CPT - Certified Phlebotomy Technician

What mask needs to be worn in a room with airborne isolation precautions

N-95 Mask (plus gloves & a gown)

What does PPE stand for

Personal Protective Equipment

What PPE needs to be worn in a room with droplet isolation precautions

Gloves, mask, eye protection & gown

What PPE needs to be worn in a room with contact precautions

Gloves & gown

What gauge needle will cause hemolysis

25 gauge (and above) (to small & it breaks the blood up; to large and it slams into the back of the tube)

What is the range of needle gauges for blood donation

16-18 gauge

Needles for phlebotomy should be pitched how many degrees

15o-30 degree angle

Needles should be inserted how far

�"- �" or until you reach a change of resistance

What are the three vessels of the anti cubital fossa

Median Cubital Vein, Cephalic Vein, Brachial/basilic Vein

Which vessel is the first choice for a blood draw

Median Cubital Vein

Which vessel is the second choice for a blood draw

Cephalic Vein

Which vessel is the third choice for a blood draw

Brachial/basilic Vein

Which vessel is lateral to the patient's body

Cephalic Vein

What are the names of the three main vessels of the body

Veins, arteries, capillaries

What are the microscopic blood vessels responsible for O2 exchange


How much blood is needed for each blood culture bottle

Adults: 8-10ml (3-4ml in each bottle, aerobic & anaerobic)

How many liters of blood does the average adult have

5 (4-6 liters)

What is the name of the part of the blood which suspends all of its whole material


What is serum

Plasma without the clotting factor

What type of anemia can occur in infants because of frequent excessive blood drawing

Iatrogenic anemia

What is the lifespan of an RBC

90-120 days

What does CBC stand for

Complete blood count

What is a CBC with differential

measures the levels of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelet levels, hemoglobin and hematocrit

What are responsible for forming clots

Platelets (Thrombocytes)

What element of the blood is responsible for achieving hemostasis


What is the term for an increase in the number of formed elements of blood due to a decrease in plasma


If an emergency arises during a blood draw, what is the first action of the phlebotomist


What is the maximum time length a tourniquet can be left on

60 seconds

What is the term for when bleeding has stopped


Hemostasis does what to the vessels

Stops bleeding

What is the medical term for a fainting episode


What are some examples of emergencies during a blood draw

Stroke, syncope, heart attack, choking, shock, seizure

If a patient is having a seizure, what should you do for them

Protect patient, inform nurse/EMS

What are three signs and symptoms of a stroke

Weakness to one side of body, slurred speech, impaired gait, headache, drooling, confusion, trouble speaking or swallowing

What are the three steps to stop bleeding

Pressure to site, elevation of extremity, pressure to main artery (pressure point)

What are the three signs and symptoms of shock

Diaphoresis, clammy skin, fainting, blank stare

What position should a person be placed in if they have a history of fainting


If a patient just had surgery to the right side of their body, which arm should you draw from


If you during a blood draw you notice petechiae or a hematoma forming what should you do

Petechiae = remove tourniquet; hematoma = stop

If a patient has an IV running in their arm, where should you perform the blood draw on the same arm

Below IV

Name two tests that patients have to fast for before getting their blood drawn

Fasting glucose & lipid panel

What is the medical term for touching


What is the term for inflammation of a blood vessel


What is the name of the small purple-dots in the upper layer of the skin, illustrating damaged capillaries and/or collateral vessels


What are three things that every patient must be asked prior to drawing their blood

Name, DOB, Latex allergy, on blood thinners, which arm, blood ever drawn with a negative reaction

What is the name of a substance that discourages the growth or action of microorganisms


What type of alcohol do we use to cleanse the puncture site

70% Isopropyl alcohol

What are 2 alternatives that can be used to cleanse a puncture site besides alcohol

Povidone Iodine or Chlorhexadine Prep

What cleansing agent should be used when drawing a blood culture

Iodine (Betadine)

What cleaning agent should be used when drawing a BAL

Chlorhexadine Prep

What does BAL stand for

Blood alcohol level

What will occur if a blood tube is shaken vigorously, dropped, or drawn through a 25 gauge (or smaller) needle


We clean a puncture site outside to in. True or False


Which vial gets filled first when doing a blood culture?

Light yellow

What does ESR stand for

Light yellow

What dies ESR measure

measures the rate at which red blood cells (RBCs) in a test tube separate from blood serum over time

What does A1C stand for

Long term glucose control

What color tube is used for a CBC


What color tube is used for an A1C


What color tube(s) contain EDTA

Pink, purple, lavender, pearl

What is a pink (red) tube commonly used for

Blood typing

What color tube is commonly used for blood typing


What do you do with the first drop of capillary blood

Wipe it away

What is the anatomical site for a heel puncture

Heel sides

What will cause impaired test results and trauma during a capillary stick

Over milking

Which finger is used for a capillary stick for a child older than 12 months

Ring or middle finger on non-dominant hand

What is the maximum depth for a heel-stick on an infant


If the patient did not have arms, where could you obtain a capillary sample


What are the three patient identifiers

First name, last name, last 4 number of SS, DOB

What belongs on a properly labeled specimen

Patient info, date, time of draw, initials

What is the name for a civil wrong, such as bad behavior


What is the act of intentionally, physically touching someone without permission


What is HIPAA

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996

What is PHI

Protected health information

What is an assault

Using threating words

What is the term for failing to execute a duty responsibly or safely


Who does OSHA protect


What is an example of invasion of privacy

Looking at medical records without permission, talking about a patient

What are three examples when chain-of-custody is paramount

Blood alcohol level/drug tests, rape tests/sexual assault, paternity

What is the term for the standards that would best be described as quality control, instrument maintenance, and procedure manuals

Quality Assurance (QA)

