozygous in a population NOT # of individuals


a graded change in a character along a geographic axis
Rabbits that live in colder regions tend to have smaller ears than rabbits of the same species that live in warmer regions


EXPECTED frequency

Antibiotic resistance in bacteria is an example of which of the following?

directional selection
Antibiotic resistance acts opposite to disruptive selection in that it promotes the growth of only those bacteria with the resistant gene.

Which of the following evolutionary mechanisms does NOT contribute to the process of allopatric speciation

gene flow