Phlebotomy - Chapter Six

At the most basic level, the body is composed of ?


dynamic steady state of "good health" is ?


Bone and Blood are also ?

connective tissue

What are the four types of tissue?

Epithelial, muscle, nerve, and connective

External Respiration is ?

The exchange of gases in the lungs

Internal Respiration is ?

The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide at the cellular level

Respiratory system includes ?

The upper airways and the lower airways

upper airways include ?

nasal passages and throat

Lower airways include ?

trachea, larynx, bronchi, and lungs

Endocrine system include ?

Glands and other tissues that produce hormones

hormones are?

chemical substances released into the circulation by one group of cells that affect the function of other cells

Which gland is known as the "master gland" ?


which hormone causes uterine contractions ?


which hormone increases milk production in the mammary glands ?


What are gonads ?

ovaries and testes

What hormone is produced in the testes ?


what hormones are produced in the ovaries ?

estrogens and progesterone

where are the testes located ?

in the scrotum

ovulation is ?

release of an egg

where does fertilization take place ?

in the fallopian tube