A phlebotomist's job includes greeting and instructing patients. True or False


A phlebotomist's job includes performing QA on laboratory equipment. True or False


It is sufficient to explain a procedure to a minor, and not their parent. True or False


What cleanser must a phlebotomist use for a BAL test, in order for the test's results to be used as evidence in court

Chlorhexadine Prep

The first urine is used for what two urinalysis tests

Pregnancy, suspected UTI

When taking a urine sample out of the refrigerator, how long does it need to sit at room temperature before you can test it

1 hour

If looking for either fat or urobilinogen in a stool sample, it needs to be refrigerated for how many hours

72 hours

It is important to correctly perform the order of the draw correctly because an incorrect order of draw can affect the accuracy of the tests. True or False


What test needs to be protected from daylight

Bilirubin & folic acid

What is a GTT

Glucose tolerance test (3 hr test in 4 tubes)

How many minutes after the last glucose drink is ingested should a GTT be drawn

30 min

An expired blood tube loses what


Blood smears need what kind of edge


How much blood is needed for an infant's blood culture

1 ml

What is the word for a spinning centrifuge


Why must microbiological test be rushed to the lab

Make sure the organisms are alive

What is an ABG

Arterial blood gas

How must an ABG be transported

On ice

What is an example of a special sample test

CSF (Cerebral Spinal Fluid)

What does sodium citrate help to do

Prevent clotting

What is the purpose of serum separator tubes

Separates platelets from the packed red blood cells

What does SST stand for

Serum separator tube

What color tubes contain SST

Red/Tiger Top

What is sodium heparin used for

Ammonium levels

EDTA is a coagulant. True or False


What color tube is used for an A1C test


Sodium fluoride is found in which tube


What is sodium fluoride used for


What does a PKU test for

Infant test testing for phenylalanine (down's)

What will happen if a patient sample is missing label information or is labeled incorrectly


Along with all the patient identifiers, you also need what from the doctor

Resuscitation form

What is the first thing you do with a patient

Introduce yourself

If a STAT call comes over the audio-system for the phlebotomist to do a draw, it should include what information

Location, resuscitation form, patient ID

A red tube is used for STAT electrolytes. True or False


How must an ammonia sample be transported

On ice or ice slurry

What chemical additive is in a red tube


What chemical additive is in a light blue tube

Sodium citrate (light blue used for PT/PTT and INR)(clot time)

What chemical additive is in a lavender tube

EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) (used for HA1C, ESR, CBC, CBC w/ Diff, Smears)

What chemical additive is in a green tube

Sodium Heparin (can also have Lithium Heparin) (Used for Cardiac tests - CK and Tropnin; found in light green tubes)

What fluid is extracted during a lumbar puncture

CSF (Cerebral Spinal Fluid)

You put a tourniquet on and notice a red mark, what most likely is it


What can cause petachiae

tourniquet on to long

After anchoring the vein what should you do

Do the procedure

What can happen if you do a blood draw on interrupted (damaged) skin

Increase the risk of infection

If a patient needs a sterile urine, what is important for the patient to know?

Have a sterile genital area

Who tells us how to dispose of needles


If patient has a shunt in one arm and an IV in the other hand, where do you draw

Do a capillary stick

If a name is not located on a requisition from an inpatient patient, what is the next best identifier

MRN (Medical record number)

What is the most important thing to identify prior to obtaining a specimen

Patient ID

What is a critical value after a 2hr post prandial

Greater than 105

If the needle is too small, what is possible complication


After performing a capillary puncture what should you do next

Dispose of lancet if no wipe blood away

What is ESR testing for


If you have a lt. blue tube and there is liquid inside, what is it

Anticoagulant (if not lt. blue tube then condensation)

Why do we warm a blood draw site

To increase blood flow

Why do we perform quality controls

Promote accurate results

You need to collect a serum tube, what color tube is it

Tiger top or SST tube

What is the order of capillary stick

Lavender, gray, red

If someone is allergic to alcohol wipes what should you use


For the YELLOW tube what is the test typically run, anticoagulant & lab section it is sent to

Test: blood cultures (aerobic & anaerobic)
Anticoagulant: SPS
Lab Section: Microbiology

For the LIGHT BLUE tube what is the test typically run, anticoagulant & lab section it is sent to

Test: coagulation studies (PK, PKK, INR)
Anticoagulant: Sodium citrate
Lab Section: serology

For the RED tube what is the test typically run, anticoagulant & lab section it is sent to

Test: blood typing/tissue
Anticoagulant: none
Lab Section: blood bank

For the TIGER TOP/GOLD tube what is the test typically run, anticoagulant & lab section it is sent to

Test: routine chemistry/electrolytes
Anticoagulant: SST
Lab Section: chemistry

For the DARK GREEN tube what is the test typically run, anticoagulant & lab section it is sent to

Test: stat chemistry
Anticoagulant: sodium heparin
Lab Section: chemistry

For the LIGHT GREEN tube what is the test typically run, anticoagulant & lab section it is sent to

Test: cardiac (CK, troponin)
Anticoagulant: lithium heparin
Lab Section: chemistry

For the LAVENDAR/PINK/PEARL/PURPLE tube what is the test typically run, anticoagulant & lab section it is sent to

Test: CBC, ESR, HA1C
Anticoagulant: EDTA
Lab Section: hematology

For the GREY tube what is the test typically run, anticoagulant & lab section it is sent to

Test: Glucose GTT or BAL
Anticoagulant: Sodium fluoride (GTT) or Potassium Oxalate (BAL)
Lab Section: chemistry

For the ROYAL BLUE tube what is the test typically run, anticoagulant & lab section it is sent to

Test: Toxicology levels or nutritional studies
Anticoagulant: K2ETALab Section: Toxicology